Jordan Peterson on Alcohol

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. Great interview about alcohol addiction that I found relevant to my nofap journey.
  2. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Great video. One thing to add is that while alcohol ruins lives it isn't, in my opy, immoral. People who are not addicts can have a drink and I don't judge them. I feel different about porn, it is immoral and it is wrong for society. I guess that's an extra layer on porn addiction.

    Another interesting bit of the video was about friends and cake friends. Do we develop fake friends who are actually bad for us in the same way that alcoholics do? I guess cam girls or escorts, but that's not the same same-status problem relationship they're talking about.

    Thanks for sharing.
    recon117, Enulv and Christian Fox like this.
  3. PMS

    PMS Fapstronaut

    The only thing I would object to is that alcohol is somehow outdated. People were smoking just as much pot before legalization and will continue to drink just as much after. The only thing decriminalization speaks for is that criminalization largely doesn't work, at least in the interest of decreasing use, crime and general suffering.

    Also, when they are discussing psychedelics, you have to differentiate between weed and more intensely hallucinogenic drugs. Yeah, people smoke weed at parties, but LSD isn't a social substance and will not compete with alcohol, at least not in the social sphere. LSD and Psilocybin experiences could on the other hand lead to someone reducing their drinking, healing a problematic relationship they had with a potentially problematic substance.
  4. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I want some cake friends! :rolleyes: :p
    recon117, PMS and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    How has it been relevant to your Nofap journey, is it that you also have an alcohol issue or maybe the peer influence aspect?

    In terms of rebooting I suppose it may be interesting to address things like whether it makes you more or less aggressive, the social anxiety factor and other socially relevant factors. I'd love to see that not just in writing but some kind of visual diagram maybe.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Brilliant! Of course I wrote "fake friends" but that got automatically 'corrected' to "cake friends". Obviously my phone has monitored just how much cake I eat (LOTS!) and made a judgement call
    Xhiddy, Deleted Account and PMS like this.
  7. PMS

    PMS Fapstronaut

    To call Peterson a basic bitch seems unfounded at the least. He is a professor of psychology and has introduced a unique perspective on issues regarding identity and such. I don't much care for him either, and think that he is very over-exposed. But lets be reasonable.
    If you listen to the interview again and replace alcohol with masturbation I think you will see there is lots of cross-over.
    recon117, Deleted Account and kropo82 like this.
  8. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yeah, I guessed that. ;) But it was too good an opportunity to miss, haha! :D Good ol' British humour, eh? :p
    kropo82 likes this.
  9. He's a tad verbose lol but I would still watch a particular video if it was recommended and I will watch this...
    iMasturbated likes this.
  10. LOL. I agree with some of his stuff but people are all on his nuts like his insights are completely original.
    Ra's Al Ghul and iMasturbated like this.
  11. PMS

    PMS Fapstronaut

    To claim that an individual who has inspired a global movement with a multi-million dollar business behind it a "basic bitch" might be the most sad, internet-warrior-statement of the century.
    Yes. Most of his fans are mindless drones. Just like all people who don't think for themselves.
    recon117 and Deleted Account like this.
  12. The same can be said about Justin Bieber.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. JP is just another self-help moron. The fact that he's slightly less scammy and retarded than Deepak Chopra doesn't make him an important thinker. Get off his d, geez.
  14. PMS

    PMS Fapstronaut

    Please. Be reasonable. I stated several times that I don't like him. I don't think he is an important thinker. But to call him a "basic bitch" is just a baseless statement. Or a "moron" for that matter. Typical internet big-man-behind-the-screen comments.
    recon117, Deleted Account and Jackb97 like this.
  15. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    I cba with alcohol anymore. Fuck hangovers when I can get blazed. I'm more productive when I'm high compared to drunk. Way less dumb decisions too.
    Gang Gang.
    recon117 and Deleted Account like this.
  16. Deepak is good guy. He does some things I find tacky but on the whole is someone I respect.
  17. To give perspective the essential appeal is that regardless of his actually oratory skill, or conceptual originality, he does infact represent the voice for a maligned generation who want to be heard and he echoes there sentiments.
    Jackb97 likes this.
  18. PMS

    PMS Fapstronaut

    I respect that you think so. But Chopra is a charletan and a world-salad cheat, who profits off weak people who are willing to believe just about anything. Here are some of his finest quotes:
    "Attention & intention are the mechanics of manifestation"
    "Nature is a self regulating ecosystem of awareness"
    Just a bunch of made up nonsense to sell books.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Well thanks for respecting my thoughts... but no offense I'm certainly no body's apologist. Edit, btw regarding my comment # 17 that wasn't in relation to deepak lol. That was j.p. I see I wasn't clear.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2019
    PMS likes this.