Anyone else not feel like a man?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, May 29, 2019.

  1. I feel like a big and hairy manchild. I try so hard to be mature yet i never really am. I fel like a 12 yo in a body of a 24 yo, its so weird. Why cant I align my physical age with my mental?
    llortaton likes this.
  2. Cause ... Maturity is not made by time, it's something that's forged by experience. Do shit. Socialize. Fight. Love. Just do things and collect experiences. Read books, watch movies etc.
  3. Do you really know another man who is the definition of what you want to be? Or are you comparing yourself to fiction?
  4. i do but these men are ood looking af
  5. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    What does good looking have to do with being a man?
    This is something that'll actually develop you. Life makes you a man. If you run away from it forever, act like a child and shut your eyes from reality, then yeah, you'll stay childlike.
    Enulv likes this.
  6. good looks->getting laid->getting laid=maturity
  7. This is SO wrong!
  8. Bigmort

    Bigmort Fapstronaut

    Mate, that is such a backwards opinion and i'm sad you actually think that!

    Having sex has no correlation to your maturity level at all. Maturity isn't measured by banging chicks, maturity is measured by how you act as a man. You don't get mature by having sex with women, you get mature by going through experiences in life that mould you into a more mature person. You have to make mistakes, do things that scare you, take risks, fail at things. Every time you fuck something up in life is a lesson, every lesson you learn in life is one that brings you a little closer to manhood.

    You don't get to choose how good looking you are. Yes, good looking men tend to have more women attracted to them, but looks alone will never keep any woman interested. You have to be confident in who you are, be positive, be cheerful, be funny. If you can keep a woman interested in you, she isn't going to give a shit what you look like (this is true, men are a lot more picky about their woman's looks than a woman is about her mans). With maturity come women, learn how to be mature before you chase after women. Women aren't interested in boys.

    I hope you can sort your head out and find the answers you need mate, head up and good luck!
    The Bink, ReachForTheSkies and Enulv like this.
  9. I'm a good looking guy, but I don't waste my time on getting laid... And, I don't say that I'm good looking to brag about it, I know it to be true.

    I know many do, but there are more important things in life than just getting laid on the jersey shore and being a "player"...

    ...Instead, use that time to learn about yourself and life. Then you will eventually get laid because then you don't even take this much pressure on such things. Time is LIMITED in life, use it wisely!

    And, yes. I know it's a trend to be hypersexual and fuck everything that moves, but that isn't no cool, in my opinion. Those people usually are just trying to get attention and to get some "respect" by doing so.

    In conclusion; Get your shit together (mindset), learn about yourself, and life, and then you eventually find your "soulmate", and you get laid. + It's more than just flesh, it's soul connection, intimacy, and feeling safe and loved.

    19conquer and ad vera amoris like this.
  10. they do lol.

    she also isnt going to give you her pussy.
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  11. you say this because you can have sex. if you were like me, the plebe, you wouldnt be so cool about it.

    i dont have a soulmate, most men are meant to be alone
  12. i can see the 12 yr old maturity from that:D
    Enulv likes this.
  13. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    You are so shallow child! o_O
  14. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    We posted at the same time! Haha! :D
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. selfimprovement8008

    selfimprovement8008 Fapstronaut

    Alright man it seems like you just brought old me to the now me so there isn’t much difference maturity takes time at least it did for me the things is I was always low on esteem and confidence but the thingh is I decided if I can’t actually have friends gf or sex then I would self improve alone till those things come to me so learn how to be alone and thus be a little stronger then pick and choose the feelings you have you will end up laughing at them or wonder why you even wasted your time to think twice about em good luck my friend
  16. self improvement wont do shit in these departments lol. people get laid due to looks. look around you, do you think anyone did this self improvement BS to get laid? its all baout genetics. self improvement will improve your life but not your odds.
  17. Woozie23

    Woozie23 New Fapstronaut

    Dude, horrible mindset. You are never gonna get laid like that. And I'm pretty sure there are many areas you haven't been touching on such as your style, grooming, your game, your confidence, etc. Genetics does affect your looks, but there are a lot you can be doing on your end instead of just complaining. Quit that mindset, and getting working on improve your overall and be on your purpose, then the ladies will come easy.
  18. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    If you're not blessed with any looks you'll have to make a lot of money. It may not change you much physically, but at least you'll be "pocket handsome".
  19. and it wont be real attraction. do you guys want goldgggers? do you want girls to like your money instead of you? is this your definition of success cause it all FAKE
  20. Only thing you can do is stop crying. Beat your addiction.
    Make the best out of yourself. Stop crying and go for experience. Go for adventure, things you haven't done in life yet. Socialize. Slowly, but do it. Go to gym, get yourself some muscles. Not even for good looks, but but for healthy feeling. Learn about charisma, get some of that thingy too and go on and on and on! Be strong and don't cry, cause tears ... They won't help!