Hello World

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by futuremd, Apr 2, 2019.

  1. futuremd

    futuremd Fapstronaut

    Just came across the forum, really dig the community. I hope I can overcome my PMO addiction, as a medical student, it really cripples my life.
    Deleted Account and Jerry120 like this.
  2. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum Doc! Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself. Would you like to talk some more about your PMO story? We would like to know some more so that we can know about you and maybe offer some snippets from our experience.

    I was exposed to P at age 10, MO'ed first at maybe 14, and PMO'ed somewhere in my teens. The habit was set in my late teens and early 20's. It caused me to isolate myself and go further away from people. People can be tough and challenging but balanced relationships are at the heart of a healthy recovery.
    futuremd likes this.
  3. futuremd

    futuremd Fapstronaut

    I found out about P when I was like 12. Initially I found it disgusting so I used to fap to other things like movie scenes. In my first year of med school, a friend of mine sent me some clips on WhatsApp and from then on I've been addicted. I've tried rebooting and relapsed. The maximum I went without PMO was like 45 days until I relapsed. My reward system is messed up and my grades are dropping because of this scourge, hence why I'm here. I'm also very socially awkward (not sure if because of PMO). Thank you for helping me :)
    Jerry120 likes this.
  4. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for diving into your story. Interesting one. P sure is addictive and hence our struggles but hey one day at a time.

    Social awkwardness is a natural phenomenon. We are all conscious of being judged and find it hard to have regular conversations without an awkward feeling. Find a trustworthy friend and ask them for help with basic conversations. Go to a bar by yourself and just sit there for a meal. Over time such actions will slowly help you break free. Over time, you will be able to be mindful of your fear of social interaction, as this is the root of awkwardness, and then be able to have conversations with strangers. Persistence is the key. Keep trying. There is no one grading you even though you may feel as such.

    Go ahead and dip your feet mate. Social interaction will surely help you overcome this PMO stuff. What kind of hobbies do you have? Have you tried studying in public places?
    futuremd likes this.
  5. futuremd

    futuremd Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice. Most of my hobbies revolve around computers. I can code in VB and know a bit of python. I also like playing FPS games and watching movies and TV shows. I spend most of my time around a computer screen which is probably fueling my PMO addiction. I'll try to change but these habits are too ingrained. I haven't really thought about going to my college library to study. Should consider that.
    Jerry120 likes this.
  6. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Try adding a social element to your hobbies and it'll go a long way in breaking the PMO cycle. If you're indulging in your hobbies in a group session, it'll be harder to PMO.
    futuremd likes this.