30 day no coffee challenge for myself

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Alex1993, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. I’ve realised the two things I’ve been highly addicted too have both had negative affects on me. Pmo and coffee! I’ve been in denial about coffee but the more I drink the more I question myself thinking why do I even drink it. I waste my money on it every morning and to be honest with you it’s not good for me, i get gut problems from it and I get anxiety. I just struggle to stop drinking it, exactly like nofap I struggle with it. So I’ve been on a 10 day streak with nofap and I’ve decided, I’m going on a 30 days no coffee challenge. If I can beat both these addictions I can do anything haha.
  2. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    I’ll try to join you :emoji_ok_hand:
    Alex1993 likes this.
  3. Yeah awesome man! I’m going to keep it posted on here. I’ll see how I go.
  4. BeFree33

    BeFree33 Fapstronaut

    I'm currently doing that as well. But I recommend weaning off of caffeine slowly. I've gone from 400mg daily to 100mg and still going lower. NOFAP is hard enough but pairing it with no caffeine is just asking for hell.
    Alex1993 likes this.
  5. Yeah that’s a good idea! How are you finding it? My only problem is once I have even a taste of it, it’s like my brain just gets hooked to it and I tell myself I can have one everyday and it just ends up being a month of it.
  6. BeFree33

    BeFree33 Fapstronaut

    I'm taking caffeine pills.. that have smaller and smaller doses. I now resort to drinking actual coffee as a reward for my NOFAP progress. So every week of Nofap I can treat myself. Now Everytime I drink I appreciate it more and I feel like it tastes better since I'm not abusing coffee like I used to.
    Alex1993 likes this.
  7. That sounds look a good idea! I’m going to trial it out for myself, cheers!
  8. chonky

    chonky Fapstronaut

    How come you don't just drink it raw /black/ ?
  9. Even if I do, it still has the same affect on me sadly. I’m pretty sure I suffer from IBS never been tested for it though. I love coffee not just for the coffee kick either I love the taste and smell of it. But it affects my gut bad and causes me anxiety.
    chonky likes this.
  10. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    Day 1/30

    I started from today - last coffee 4 hours ago
    Why not just drink black or green tea as a way to cut down? - it has 25-50% caffeine
  11. did that! First 10 days are hard to get off coffein, but you will get a much better sleep.