War on Porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Gladiatori, Jul 9, 2019.

  1. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    This has destroyed our society, our families our spiriit and our God givin honour and dignity.

    We have to put all our effort and our will into destroying this evil. We must be strong, but also soft. Strong when it is time to fight and soft in matters of love, for our wives, friends, and nation.

    Do not fear my dear friends. For you go to war and then to be ever remembered in tha halls of VALAHALLA. Yoy must fight all the way every single day. Everything we are is at stake. I SAY FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. EACH AND EVERY DAY. TAKE UP THE NOBLE SWORD AND SLAY THE DEMONIC PORN WHORED.

  2. Rebooter45674

    Rebooter45674 Fapstronaut

    Madmax:fury road???.
    Cracked me up for some reason... Hahaha
    Gladiatori likes this.
  3. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    Rebooter45674 likes this.
  4. randomname3

    randomname3 Fapstronaut

    This is like trying to pick a blossom off an apple tree and make an apple pie out of it. If you really aren't screwing around, you should know those guys were only able to achieve their goals through strong internal organization, stuff like buying a typewriter and hiring employees, and then moving up to community organizing and stuff like that.
    They tried before that to "fight fight fight" and lost miserably. Low level organization and community engagement is where you get real change.
  5. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Dude, just don't watch it.
    Rebooter45674 and Kiz Whalifa like this.
  6. Wayne Kest

    Wayne Kest Fapstronaut

  7. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    Yeah dude, just don't watch it. Don't tell other people who watch porn and don't have a problem with how they should live their lives. It's a free world. Lots of people like porn and that's fine. We can't handle it and we shouldn't touch it. Doesn't mean we need to wage war against it and take it away from the entire world.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. randomname3

    randomname3 Fapstronaut

    Well, no. It's corrosive to male-female relationships, putting us below replacement level fertility. In Japan, people are saying the prefer pornography over real sex or real relationships. And it's bad for the adult actors who coild actually do productive work and have a real family. There's nothing wrong with restricting bad stuff: that's what governments are for.
  9. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    You can't morally judge things. Only behavior. Therefor porn on it's own is neutral.
    Western societies are the most advanced because of one reason: We have a Judeo-Christian belief system as our base, wherein the individual is paramount (as opposed to the group), is a free agent, with free will and full responsibility over his or her own will. As long as you don't infringe on other peoples freedom, you can do what you like.

    When you start to prohibit certain things, like drugs or porn to an entire society, you don't act according to this principle. You're acting in a totalitarian social engineering type of way. Where you select a few individuals (in this case you'd be among them) who decides what the rest of society is allowed to do. Since over time power always corrupts, that's the worst system you can apply, just look at the 100 million dead people of the last century to see what happens once you go down the path of totalitarianism.

    And if you want to get rid of porn democratically you can't do it, because ton's of people want to keep it. And why shouldn't they? Of course lots of people can't handle it, it's the same thing with drugs. But if you want to live in a free society you have to allow people to make their own mistakes and you don't reduce them to children and start to think for them.
  10. randomname3

    randomname3 Fapstronaut

    Making and distributing pornography is a behavior though. And it's a behavior little different from prostitution, so right off the bat there's a glaring issue with this line of reasoning. I'm happy to keep prostitution illegal for similar reasons as well as how it spreads STDs.
    But even after stopping production and distribution, the object itself is also itself corrosive, analogous to illegal drugs, since it has the negative consequences I mentioned among others. I also don't have a problem keeping drugs illegal.
    "Judeo-Christian" is an oxymoron, so I don't see any path to prosperity from there. We did have a strong set of traditional Western values from Germanic-Hellenic-Christian origins where individuals are more highly valued than in other cultures. But that doesn't mean the individual was ever or should ever be "paramount" to the collective. Rather, brilliant individuals could (or should) gain high honor for their contributions to the collective. Any group that doesn't support itself first is doomed to go extinct or get dominated by a group that does put itself first.
    Prohibiting drugs and prostitution hasn't caused a mass death in any country I'm aware of. However, STDs like AIDS and Tuberculosis, spread by prostitution and drug use among other things, are killing 1 to 2 million people every year.

    So there just isn't a good argument there for why restricting pornography ought to be off the table. Unless we both already want to go anarcho-capitalist which we don't.
    Gladiatori likes this.
  11. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    @ZenAF My friend porn is the most spiritually corruptive force humans have on earth presently. We came from sex. An exchange of spiritual energy goes on here. Its warping peoples nature to be so different than normal natural sex and lets not for get its purpose? To have a family. Not for pleasure! Yes God was kind to make it so pulling and pleasurable, but that is to ensure all species survive. I would say that porn is always evil cause of the massive harm it does to everyone! the actors... the people watching it... and the mass of aborted babies. There is no love here.. only hate. Instant gratification and warping our nature into some sort of sexually perverted monstrous animals