Pubic Hair

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Woozie23, Jun 1, 2019.

  1. Woozie23

    Woozie23 New Fapstronaut

    I just recently bought the manscape lawnmower 2.0, and I'm not sure if I shave all my pubes off and just be fully clean down there or leave some. Does anyone have any advice on pros and cons of going not having pubic hair? Not trolling or anything, actually curious.
  2. I've heard people say that clean shaven gives too much of a "prepubescent" look. I go down to short stubble length. It's just an appearance thing for me. I don't see any "practical" difference in it, other than it doesn't look like someone would need a machete to get through it.
    Ecoman, badteresa and Woozie23 like this.
  3. Oh, and it makes your penis look bigger, not having long pubes. Forgot about that "crucial" detail lol.
    Ecoman and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Peiskos

    Peiskos Fapstronaut

    I’ve trimmed it down to slightly longer than a stubble for a long time now. It’s cleaner and it improves the look of the entire area, at least my gf says that. Having a bush is normal of course and it’s a personal opinion, the thing about it making you look bigger is definitely true.

    I shaved it entirely when I was younger, worst mistake of my life, the itching and ingrown hairs when it grew back was brutal.
    LusiBall and recon117 like this.
  5. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

  6. I just use scissors to cut my pubes to a manageable length. I like having short-ish pubic hair.

    Tip: If you cut your pubes and travel occasionally, cut your pubes on the last day of your stay in a hotel. Cleaning up public hair is a pain, and this way you don't have to do it yourself!
  7. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Grade 2 all over. fully shaved it looks like a mole rat
    Deleted Account, PMS and badteresa like this.
  8. PMS

    PMS Fapstronaut

    Well. Stubble can itch. There is really no practical reason to do it besides getting hairs off your shaft if you're looking to have a girl prodding around down there.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Same. It was a huge mistake to shave it all the way. The process of it growing back is brutal, and painfully slow, quite literally. I've opted to keep it at sort of a stubble also, that way it looks good, but it's not uncomfortable either.
  10. Ok, now that's one job I would hate to have. o_O Imagine that, they're like "What's with all this hair?". :D
  11. I like being a bit of an arse that way, especially if the hotel's not up to the mark. ^_^
  12. i recommend the Muslin way. dont let the hairs be longer than a grain of rice. i use a braun electric razor being sure to talc it up first. getting it too close is a problem, but letting it be long makes other problems i think
  13. To OP, I would NOT advise shaving completely smooth down there if you've never shaved down there before. It will itch a LOT when it starts to grow back. If you leave it a little longer, it will still be trim but not get itchy.
  14. That's a really shitty thing to do... if the hotel isnt "up to the mark," that's almost never the housekeepers fault. They have very little say in how to run things, and they are given such a small amount of time to do a completely thankless job. Please reconsider the way you treat people in the service industry. They have more than enough crap to deal with. Be a grown up and clean up your own damn mess.
  15. Nervesofsteel

    Nervesofsteel Fapstronaut

    Best to grow afro down there to prevent you from touching it :)
  16. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    I shave them off because it gets hot in there (hairs save heat). So, it keeps my genitals cool.
  17. I trim w scissors, i physically have to. So i trim everywhere down there w scissors as close as i can. With scissors which means a trim, not advisable to shave completely off for alot of reasons
  18. Steady just fucking this cleaning lady's day up..
    Deleted Account and Jackb97 like this.
  19. I remember the first time a girl was prodding (as @PMS elegantly puts it) down there and istopped her bc i had waayyy to much pubic hair. But luckily after i trimmed for the 1st time and she didn't get detered from the 1st time.

    I think its more preferable fur women. At least for me, i prefer my women to be at the very least trimmed. That being said, i wouldnt turn down bush.
    PMS likes this.
  20. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Just vac it.