Extreme Premature Ejaculation

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ibra53, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. Ibra53

    Ibra53 Fapstronaut

    I have a big problem with PE, because I only last about 30 sec to 1min. This is making me very frustrated and I kinda feel like I disappoint my partner, even though she is supportive and says that it's fine. That is the only insecurity I have.
    I quit porn and masturbation about 6 weeks ago and I dont feel any urge to masturbate whatsoever. The problem is that I don't see any difference. I still come very quickly...
    I masturbated for about 5 years and I was addicted to it and started to develop fetishes for things I didn't even like, for example feet. Thats when I realized it got to far.
    I talked to a doctor about it but he only said that medication (anti-depressiva) would be just too much because of the side effects and told me about the desensitiving spray. That doesnt sound like a solution to me.

    I'm a 19yo male and do a little bit of sports, btw.

    What should I do?
    Do I have to see a therapist?

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

  3. Bombadil

    Bombadil Fapstronaut

    This sounds very familiar to me. I am (slowly) finding that I'm getting better at it, but it has taken a while. FWIW, I think that NoFap will probably help in the medium-long term, because it stops you spending so much time fantasising, and (in my experience) PE is much worse if you're already 90% there in your head. Couple of short term options might be cold showers (to take you off the boil) and spending a lot time doing stuff that she enjoys beforehand (so if you go off like a rocket, it's not such a gigantic disappointment for her...)

    Also (you probably don't want to hear this but) it's probably something that will improve to some degree as you get older. It's not a guarantee but a combination of experience and (this is really important) NoFap is likely to help.
    Ibra53 likes this.
  4. Ibra53

    Ibra53 Fapstronaut

    But isnt fapping also helping a bit? Because you kinda get used to these "sexual situations". Imagine not fapping or having sex in a month.. after that you would come so quickly.

    What exactly should i do now? I dont understand
  5. Bombadil

    Bombadil Fapstronaut

    Well I can only speak from my own experience, but I have found that since I gave up PM my overall sex drive has become much calmer. Basically it isn't normal for most guys to have sex daily, let alone multiple times a day over an extended period of time. It's like you're constantly turned up to eleven, that just can't be healthy. My theory is that if you allow a more natural rhythm to return and stop obsessing about it, when you do approach sex you won't constantly be ready to pop, because you have more of a hill to climb before you get there. Before I started NoFap, my sex drive really had a manic desperation about it, I wasn't really enjoying it: the same way a fat man shovels down food without tasting. It is improving though.

    Also pelvic floor exercises, and experience - knowing when to back off instead of going at it like a Duracell Bunny helps too
  6. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Welcome! Nofap might help, but there are maybe other issues causing your PE. When you fapped, did you try to finish as fast as you can? If yes, then your problem might be PMO related.
    Ibra53 and Bombadil like this.
  7. Ibra53

    Ibra53 Fapstronaut

    Well I did sometiimes mastuurbate to come quickly. But I also played with the ponr and tried the stop and go things and whatever. How can one solve a PMO related PE?
  8. Ibra53

    Ibra53 Fapstronaut

    Well the problem is that I just can't go easy about sex. I overthink a lot. That might be my problem but I just can't help it. And yeah... Duracell Bunny... I kinda have some experience, maybe not a lot but still haha.

    I read some threads on here about kegels and stuff and most of the time they agree that it hasn't changed anything for them. What about you?
  9. Bombadil

    Bombadil Fapstronaut

    I'm not very good at remembering to do them TBH. But honestly my sex life is a million times better since I stopped the PMO. I'm never going to be a sexual athlete, and I may never be awesome in bed (though I'm sure I can do better than I am at the moment). For me at least, most of PE seems to be in my head mind.

    I think you'll find that a lot of the obsessing and sexual thoughts are generated by the masturbation and porn habit. It feeds back into the vicious cycle. You just need to let it cool off a bit.
  10. Ibra53

    Ibra53 Fapstronaut

    You told me that my story sounded familiar to you. So how long did it take you to get rid of those thoughts?

    Thank you a lot for you help.
  11. Bombadil

    Bombadil Fapstronaut

    The first couple of weeks were pretty tough, and you do need to work at it. But now it's just a background thing without much real power. I feel pretty clear headed most of the time now