this is the reason why men watch porn!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Thomas Smith, Mar 24, 2019.

  1. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    It's because it's so much harder for a man to get sex than it is for a woman. Period. Case solved. You want to greatly lessen the 90%+ of men who watch porn? Make it easier for men to get sex. (mike dropped)
    Deleted Account and shevro like this.

  2. You have men in relationships and marriages addicted to porn, so i would disagree a bit with you...
  3. Habbapop

    Habbapop Fapstronaut

    But they have progobly gotten addicted before ? :p
    shevro likes this.
  4. Total Nonsense.
    What is your intention with this thread?
    Provoke, justify, excuse?
    Shifting from porn to easy access (meaningless) sex is probably not the answer for most people here.
  5. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    I'm giving a solution! I'm saying make sex not so difficult for guys to get, from when they're young boys, and porn won't be so alluring! Simple as that!
  6. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Sorry, dude. That's just plain horseshit.
  7. Porn is a substitute for sex the same way crack is a substitute for Cuban cigars. The availability of either one doesn't determine use. The use of one isnt mutually exclusive of the other. They do have similar characteristics, for instance you smoke both but that's where it ends.
  8. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    "plain horseshit" - a scientific rebuttal?
  9. You mean like legalize prostitution?
  10. Can you give a little more details about your solution?

    I’ve got a solution on my own. Instead of making sex easier available, make porn less available.
    Genius :)
  11. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    The more you know.
  12. Okay I’ll take the bait for this argument.

    I’ve read many times here at this site in the SO’s section as well as elsewhere in books that there have been women insisting on more sex with their SO’s but the man chooses to watch porn instead. I’ve also watched videos of women talking about being married to a porn addict that say the same thing, “I want to have sex with him but he’d rather watch porn”.

    Another item I would like to point out is that many women are porn addicts. I know you specifically said men in your post but let’s just look at the aspect of getting sex easily. If getting sex easily was a factor wouldn’t there be zero women addicted to porn based on your reasoning?

    No it’s not scientific but based on that observation I think you’re conclusion is incorrect.

    I think one aspect (not the only one) of porn addiction is wanting to feel good instead of facing the realities of life.

    I think that was a clear respectful rebuttal. I look forward to your reply.
  13. That was me for sure. I turned down sex and made up excuses, then would watch porn instead. I even would fantasize about porn while having sex or sometimes convince my wife to let me watch it during. More access to sex is not a cure for me. In fact certain high levels of sex can trigger urges to slip back into porn behavior, so I have to keep things somewhat moderate.
  14. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Men that have the opportunity to choose between sex and porn will virtually always choose porn. Porn is the best thing that has ever happened to divorce lawyers. Just take a peak in the relationship forum on here. Porn = male "headaches" that goes on for months on end. Its the ultimate recipe for a sexless relationship.
  15. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    Lilla_My, I'm talking about when guys are boys. When they're young, they don't generally feel sexually desired, unlike girls. So they turn to porn because they can at least pretend that women want them. Then they get hooked on porn, then they get married, then there's problems. But if boys would be more sexually desired, porn would be much less the epidemic that it is.
  16. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    HopeForBrightFuture, about your point about husbands preferring porn over sex with their wives, see my response to Lilla_My.

    About female porn addicts, I think most of them watch lesbian porn. That's at least their #1 search on Pornhub I read. So that doesn't have to do with not getting sexual attention from guys. So I think women aren't watching porn because they feel undesired, at least not nearly as much as when guys turn to porn.

    And sure, porn is a means of escaping difficulties in life. And there are other reasons guys turn to porn more, like that they're more sexually stimulated visually. But I feel certain that a lot of this has to do with the overall lack of sexual desire which boys feel in their formative years.
  17. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    More details: raise girls to not be so shy and asexual. Raise them to hit on boys as often, or more, than boys hit on them.

    I don't see how your proposed solution helps at all. It seems to me it would only make males more frustrated and feeling undesired.
  18. I'm convinced you are a troll at this point. What does this even mean? How are girls currently being raised to be asexual?

    I want to recap your basic arguement.

    1. Porn is a problem affecting men.
    2. To combat porn men should be sexually desired early in life.

    Conclusion. Women should change their behavior to help men with their problems and make sure their feelings aren't hurt and that they get the sex they crave so that they won't use porn. Ok. Sounds like the opposite of responsibility, empowerment, fraternity and adult male behavior. It sounds pretty lame.

    How about we stop using porn and use sites like NoFap to improve our lives?
  19. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    No Max, I'm not a troll. What I'm saying makes perfect sense if you think about it. Let me go over it again. Boys grow up not feeling particularly sexually desired. Unlike girls. Girls grow up feeling a lot of sexual desire - more than many of them want to, in fact. So boys turn to porn, where they can pretend that hot girls want them, and that these girls express their desire enthusiastically. Very simple.
  20. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Nah, it really doesn't.

    At least, that's what you say. I'm not convinced, that this is actually the case. In fact, from what I hear in conversations with fellow porn addicts in recovery as well as from my own experience, a lot of them were very much "sexually desired" before they got addicted to porn. For example, girls in primary school were very interested in me. Then at age 10, I started watching porn and from that moment female attention decreased substantially until it hit zero.

    So, if you ask me, your first assumption is very, very questionable.

    Lesbian porn being #1 search term on Pornhub, doesn't translate to "Female porn addicts watch lesbian porn most of the time":

    1) Females altogether may watch lesbian porn the most, but that includes addicted and non-addicted women alike. So you're mixing groups together and assume they watch the same type of porn. I highly doubt that.

    2)Pornhub's statistics can't be taken seriously. How does pornhub measure, whether you are male or female? Is this system reliable? Is it consistent? Even criminal reports, which are made by highly qualified professionals, are not fully reliable. Thus, I doubt that Pornhub's statistics are. Making and interpreting statistics is a lot more complex than you may think.

    3) There are a lot of porn sites on the internet. Pornhub is just one of them. Even if we assume their statistics are correct, you don't have data for porn sites in general. Maybe female porn addicts don't even use Pornhub? Can you rule out this possibility? Arguing with flawed statistics doesn't let you produce convincing results.

    So, your second assumption is very much questionable as well.

    Now let's take a look at your solution:

    This "solution" is so ridicoulous. How do you come to the assumption, that girls are being raised to be shy and asexual nowadays? When I look at teenage girls these days, they don't seem shy and asexual. They more look like the exact opposite of that. To me it seems like they are highly influenced by todays sexualised media.

    But for sake of argument, let's pretend you're right: The average age of boys seeking out pornography is around age 10. When should girls start to "hit on" boys in your opinion? Kindergarden? Are you fucking serious? Sexualising children is disgusting, my dude.

    Conclusion: Your solution is based on flawed assumptions. Therefore, your solution doesn't make any sense. And even if we pretend that your assumptions are correct, your solution is still totally impractical and disgusting as fuck. Or as I said ealier: