Has anyone on here opened up there ''third eye''?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by 19m, May 12, 2019.

  1. I didn't see entities, but I experienced a kundalini awakening, ie energy rising up spine and exploding into light from my third eye, everything was energy, resonating with a single syllable which was repeating itself endlessly without ever starting or stopping, there was light streaming from my hands and eyes and absolutely no differentiation between myself as a 'person' and the external world. At the peak the only way I can describe it is that my perception of the world and senses became that of a snake.

    It took over 6 months to 'come down' from that and the only reason I didn't get institutionalised is because I had shit friends and none of them reported their concern, they just laughed at me.
    I was 100% certifiably psychotic the entire time following it. Please reconsider taking heaps of acid and gunning for a third eye awakening, if that's what you're doing. That's what Tool were talking about in that song yeah, prying open the third eye rather than letting it open. There are consequences. I can't in good faith recommend you did what I have, as annoying as that is. Take acid by all means, it'll show you 'a way' but it is not THE way. It's a great way to lose your mind and become incredibly conceited. I was convinced that I had reached some form of enlightenment but in reality I was drinking to blackout every day, taking pills and smoking meth, unemployed and not showering for up to and over a week at a time. I've seen a lot of that at festivals tbh, I used to participate in the psytrance scene but I seriously can't go to doofs anymore because I see a lot of people who think k-holing every weekend is showing them something about 'the universe.'

    Correct method of third eye awakening is meditation and nofap (called brahmacharya in Hindu terminology,) friend :) it's a lot slower but the results are the same, sustainable and once it happens it's there for good.

    With all that said, fuck yeah try it IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A HISTORY OF SCHIZOPHRENIA IN YOUR FAMILY

    But please be careful. I really don't want to condone drug use because it can be a really deep and shit hole to dig yourself out of.
    But there are some benefits if you do as Alan Watts said- 'when you get the message, hang up the phone.'
    If you decide to do it, you'll probably find out what I mean. There's a point where you get this very strong sense while tripping that you shouldn't do it again, or that you've reached as far as you can with it. Don't keep taking them beyond that point, that's your brain (potentially your higher self,) telling you to STOP.
    SuperPowers likes this.
  2. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    It is open. And weak. Like replacing a damn with a stick. It becomes funtional fully in the first 8-10 years of hardmode as energy builds up. Until then DO NOT direct energy there. Schizonphernia and all kinds of dangers as well as efeminizing the weaker centres in exchange for at the MOST some random feelings in your skull and ungroundness..Be smart, not hyped.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. 19m

    19m Fapstronaut

  4. 19m

    19m Fapstronaut

    ok i wont open it then ! ill just stick to subliminal music for certain areas i want better in my life.
  5. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    it is open. it is not like there is dead skin and tissue inside your brain and it's not actual eye. don't call it 3rd ey. its a misnomer.

    idon't recommend subliminals. intention is all. practice concentration. google exercise. and exercise. that is all you need.

    you got these ideas from youtube i know. it's mostly bullshit. you should not buy into anything easily. some stuff is dangerous. doing too much earphone theta/deta...not natural...or projecting astrally whole as opposed to half half which is mostly safe, sometimes reffered to as partial projection. if you get out fully/mostly you can be harmed also it's unhealthy as you got left a sleeping corse with little spirit inside. that's unhealthy. also for masturbators they got weak energy/prana so they don't get protection. it's like being skinny and go in the forest. if you meet an animal say goodbye to your friends, animal will screw you.

    you should get at least 3-5 years hardmode or similar in prana/energy. until then stay here, you are safe. practice lucid dreaming not splitting yourself.projection is nothing but splitting yourself. you can try on the hour think backwhat happend that hour all details. it will help with lucid dreaming. also practice presence in day. full presence. be in what you do. do not tense. be smart, not hyped.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    you don't need kundalini. that's a misnomer.
  7. Interesting, given that you used the term 'prana' in your above post. My own experience has left me completely convinced of the phenomenon, and that it has been given many different names in different cultures, but I do agree with what you're saying.
    My own take on it is though, that kundalini awakening is inevitable through sincere spiritual practice ;)
  8. 19m

    19m Fapstronaut

    yea i actually found a reliable subliminal for many things and i feel my brain changing for the better
    ! I literally have cured somewhat my ed and cured my porn induced fetish from this all of his stuff is positive and legit works i feel like a different person! so some of the subliminals work for me ! Its all about how much you believe and it will happen !
  9. 19m

    19m Fapstronaut

    what id i want to go to another dimension or see the moon clearly and see whats actually on it and inside it ? or what if i want to go underground and see for my self other intelligent life forms from other planets that are down there?
  10. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    go there in person as well. you can only pick up astral side of things by your thinking.
  11. I'm very wary of hypnotists (see my post in the Isha foundation thread, heheh...) and to be honest, from what I've learned, there are no real shortcuts. The prerequisites generally given are celibacy (check,) meditation, and years of practice. Perhaps hypnotic induction can bring you some sense of ecstasy, but it simply isn't something that you go, 'alright, give it to me...' It is a highly selective force and tends to only rise when you've completely forgotten about striving for it... Hence the years of meditation, I guess :p

    There are definitely ways of experiencing a kundalini awakening (I do not recommend my method at all, but I have had experiences without drugs that have cemented my belief in the phenomenon,) that don't require the years of practice part; acid's one, ecstatic yoga techniques such as those taught by Sadhguru, ISKCON etc, but they don't have a lasting effect and can leave one incredibly vulnerable and without support. My experience in that realm showed me that when people actually have a kundalini experience, noone actually knows what to do, a lot of people are simply envious, and the group's too large for any real support to be offered. In my case, the teacher simply didn't care, he was only interested in money, power and influence. People who had huge kriyas (approx. 'movements,') only served as something he used to demonstrate his 'powers.'

    I'm on board with the idea that genuine, lifelong kundalini awakening can only either happen via the 'orthodox' path (which is essentially monkmode nofap, you don't have to belong to any faith group... It exists everywhere and in all cultures from the dawn of humanity... Check out ancient religious art from around the world, the prevalence of serpent motifs, and particularly halos around the head,) or spontaneously in certain individuals.

    Have you heard of Gopi Krishna? He experienced a spontaneous awakening and dedicated his life to teaching a sustainable method of cultivating kundalini shakti.
    In my opinion, he's the genuine article- he never abused his position as guru (from memory, I don't think he accepted the title,) and was very clear in his warnings of what an awakening entails. It's not just an 'enlightenment' experience, there are physical and mental effects which come with it which can potentially render one unable to fulfill their role in society while it's happening.

    I can only give so much information because what I know is only from my own experience, which I don't at all believe was a 'true' awakening as such... I have just experienced enough to not doubt at all that it is a very real phenomenon. I'd highly recommend checking Gopi Krishna's writings out, I'm sure there are video interviews as well.

    And don't forget to take everything I write with a grain of salt, after all... I'm not posting on this forum because I'm a saint.

    Oh yeah, and don't forget... Sri Ganesha resides in the muladhara/base chakra, he is represented by a red triangle pointing upwards, and sustained focus on him in combination with mula bandha practice will keep you grounded. (EDIT EDIT: You can explore the rest of your body, but that anchor point is a crucial element. When the shakti is ready, not you, your focus will rest in other chakras.)
    Most guru types will not tell you this because you're more profitable when operating from the navel up and disconnected from your physical body after meditation. My source on that one's Sir John Woodroffe, aka Arthur Avalon.
    If you want an exhaustive treatise on the topic from someone who actually knew what they were on about, his book 'The Serpent Power' contains precisely what I think you might be after- the metaphysics, meditation, thorough scriptural references. His writing's so dense it takes me years at a stretch to get through his books. Good stuff!!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2019
    SuperPowers likes this.
  12. Baaaargh stop paying for spiritual stuff, hahahah
  13. Look mate, I just posted a lengthy reply about the Isha foundation on the other topicy thing elsewhere on-forum... So you got what you were hoping for, but perhaps not what you want to read. I just want to state that I do not mean to offend you in what I said, it's just... You sound exactly like I did at the start. Once you learn to recognise it, it REALLY sucks watching others being pulled in and knowing there's SFA you can do about it.

    I had a friend call me a few months ago about to join one of the offshoots of the same organisation I was in... Exactly the same conversation. Exactly the same. He could not comprehend that I had just pulled myself out of 6 years of what he was about to get himself into. I just had to let him go.

    I am a Hindu. That's the best thing I got from the group I was in. It was all about the Shaivism at the start but ended up being about the guru (there's a hint for you,) in fact I specifically asked him a number of times about scripture and he only recommended books he'd written, or those authorised (by him) for sale at the ashram bookshop.... Mostly books which he would make a profit from, or which bolstered the conditioning used in his programs.
    I ended up reading up on my own, discovering this whole, amazing thing which is advaita philosophy, and the personal experience of coming to understand what the Hindu pantheon represents to me.

    I just spent like an hour and a half replying to the other topic, and I don't want to derail this thread any further, but just quickly:

    -Read the Upanishads mate. Go straight to the source, upanishad translates approx. to 'to sit near,' ie to be at the foot of the teacher. Every spiritual guru type EVER is regurgitating the absolute, undeniable wisdom contained therein. I mentioned The Serpent Power, read that. It's heavy as hell but if you really want to know about this stuff, it is incredible. The Garland of Letters by the same author is an extensive treatise on the metaphysics behind mantra repetition.

    Selected Writings of Gopi Krishna. Vivekachudamani. Shiva Sutras. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a must, but get a good translation. Reading that led me to learning as much as my feeble mind is able to about Sanksrit; gaining a personal understanding of it leads to revelations much more profound than anything any guru-figure has given me in lecture or guided meditation format.

    -I doubt that a guided meditation like that would cause psychosis; it probably wouldn't hurt but if you're paying for it... Eh, it's just another scam mate. Learning to meditate is how you get there. Once you learn that skill, anybody speaking or leading the experience becomes distasteful. It's all just distraction. It's helpful up until the point that you learn it; from that point on it's only fostering codependency.

    If anything, invest in a mala (prayer beads for the repetition of mantra.) Do that for an hour a day + nofap and you will most definitely have an experience within yourself that is safe, fantastic, highly personal, ineffable (which sucks, hahah,) and leaves you utterly convinced of the efficacy of the practice.

    The funny thing is, you're actually right in that last paragraph. I wasn't able to explain that properly but yes, the hypnotic induction used in the seminar (I'm 100% convinced of this now, especially after reading as much of their website as I did,) is used to gradually build dependence not only on the guru, but the group. Buuuut... The whole group's dependent on the guru. It's crazy messed up, and you're right, it's damaging. That's why I'm going to such great lengths to write all this stuff out.

    All I know about you is that you want to abstain from porn and keep your hand off it, but that is enough for me to consider you a friend and ally. It hurts to see people being drawn towards these groups, they're no good. You've got the SuperPowers man, you've literally got everything you need. Keep your ojas (a subtle energy which builds when you abstain from expelling virya, semen,) meditate daily, and verily willst thou come to understand the concept of kundalini shakti in good time. It costs nothing other than patience and being able to hold your gaze whilst looking into the mirror of your own bad habits.
  14. 19m

    19m Fapstronaut

    thanks guys i will wait a while to do it ! instead i will work on my nofap journey because ive seen it helps with subliminals ! and i do feel progress with some of them as well they really are effecting me in a good way !
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. It'll happen in time good sir, spiritual progress can't be rushed. Nofap is the perhaps the best thing one can do for spiritual growth as it cultivates empathy and a greater understanding of your own self and consciousness at large, which will ultimately lead you to an awakening experience.

    I have managed to get streaks of over a month up in the past in conjunction with spiritual practice, which is what I'm basing that statement on. Even that brief period of abstinence led to some sublime meditation experiences. At the time I didn't fully grasp the addictive mechanism of PMO however, and relapsed very hard and fast... It's taken years to get back to a state of mind which makes me feel ready to explore further, though I am very aware of my fallibility at the moment.

    It's amazing when one wakes up in the morning and the first thing that goes through ones' dozy mind is 'hey, you should masturbate.' Not today, lizard brain!
  16. Inner Engineering = Isha Foundation = Sadhguru. I just read your reply on that thread and will reply later. For now I'm happy that I've at least given you reason to pause, you've outlined a number of things which concern you in that post; I'm not trying to stop you from going to the seminar, but be sure to check in with your own heart and consider all of these things as you go through the process. I ignored so many red flags in my own experience because I just didn't want to believe it, and it seemed too good to be true.

    Back on topic! I was just at a local book sale and found a book called 'Yoga and Sexual Energy' by Elisabeth Haich.

    Just opened it to a random page:

    "If a man betrays his creative power by dissolute living, by sexual excess and abuse as a means of pleasure, sexuality dies also. He loses his potency, loses his central, suggestive power, he becomes a weak character incapable of resistance; he is shattered, destroyed by the manifold influences of the external world and becomes a prey to his greatest enemy, fear."

    Good stuff, I'm looking forward to reading it :)
  17. Truedjinn

    Truedjinn Fapstronaut

    Nah man...that's the brown eye, not the third eye!
    LEPAGE likes this.
  18. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Apparently in ancient times some people only had one eye.
  19. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    It is still an eye aside from the other two.