Porn Is Good??

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Yolk, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Yolk

    Yolk New Fapstronaut

    I have recently read a lot of articles talking about the benefits of porn most of them are bold statements without much proof and at most the benefits are minimal on top of that they never talk about any of the negatives. what do you guys think of these claimed benefits? Is there any way we can raise awareness about how porn is bad for us?
    Some examples of these articles
    I cant post the links of these articles because I haven't received a like yet but if you search "porn is good" on google you should find a bunch
  2. That's kind of like a white supremist run website telling you the benefits of racism.
  3. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

    For some people porn really doesn't effect them. They can watch the same videos over and over and never escalate. But everyone is wired differently. Obviously we aren't like that, otherwise we wouldn't be here. I don't think there are any benefits, either it fucks you up or you just remain the same. There is nothing beneficial about objectifying women.
  4. I’ve read countless articles with the same theme your question is about.

    One argument is that it helps you learn what turns you on... they don’t explain that it can lead you to kinks and fetishes that you wouldn’t have known about and wish you never did

    One argument is that it’s good to spice things up in the bedroom between a couple. As a woman, this would only work if I didn’t love the man. If I had no feelings for him, sure maybe it would be fun for a night- if I love the man, there is nothing worse than looking at his arousal from a woman you look nothing like.

    I am not a porn addict. I am a spouse of one. I’ve seen porn in the past but have never had an urge to watch it. Even I know it’s far from healthy.

    Also, I’m pretty sure most of those articles are written by men who are so ashamed by their hidden addiction they need to validate it. Or by women trying to be the “cool girlfriend” who’s secretly fuming.
    Lilla_My and Dagger323 like this.
  5. Louis Givenchy

    Louis Givenchy Fapstronaut

    It's in my opinion that porn is deliberately being pushed as a "good thing" because it is actually so detrimental in reality. I don't want to come off as too much of a conspiracy theorist, but I believe that you need to ignore as much of this background noise as much as humanly possible.
    testwarz and j0rdi3 like this.
  6. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    Porn industry and viagre industry propaganda.. What if someone said cocaine is fine coz it releases lots of dopamine and makes you feel good and every adult can simply manage the side effects by shooting up cleanly...
    j0rdi3 and Lilla_My like this.
  7. clapas

    clapas Fapstronaut

    Porn is a huge industry and there are a lot of interests on keeping it running.

    I have a friend who says the overarching presence of Porn is orchestrated, by Illuminati and who knows what, to shrink the population and assert control over us.

    I don't know. For now and since I'm a newbie I stay skeptic, I don't know if it is good, bad or neutral. One thing I know: it doesn't make me feel proud of myself, like I won't tell my mom or my kids about the videos I used to watch or how many times I masturbated. That's the ego saying "keep it secret for your good reputation" and so on.
  8. I agree And it's a huge problem when you have to come to terms with what you were watching so there's no benefit trust me. There can't be real benefit maybe you could watch sometimes but by now with all the technology and social the risk is that you live through it.. always wandering and comparing yourself to them.
    Don't do this to yourself. Live your life without it and you will see the difference

    GROXES Fapstronaut

    Everyone has hit the main points here, but I'd say it's very similar in the 1800s when doctors said smoking was healthy for you. There wasn't any research about what smoking truly did to you. It's literally the same with porn, and the porn industry is backed with billions of dollars. They have the power to make us think it's "healthy" if they wanted to. I'm not really a conspiracist either. but anyway, nothing good comes out of lusting, and porn definitely changes your perception on how you look at women.
    NO ONE regrets doing NoFap and that's enough proof for me


    FightingTriton likes this.
  10. EXACTLY! Cash is king and the love of money is the root of all evil. Porn is a big money making industry. All you have to do is come up with a good pitch, and you can sell anything.
    Master-Keaton likes this.
  11. Kudakwashe

    Kudakwashe Fapstronaut

    My friend your brain will now require something that not real. Its just propaganda
    testwarz and Fenix Rising like this.