How long did it take you to admit you were a Porn Addict?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by need4realchg, Apr 29, 2019.

  1. I'm really curious to see the answers here.
    Most of us start at a young age, and go YEARS before we notice we have any kind of problems with time management, and in other people's cases, they start so young they develop serious developmental issues, some get ED/PIED, but at what point does the individual realize they have an addiction?

    In my cases, I started young, but always resisted it until I was about 32, then I didn't keep fighting against it, just tried to live "with the monster."

    But I never ever ever called myself an addict until 2 weeks ago. Joining NoFAP showed me all my experiences indicated a serious addiction and psychological dependence on PMO.

    So for me, it took 20 years. Kinda amazing how long a person can be oblivious, or in denial.

    How about you?
    AlexWillDoIt and SirErnest like this.
  2. Catholic Dude

    Catholic Dude New Fapstronaut

    The moment you try to stop fapping/watching porn and break a few days later that's when you should realize you're an addict. Being in my early twenties, I guess I realized that a few years ago when I seriously set out to stop and broke under pressure.
  3. Reborn_

    Reborn_ Fapstronaut

    I didn't realize I was an addict for about a year
    I'm very glad I learned about NoFap when I did
    need4realchg likes this.
  4. AngeZarate10

    AngeZarate10 Fapstronaut

    porn is like a drug, when you understand its effects it will never be late
  5. some ppl in nofap are much older than me and haven't used the term "addict" to describe themselves. Have you called yourself an addict before? if so... how long did it take?
  6. AngeZarate10

    AngeZarate10 Fapstronaut

    it's a way of saying.
    it took me quite a while to understand it, even though I wasn't aware of it
  7. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    I was able to quit fairly well but it took some time. I would say addict as well because I did use it recreationally all the time.

    I still have urges to want to look but not as bad as before though when beginning.

    I started things as well too. It took over when I was 35 and just dealt with it. Now I am trying to reverse course as fast as possible but will take time.
    need4realchg and AngeZarate10 like this.
  8. TheNewDrew42

    TheNewDrew42 Fapstronaut

    I’ve used it off and on since college (I’m 41 now). I never called it an addiction until 2006, when I was 30. Then I “cured myself” and went a while without it, until I fell into a cycle where I would binge, followed by a long period of no use, then binge, no use, binge. I became convinced by media types I was listening to that there was no such thing as porn addiction, and it’s perfectly healthy and normal as long as it’s not interfering with your life. Trouble is, it does interfere with your life. I didn’t notice it as much as those around me did. For me, it takes recognizing it as an addiction (like alcohol) that can be treated and beaten, but must ALWAYS - for the rest of my life - be guarded against.
  9. Ghulam Haider

    Ghulam Haider Fapstronaut

    in about 2 years or so
  10. Wow so like me—I’m 37 never used the word addict until I found nofap. I am now wondering how do you help someone in a deep denial.

    I read SO comments that show me their husbands don’t know or admit they have an addiction. I wonder how long my takes on average (if there is such a thing ).
  11. Bingo. You controlled it and it made it feel less like an addiction. Very nicely said.
  12. AlexWillDoIt

    AlexWillDoIt Fapstronaut

    I started around 16, regularly, obsessed with PMO, but it seemed normal to me, like something I liked, so way give it up? Then I realized that I did it even when I wasn’t horny, just because before going to bed it “has to be done”. And here I am. In a 4 year relationship, intimacy slipping down the drain with my semen. I am doing this to safe intimacy with my partner, but I am doing this for me too. I am tired of PIED, of loosing my creativity at work, not going out with friend just to lay on my bed and PMO like I would be afraid to loose the last video. This MUST end. So here I am. 21 days of no PMO for the first time in 22 years. Still cannot believe it. It happens that I read some erotic stories, and it is really hard nowadays to not tumble on some porn shit on internet. But I am holding on, getting stronger (even physically cause I started to work out again) and getting back my creativity. I really hope this time works. Good luck and strength to everyone here!
    need4realchg likes this.
  13. I'd say 13-15 years. And I knew it the whole time. I would choose porn over my significant others in those years. For me, the hard part was coming to the decision to do something about being a porn addict. I destroyed several amazing relationships that could have gone the distance. The combination of losing amazing women that I would have been happy to wake up next to every day, the possibility of not having a family, the lying, and PIED made me say enough is enough. That lead me to discover Nofap.
  14. Saoconrado40

    Saoconrado40 Fapstronaut

    I was in denial- used to jerk it to porn virtally every day. It warps your view on women and sex, and kills your motivation and social skills. I’m so glad I discovered NoFap
    AlexWillDoIt likes this.
  15. andi1987

    andi1987 Fapstronaut

    For me it was like 2 or 3 years ago I realised it. I didn't have any huge side effects. No ED or at university or so. But I just noticed I was wasting alot of time with P.
    I also noticed losing control over it. Often I told myself "I only will M and watch P for 2hours"; after to hours I said "just one more hour" and so on.
    AlexWillDoIt likes this.
  16. AlexWillDoIt

    AlexWillDoIt Fapstronaut

    How is it going with your PIED?
  17. Assuming you are 32, so it took you 10+ years?
  18. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I'm 14, took me less than 1 month to admit. I told myself outloud
    need4realchg likes this.
  19. andi1987

    andi1987 Fapstronaut

    Yeah in a way. But when I started as a teen I didn't watch porn in amounts you could count as addiction. As it might have been the same for you it developed subtle. As a teen it was max. an hour per week. It got more when I started studying. An so forth.
    need4realchg likes this.
  20. Yeah I get it. I think most of us 30+ started when access was limited and that kept the addictiveness restricted compared to a teenager now who can get it on demand anywhere everywhere. The addictiveness is exponentially greater.

    Does the older we are mean the longer it takes to admit it ?