Day 3: I didn't even know I could...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ayman.kas, May 1, 2019.

  1. Ayman.kas

    Ayman.kas Fapstronaut

    ok. ok. ok. what the hell is going on?
    Just a month ago I was down in the gutter thinking dangerous thoughts to the point of even suicide and now 3 days into this transformation my energy is stupid. when I mean stupid, I mean STUPID!
    So check this, now in my last post I said I was nursing a cold and today usually I would've stayed in bed to try and get better. Nope. what did I do instead? I went to the library to talk to my friend about setting up a podcast for a good 5 hours and then had a great meal after. And also the highlight for me today was seeing 2 of my best friends (practically my brothers) graduate today from university. When I say I had the biggest smile on my face I feel like that just undermines how I really felt. The joy I had for them was incredible. Proud of the boys! Hope they go even further with their careers.
    After that, I just don't know where all this energy came from but oddly enough I just went for a walk. a long walk. I don't even know how far I went but I just know I went far. listening to music, being in your own world for maybe 3 hours and just the hell did I get here??
    honestly a month ago, I don't think I would've been able to do this. But I'm happy with my progress thus far, day 3 only but we're pushing further to see how far we can go.
    Making the days count with productivity !
    ie. still got this cold but ain't gonna let it stop me from using all this energy haha!
  2. This is what you fight for. No matter if you relapse or not don't let it be an excuse to stop your progress because that's what is terryfing for your addiction. If you go on with living your life and fighting for your freedom even if you relapse... that's something this addiction can't take away from you. The hope of a human being fighting, even if the odds are against us. Keep fighting there is a way out of depression I promise it.

    You can become a Hero... Your own Hero. Start with saving yourself. Become a symbol for others. Prove that there is a way out, prove that there is hope, prove that you are still alive. As long as you are fighting you are the Proof yourself
    Ayman.kas likes this.
  3. Ayman.kas

    Ayman.kas Fapstronaut

    Wow. if I said I read that didn't get a little teary I'm a liar. Thank you so much, my resolve is getting stronger and if I ever feel like it's weakening I will look at this again for motivation. btw if I pull through this I will always remember this!
  4. Well and this is a moment in life I won't forget.... Welcome to your new life brother
    Ayman.kas likes this.
  5. V4x

    V4x Fapstronaut

    last time i tried a reboot i reached 8 days but i didn'd feel any changes at all. now i'm trying again and read things like this really gives me hope
    Ayman.kas likes this.