Looking at Instagram women also considered as P?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Henry1860, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Henry1860

    Henry1860 Fapstronaut

    I have started doing this challenge a week ago and I quit watching porn. But sometimes when I am scrolling through instagram I see pictures of the pretty girls i follow and instantly I get aroused. Those pictures are not sexual or anything revealing but i get aroused nevertheless. I do not M to these pictures but i sure do have some urges to do so. But I have it under control and i haven't broken my streak yet.

    So my question.. Is looking at pretty girls in instagram a bad thing? Is this also considered as P? Should i avoid this altogether?

    I really need an answer for this because i open my instagram very often and i follow a lot of pretty girls, so the pictures are already in my feed, I don't have to search for them..

    Please answer because i am taking this nofap thing very seriously and if this insta thing is bad for my progress then i will take effective measures to ensure this doesn't happen again.
  2. Andreid

    Andreid Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    If those images give you sexual thoughts, then they are bad triggers so it's better to either unfollow those girls or stop using social media, it's your choice. You can do something more productive like learning or going to the gym instead of using this bad websites/apps. Good luck, warrior!
    Rebooter45674, randomname3 and LavaMe like this.
  3. Depends on what you consider safe. If your goal is to abstain from porn and not masturbate and then going through instagram pictures gives you urges to masturbate or watch porn, then most likely instagram is not safe for you. Equally, other situations might be considered safe for some and not for others. This process is individual and you decide. Speaking from my experience, instagram is not safe for me so I avoid it altogether.
    Rebooter45674 likes this.
  4. LavaMe

    LavaMe Fapstronaut

    I think we need to be precise in our terminology. I don’t think pictures of attractive women is porn. I don’t even think pictures of nude women is porn. I think porn is images of sex acts.

    What you are talking about isn’t porn. But it is a trigger that arouses you and when aroused, at least for now, your mind tends to go to porn and masturbation. If that is the case then, if you want to set yourself up for success, you should avoid them.

    Giving up PMO is hard. We need to do what we can to make it easier for us to succeed. Really, this is the way we should approach life. Don’t make things unnecessarily hard for yourself. You don’t win bonus points in life for making it harder on yourself.
    Boanerges777 and Rebooter45674 like this.
  5. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Those aren't P, but they are P-subs to some extent. To what end would you look at them? I assume for fantasizing. That's something that's bad for your reboot. Fantasizing slows down the reboot.
    YoungBaller23 and Rebooter45674 like this.
  6. Just Rose

    Just Rose Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Maybe you should avoid it for some time, but later you have to cope with those pics and not relapse. We live in a sexualized and mainstreamed world, the only way to never see accidentally anything arousing is to live in a mountain with no connection with anybody. Even if you quit internet forever, you can see accidentally pretty girls in the street. At the beginning it's good to avoid triggers, but if you do it too much or too long, you might relapse hard in a moment when all your filters fail. Good luck.
    Rebooter45674 likes this.
  7. There is no rule book, you have to define it.
  8. randomname3

    randomname3 Fapstronaut

    I've seen the same story too many times:
    "I relapsed because I saw a pretty girl on Instagram and then either MOd or searched out and did a full PMO"

    "Hi guys, so I edged from looking at a girl on Insta/facebook, was it a relapse???" (10 minutes later) "Thanks for the advice guys but I PMOd anyway, so ashamed of myself"

    Don't expose yourself to stuff that'll trigger you. Refuse to even peek any time some triggering thing shows up.
    Ogikubo, Hros, LavaMe and 2 others like this.
  9. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    I had pinterest and had to delete it. It was for the best. I accumulated over 9000 pictures of non-nudes that were triggering.
    Rebooter45674 likes this.
  10. This.
  11. Agreed with others. If you keep social media sites you need to be extra vigilant. One good strategy is forcing yourself to hit the hay at a reasonable time - not be zipping around the net when your defences are down.
    LavaMe likes this.
  12. Plus the blue light from devices can affect us as we try to sleep.
    LavaMe, Rebooter45674 and Ogikubo like this.
  13. So true. Even when your confidence is high and you aren't looking at anything remotely triggering, it's hard to switch off! We seem to be set up to be addicted.
    SirErnest likes this.
  14. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Go to the "Glossary" at the top of this page and read the definition of "Psub".

    Then you can decide what to do about your social media accounts.

    One day at a time is how we all succeed.
    LavaMe and Henry1860 like this.
  15. Rebooter45674

    Rebooter45674 Fapstronaut

    Blue light is the real Monster
    Ogikubo likes this.
  16. For me, P-subs are the same as P. I avoid both 100%. IRL you cannot always control what you see, but you can always choose to look away when you see something stimulating. It requires discipline.

    I have not visited IG in months and I do not plan to every go back. Nothing helpful there whatsoever, in my experience.
    Ogikubo likes this.
  17. Henry1860

    Henry1860 Fapstronaut

    Thank you man. No instagram from now on.
    Ogikubo likes this.
  18. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Good decision. Now go make more good decisions. You know how.

    One day at a time is how we all succeed.
    LavaMe, Tao Jones and Jerky like this.