How long time does my brain need to get "normal" again ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by VictimOfPorn, May 28, 2019.

How long does my brain need to get back to normal thoughts ?

  1. 30 days

    3 vote(s)
  2. 45 days

    1 vote(s)
  3. 60 days

    1 vote(s)
  4. 75 days

    0 vote(s)
  5. 90 days

    12 vote(s)
  1. VictimOfPorn

    VictimOfPorn Fapstronaut

    Hello Fapstronauts,
    do you know how long my brain needs to get normal again ?
    Befor I had started NoFap I had masturbated to porn every day or every second day.

    Could you please vote ?

    Thank you for your help !

    LG VictimOfPorn
    Last edited: May 28, 2019
  2. helpinghand4all

    helpinghand4all Fapstronaut

    I believe 45 days is the bare minimum without pmo strictly to notice real "recovery" I havn't gone past that milestone.
    VictimOfPorn likes this.
  3. helpinghand4all

    helpinghand4all Fapstronaut

    You'll start noticing changes from day 15 onwards, the days 0-12 will be the hardest because you won't see any changes then instead growing anxiety till day 12.
    Targaryenn and VictimOfPorn like this.
  4. VictimOfPorn

    VictimOfPorn Fapstronaut

    I tryed NoFap before this try. I reached day 9 ( I had got 8 days).
    I see a few changes and I am happy.
    I just hope not to relapse.
  5. Tarfk

    Tarfk Fapstronaut

    I'm on day 50 and I don't feel any benefits yet. I guess it is a rollercoaster.
    Kotn likes this.
  6. VictimOfPorn

    VictimOfPorn Fapstronaut

    Don't give up !
    When I first made NoFap I haven't feel any changes too ( I reached 3-5 Days), but now I feel changes !
    Don't give up !
    Tarfk likes this.
  7. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Depends on

    1. the severity of addiction (how many times per weer/ per day , how long per session, if material was escalation or not)

    2. time you spent being addicted

    3. ratio of real sex to PMO . More PMO, less real sex means longer recovery.

    4. how young you were when you started pmo. The earlier you start, the longer the recovery.
  8. AngeZarate10

    AngeZarate10 Fapstronaut

    i don't know,what I can tell you for sure is that I had a strong foot fetish, associated with retifism.
    now, stopping to masturbate, it is lighter compared to a few months ago, avoiding compulsive and a little absurd behavior.
    sexually, little by little, I see that I am restoring my old tastes, but it is hard, very hard.
    Kotn likes this.
  9. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Remember there is different ways to recover.

    Generally the fasted way to recover is if you can go a long period of time without any PMO at all, 30,60,90 days ext. The reason doing it this way has the quickest results is because you're basically doing nothing or near enough nothing that is activating the porn pathways in your brain. Certain things will activate the porn pathways in your brain more than other things. The more you activate the porn pathways in your brain the more you're undoing all your progress, the less you activate the porn pathways in your brain the more you're strengthening your progress.

    But getting one big long streak of no PMO isn't the only way to recover. Many guys struggle to get a long streak of no PMO, especially in the beginning. Many guys think you need to get one big long streak, basically thinking if they went 30 days without PMO and then relapsed PMOing once that all their progress would be undone, where as in actual fact the brain changes from the 30 days of no PMO couldn't be undone with one PMO relapse, and that one PMO relapse would actually cause little damage after being PMO free for 30 days. But the guy has to remember to get back on track after they relapse.

    Like I said there is different ways to recover besides getting one long streak. I have been on this journey for around 15 months and I have had a lot of streaks and relapses. I know for a fact there has been a lot of brain changes on my journey, considering how much better I feel mentally, and how much better the PIED is. I also went through quite severe withdrawals a few different times on my journey. The reason my recovery is taking so long is because when I relapse I have kept reactivating those porn pathways in my brain. Sometimes I have binged ext. But these days I am doing better than I ever have. Like I said there is still a lot of brain changes and I am headed in the right direction.

    It's all about brain changes, and they're happening constantly on this journey. But it is incorrect to think things like you must get one long streak and then if you relapse once or even binge once all your progress is undone. One relapse or even one binge couldn't undo all the progress you have made, if you have had significant rewiring brain changes.
    Last edited: May 29, 2019
    AngeZarate10 likes this.
  10. Targaryenn

    Targaryenn Fapstronaut

    In my opinion after 30 days, you become more stronger, after 30 days you and you're brain can resist the urges and can choice easily to not watch p.
    After 30 days your brain is heal, you become stronger.
  11. I have no idea, I'm on 8th but feeling soooo superrrr :D :D :D
    AngeZarate10 and Targaryenn like this.
  12. You are in puberty. Your brain won't be normal again for a few years to come.

    Your past porn use is going to have huge impact, because the puberty years are the most forming ones on the brain and the damage done is much bigger than for an adult. This is the reason, why we ban porn use for people under 18 years. You decided to break that rule (as teenagers happily do).

    But regardless if you started early on high-speed Internet porn or have decades of addiction as an adult behind you, your brain will never go back its innocent state. Just like a dry alcoholic you have to keep your addiction past under control and be always alert about not relapsing.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2019
    VictimOfPorn likes this.
  13. VictimOfPorn

    VictimOfPorn Fapstronaut

    Yes, you are right. I watched a film, there I saw a man who was round about 40 years old. He had a porn addiction. When I saw that, I realized that I must change something, becaus I don't want to be addicted of porn when I am 30 or 40 years old.
    I don't want to be addicted for my whole life !

    Because of that I'm trying NoFap and that's why I need help from people like all of you here in this forum to get "clean" again !!!

    Thank you for your help !
    And if you aren't clean please try it.

    LG VictimOfPorn