Just A Real Quick Question

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, May 1, 2019.

  1. Most people report getting hit by a lot of urges early in the streak and that it gets easier with time. For me, it's the opposite. I've managed to make my average a month and now it's gotten to the point where I can go over a month with absolutely zero urges for porn. But it gets harder with time. I'm currently on day 49 and I'm just starting to get hit by unwanted pornographic thoughts, urges, dreams featuring porn, etc.

    What does this sound like to you? Do you think my mind is managing to get used to going longer periods of time without porn or does this sound like a problem? As if my libido or something is getting weaker. I haven't noticed any decrease in my interest in engaging with women... but I just want to be sure that this is normal. Thanks for reading.
  2. I found it to get easier in time but it wasn't linear and had ups and downs .it was quite a squiggly line.
  3. Same here, expect the unexpected, nothing is predictable, it gives life wonder.
  4. Mmm... as I said, for me, it's getting harder with time. Unless this is just the rockier part of the journey. It SHOULD be smooth sailing once it passes, right? So... hm.
  5. Exactly, a down, or rocky part. Also this journey isn't the same for everyone and even when completing the 90 days, it doesn't necessarily mean that nothing is going to get to you a bit now and then. But you will be in a better place to be able to handle things, to turn away from things and live a better life.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Alright then, thanks. I think I can consider my question answered now.