Escorts and STD

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by cadia guardsman, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    Hello guys , did One of you had STD after visiting an Escort?
  2. LifeAdvancer

    LifeAdvancer Fapstronaut

    Better save than sorry, not only when visiting escorts!
    Speaking from experiences, it´s nice while being there, but you will remember sooner or later, she is only interested in the moment because you pay her. I once had an escort which really enjoyed me and more than doubled my time for free, but surely she was there to make money.
    Maybe, if I don´t have the girlfriend I want by that time, I will visit some escorts again once the recovery process is over (if I still see a reason to go there). But I would recommend to you, don´t do it while rebooting.
    cadia guardsman likes this.
  3. backtolife42

    backtolife42 Fapstronaut

    No personal experience, but escorts are a high risk group for stds, so dont be silly, wrap your willie!
  4. Habbapop

    Habbapop Fapstronaut

    Dude, why even go to escorts ? Why even do nofap if you are going back to your old life style ?
    cadia guardsman likes this.
  5. LifeAdvancer

    LifeAdvancer Fapstronaut

    I didn't go there after I started Nofap. Would be stupid to do so I guess. I was just talking about the visits I did in the past years
    cadia guardsman likes this.
  6. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys , i never went to any escort but in this last days i got urges about One that "works" near where i live
  7. LifeAdvancer

    LifeAdvancer Fapstronaut

    I found out, the urges will be there. It's very likely you will still think about the possibility in 3 months. I think, Nofap is not about stopping the urges, but more so to learn how to deal with them. I have similar issues as you do, it helps to do a journal to see your progress written down.
    Stay on the right path to freedom!
    cadia guardsman likes this.
  8. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro for the words, since i started this journey i had those toughts and urges about that but today was particullary hard , even almost M when i watched a photo of her and i got very aroused , still i managed to survive

    I wont go there while im on this process , still maybe i Will never go ( the possibility of STD freaks me out)
  9. Chefb87

    Chefb87 Fapstronaut

    I strongly urge you to really think about the consequences, and what could happen if you do decide to see an escort after the reboot or ever. Sure it's exciting when you first start seeing them. But you WILL get addicted to that next . But with even more consequences the just watching porn or whatever .
    - you can get robbed
    - you can get beat the hell up and robbed
    - it could be a police sting. Seriously ...
    - it's going to cost you money .. sure you mY say I'm just going to do it once to see what it's like ... Isn't that what we all said until you start to feel the urge to do it again ?
    I've been addicted to porn since I was 10yrs . And then it went down the escort road. I can tell you that it gets dangerous down that road . And it gets extremely addictive.
    cadia guardsman likes this.
  10. Just go get tested so you can stop worrying about it. If you visited escorts a few years ago and didn't get an STD, consider yourself lucky and quit while you are ahead. There is no safe way to do an unsafe thing.

    When you have urges, put the consequences squarely in front of you. Write them down in the moment. "Here are the consequences for what I"m about to do <list them>". If you've grabbed your keys and are on the way out the door to engage one, put the consequences right in front of you in the door way. Do not step through that door.

    Urges suck but they are just urges. If you act on them, they get stronger. If you want to get rid of urges, you have to face them time and again until they lessen. If you act on them to make them go away, they will just come back stronger and more frequently.

    cadia guardsman likes this.
  11. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    You guys are absolutely right! Thanks alot for the motivation!