
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by hydroxide, Mar 19, 2019.

  1. hydroxide

    hydroxide Fapstronaut

    When will I be convinced to quit porn?

    I PMO'd yesterday. And yet again today. Whether or not it happens again tomorrow, I expect that I'll do it again within the next week. The thing is, I don't have to. But I do it again anyways.

    What makes this a problem is that I'm not helplessly addicted to porn anymore. I used to be - needing to do it every day or two, barely able to go even a day further. But now I'm not anymore. I can go 2 weeks. I can go 3 weeks. My longest streak was 44 days. I'm still addicted to porn, but I know I can help it. I have it within me to quit PMO.

    But each time, I choose to give in to the urge without a fight. I can last a week without porn without a second thought, but then go straight into it in an instant. I could get myself to a 20-day streak, but then end it. I know that if I exert my conviction, I'd at be able to get a lot further. But I don't have that conviction.

    Each time I relapse, it's because my brain tells me "why do you need to quit porn?" or, "you can quit another time, but enjoy it today!". And i don't stop it, I just let it happen.

    I'm not here to whine or seek pity. I genuinely want help and advice. I can go as far as I can but, in a moment, lacking conviction, I fall back again. Reasons to throw at myself when I feel like quitting are useful, and on top of those I need one solid thing, carved in stone, to hold myself to. I hope I can find these soon...

    If there's anyone reading this, I guess there's no harm in asking... why are you convinced to quit porn?
  2. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Untill you are 100% convinced that there is nothing there (in pmo) for you except ruining your life ..you won't stop.
    I'm not kidding or being metaphorical or exaggerating..im being literal..porn is only ever going to ruin your life. It's worse than drugs. This filthy fucked up satanic industry's goal is to turn us to miserable animals. Zombies .
    You don't believe me?!
    Just reflect on your life ..every time you relapse you think it's good and amazing..but when it's all done..the devil reviels himself laughing at you again "I fooled you once again you stupid loser".
    Understand this: this theme is never going to change..the next time you will do pmo..and the same thing will happen..you think it's gonna be amazing and worth it..but when it's all done...nothing is there but a bunch of lies and shitty problems.
    CH3RRY, Dan9876, Talalelsayed and 2 others like this.
  3. hydroxide

    hydroxide Fapstronaut

    Thanks dude, you're right. PMO is only going to ruin my life. And the rest of our lives.
  4. Dan9876

    Dan9876 Fapstronaut


    I understand where you are coming from. I’ve been there. What helped me was admitting my addiction to myself.

    I’m not here to judge you, but in my opinion the biggest mistake you are making is that you think porn is not a big deal in your life when in fact it is. No, you CAN’T get rid of it casually if you wanted. That’s a lie your brain tells you to make yourself complacent. You have to put your mind and soul into quitting it. You have to take every measure to prevent resetting just like anyone else here.

    I’m not the perfect person to give you advice. Just keep this in mind. I’ve been in this exact situation. You’ll probably agree with me sometime in the future.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2019
    hydroxide likes this.
  5. Invictvs

    Invictvs Fapstronaut

    If you aren't "helplessly" addicted then you wouldn't have done it. You are definitely addicted. And the thing about that is that if you don't prepare you WILL give into things. My advice, from someone who's been through the ringer with this stuff, is that you put some obstacles in your path. Identify where and when you give in, and disrupt your schedule. I found that I normally wouldn't want to PMO early in the morning, but would by 10am so I made sure to be out of my house by 8am. I took up some new hobbies to fill the time. I also planned for "what if I'm alone with my computer anyways" and so I started leaving my laptop at work. It wasn't easy, but by making it really really hard to get access to P I grinded through it. It only takes a few weeks for things to get easier, and it only takes one slip up to undo months of toughing it out, because giving in one time snowballs to more.

    Try adding in some road blocks and make it difficult for your future self to get access to the things you're trying to give up. Also, you have to both quit, and REPLACE. I replaced PMO with music..both learning new instruments as well as spending hours listening to music (on CD). I also re-took up fishing and skiing, and ensured that I spent as much time out of the house as possible.
    hydroxide, Dan9876 and CH3RRY like this.
  6. hydroxide

    hydroxide Fapstronaut

    Thanks for reaching out to say this. I really do need to set it straight within myself that I need to do all I can to quit porn. Because right now, I'm relapsing because my brain tells myself that although it would be good to quit porn, it's not burning my life or anything. That's my mind tricking me into thinking it's not a big deal, and I can just quit another time.

    But that's a lie. If I could just quit another time, why am I finding it so hard to quit... now? Even if porn isn't burning my life, it sure is freezing my life. It's stopping me from going further even though I can. And it's making the rest of my world feel cold, and not worthy of pursuing, while making the warm embrace of this addictive illusion even more enticing.

    Thanks for helping me realize this. It's good to know someone else has been here before. Now I've told myself what's going on in my mind, that it's all lying to me. But on top of knowing that, I need to be ready - and more importantly, willing - to catch myself when I am about to believe these things.
    Dan9876 likes this.
  7. hydroxide

    hydroxide Fapstronaut

    What I meant by not being "helplessly" addicted is being able to go a week or so without feeling the need for porn. It's not the best way to describe it. But yes, I definitely am addicted, and not in a way that I can easily break out of; making it "helpless" in a sense. Anyways, I appreciate your advice and acknowledge that I do have a problem.

    About your advice - that actually seems like some really solid stuff. Disrupt your usual porn-watching time, prevent yourself from falling into vulnerable situations, and fill up your time with stuff worth doing.

    It's good to know that you toughed it out, and got past the hardest part after a few weeks. Encourages us that we can also do the same.

    Disrupt and replace. I need to find my own way of doing that.

    I usually relapse at the end of the day, replacing my first hour or so of sleep. I'm not exactly sure how to disrupt that, but I'll watch out for that and catch myself then. Maybe I'll replace that by making myself write a to-do-list for the next day, to get myself thinking about tomorrow, instead of gratifying myself today.

    I also relapse sometimes after looking at porn earlier in the day, or thinking about it. I tell myself it's not a full relapse, but it always ends up the same way - I PMO that night, or the next. I need to catch myself and remind myself of what it'll end up as if I go through with it. And immediately shock myself out of that mind state, and get something better to do.

    Cool to know that you replaced PMO with music. I spend a lot of my time on music too, either listening to it, or playing instruments. I've been doing this less though, and wouldn't give up a PMO session for music. But I could use this to actively replace my PMO time, among other things. I've been exercising too, and I've been waiting on trying a bit of writing too. I need to get out of my state of thinking about porn, and redirect my attention to something else.

    (Unrelated to this, I'm curious to ask - what is some of the music that you listened to as you mentioned?)

    Anyways, thanks a lot. I'll use what you said to help in my fight against PMO.
  8. Invictvs

    Invictvs Fapstronaut


    The music I listen to was generally written over a hundred years ago! I'm a pretty hardcore Beethoven fanboy. I like some Romantic era stuff too, especially Dvořák. As far as playing music goes, I really enjoy bluegrass (my main instrument is the mandolin). I think great music doesn't need words or lyrics!

    My point about roadblocks and obstacles is that sometimes they need to be physical. I realized that I would fail if I was in my house alone with my computer. So I started doing things to ensure that situation wouldn't arise, which left two options. I either had to make sure I was out of the house, or my computer was. The thing about this addiction is that it will make you trick yourself into relapsing. It will make you push aside thoughts of "I shouldn't," and if that happens and there's a free path to a source of pornography, then you'll relapse. Its like an alcoholic who's a week into quitting being left alone in a liquor store for a night. You have to have something in place to deal with yourself when you're in that situation, and it CANNOT rely on your willpower alone. You WILL eventually hit a point when you can walk through the "liquor store", and while it still might be tough you'll have a lot more control over urges. You'll think more rationally about them, and you'll weigh the consequences easier. But it takes time to get there!
    hydroxide likes this.