My struggle with PMO

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Ghost79, May 28, 2019.

  1. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I've been addicted to porn for 18 years now. 5 years ago porn started to get boring and I wanted the real deal and thats when also my escort addiction started. I have now wasted 1000' of euros on sex workers. Some were really nice, while others were bitchy! And sometimes the sex felt really good but always I felt bad afterwards for losing money and needing to use sex workers to get my fill. I blame it on the free women who have rejected my romanrical interests all my life. But if a man can't get a real life woman for a serious relationship what else can he do then M?

    Anyways I'm proud now for being almost 3 weeks PMO free but It's really hard! Especially now when the summer hits and women are starting to wear mini skirts, short dresses and the intense feeling of loneliness and sadness hits me for still being single.
    My mind is trying to bring me to get an orgasm by any means! When lying in bed the fantasies of having sex fills my mind, when showering I can admire my own sexy body! When being in the city center I sometimes secretary take pictures of hot women and later enjoy viewing them. This is another way my mind is trying to replace my porn starvation with shameful acts like these.
    I admit I'm hoping getting wet dreams regularly since thats the only way I allowed myself to get my fill!

    After 2 weeks of pmo my perception of hot women has increased, I notice them around every corner now as if I have a hot women radar build in my head!
    I'm already showing distrurbing behaviour of a rapist! I need to get a real girlfriend soon!
    GA93JDeereboy likes this.
  2. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    You shouldn't figure out how to get off by any means necessary. Learn to enjoy abstaining from orgasm for a while. Once you feel like you don't need porn, find a good girl. The type of girl who could be your wife. Don't waste time and money on these prostitutes.

    That's just my advice. Good luck with everything!
  3. Try getting 90 days of NoPMO in the bag first. Once you hit the first flatline, you made actual progress.
  4. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I can't do it. I tried numerous times for more then a decade. I managed one time to do 60 days but that was a decade ago and in a complete other situation in my life. Now I am depressed from loneliness and craving for companionship which I cannot seem to get.
  5. glory.indeed

    glory.indeed Fapstronaut

    Rebooter45674 likes this.
  6. James02

    James02 Fapstronaut

    Everybody likes to throw around the 'Gold Standard 90 Day' reboot. Although this is a great long term goal, it's just unrealistic for many people in the short term. I'd recommend to take the next best step and extend your P, M, or O goals slightly. Set a goal to have a small, gradual improvement over months. But more importantly, be sure you notice the subtle changes (aka.. improvements) that occur. Sometimes, gradual improvements does produce withdrawal symptoms, but also produces increases in confidence, spikes of clarity, reduced mood swings, etc. Be mindful of those & let that be the driver towards making each month better. Just my $0.02. I'm just a fellow brother on the same journey/struggle.
    ryguyuplift and Ghost79 like this.
  7. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for that advice, your absolutely correct in that. I plan now to get rid of porn first with a limited amount of M as possible. After a few months I could completely abstain from M as well.
    Deleted Account and Indurian like this.
  8. Rebooter45674

    Rebooter45674 Fapstronaut

    You are not a "Rapist". Just taking photos in "secrecy" was a perverted act and violation of someone else's privacy.
    You are just looking "for a mate".
    Also MGTOW. Basic message is great: Men should go their own way. "But" some MGTOWs are "too" toxic.
    Ghost79 likes this.