It just keeps getting better! (Share your stories!)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by WhyNotStop, Apr 28, 2019.

  1. This post is more of a self reminder of how amazing I currently feel.

    I'm day six and I gotta say I feel great! I was actually productive after work, Instead of the regular staring at naked pixels of women on my screen, I went out and finished tasks which I had been procrastinating for months now. Six days is a large accomplishment for me as I usually don't make it past 3 days let alone a week! It hasn't been an easy week as I've had bag swings of emotions that have had me feeling like complete shit. I'm just happy I'm able to tell myself that there truly is a way out of this, There truly is a light of freedom in the dark tunnel of porn addiction. I am slowly getting my life together. Hell it's 1 am and I'm here writing how amazing and energizing I still feel. This has been a good Saturday, Other Saturdays are full of dread and multiple relapses where I end up going to sleep at 3 am feeling dehydrated and completely drained of energy as I export the last of my energy onto a tissue while staring at pixels on a screen.

    Feel free to motivate me and others as to how being porn free today has made you a better human being compared to what you did before and how that made you feel in the end of the day.
  2. BrokenCocoNut

    BrokenCocoNut Fapstronaut

    Nice man im at Day 3 and your post really keeps my hopes up and gives me strength for my 30 Day challenge !
    Can't wait to see all the Positives.

    Keep it Up!
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  3. Thanks bro. Stay strong! One thing I just started doing is sending future emails to myself to motivate me to keep going no matter what. It makes me accountable in a way. This is the site:
    BrokenCocoNut likes this.
  4. Day eight here. I'm getting better at handling my stress and on improving my self image. Did my hair before heading to work which is something I've personally never done for work. I've also noticed I am able to keep better track of time. I'm now considering things which I thought were going to be impossible. I am going to stop being a little wuss and I'm going to step out of comfort zone by asking a girl I've been into for a while to prom.

    Share your stories to motivate me or others! Thanks!
    BrokenCocoNut likes this.
  5. BrokenCocoNut

    BrokenCocoNut Fapstronaut

    Yoooo!!! Nice lets go man!
  6. It’s going to get better and better every day and then all of a sudden it’s going to be the most difficult thing you could ever imagine. Please please be ready. Good luck my friends
    justafriend likes this.
  7. Yup very true. Today way a awesome day but I've removed my body's way of removing stress (that is pmo) and now it's all falling down on me. I feel stressed, tired, and sick. I'm planning on asking my a girl to prom... But I feel like everything this coming crashing down. Too much homework, classes I have to raise my grade in, and activities I have to go through. This month is going to be tough especially without porn. But I know I can do it. I know I can survive one month living the life of a real man. A man who deals with his shit on time. A man who doesn't make excuses. I know I'm better than what my addict is trying to tell me I am. My brain wants porn and it's building an emotional war to bring me down. But I won't let it stop me. I will stop worrying so much, I will stop overthinking, I will stop destroying my self confidence, I will stop listening to that addict inside me who keeping trying to tell me I can't live without porn. Bring it on addict, You won't stop me. Any suggestions as to how to get rid of stress? Thanks.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2019
  8. I wouldn’t worry so much about these very early stages as when you really start to get stuck in, your whole life is going to be re structured. You are going to be a different person entirely. If you are asking what tools I use to combat flatlines and depression cycles in the future... cold showers never worked for me as they did for the majority but.. running, supplements, massive massive diet change and socializing are very important. Also, your comfort zone is a thing of the past. One more thing.. you are going to hit depression at some point during this.. depression is a fucking liar and it is going to do everything in its power to make you struggle. I am here whenever you need help or advice. Feel free to ask
    justafriend likes this.