Can't Take A Hint Stories?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. She is one of the only close friends I’ve ever had and we have both shared a lot of our hearts to each other. I like hanging out with her. Both being students who are Christian but not strong in our faith, we have lots to talk about. Lately she hasn’t come to church for a few months though, and she has stopped messaging me and asking to hang out. She also talks about other guys now as well. So I’m 99% sure she isn’t into me, and if she still is, then that’s not my problem.
    boichy likes this.
  2. abacus123

    abacus123 Fapstronaut

    This is a very interesting story. I recently had a fallen out with an online friend about how I was communicating with him. I thought I was doing the right thing, but he did not see it this way. So I didn't get the hint that I was irritating him, which was certainly not my intention. The lesson I guess is to perhaps be more straight forward about how you see things. In this case, you were at some point, which seem to have resulted in the outcome you wanted.
    boichy likes this.
  3. Here’s a story about me not taking the hint : (

    I was overseas on a sort of entrepreneurial internship in a developing country in south east Asia. About 30 other university students were there on the project with me. Almost all the girls on the trip were taken except two, but lots of the guys were single.

    There was this really nice, extroverted and beautiful girl who was showing me attention and complementing me lots. This happened for about two weeks. I had absolutely no idea how to respond and honestly I felt a bit uncomfortable when she complemented something I did. Eventually I started trying to flirt back but was not good at it. Then, on the second weekend, we were outside in a group drinking (this was actually my first ever drunk experience), and she literally said in a very suggestive tone: “I would do *anything* for you”. To which I responded “wow”. Then everyone laughed at me and said to my face “are you going to do anything?”

    It was at this point that I fully grasped that she was into me. I kinda knew it before but maybe I denied it. You see, I was also really into her but my Christian morals caused internal conflict and confusion. I did want to do something with her but I also didn’t.

    Anyway, even if I had changed my mind, it was too late. The next day she was all over another guy who was more ‘alpha’ on the outside. Seeing this caused me great confusion and turmoil. I got jealous. They were sleeping together the same week and everyone knew about it.

    For the rest of the month, she actually kept being flirty with me but not as much as before. This made me even more confused, and occupied so much of my mind that it took away from the amazing experience of being overseas and the awesome work I was doing there. I really really wanted to talk to her, ask her what the heck was up with her, and tell her how she made me feel, but I was too scared and it seemed too risky.

    To this day him and her are still together and I have mostly gotten over it. Can’t help but be a bit regretful though, and wonder what she thinks or did think of me. Sad story, but I did learn a lesson or two.
    Deleted Account and boichy like this.
  4. Yeah it's mad when women do this, like they don't realise its a huge red flag. Especially when they seem to dig you for more than just a one night stand.

    One woman I was fucking once told me, 'if I got married, I'd still fuck you behind his back.' A damaged person, just like me.
    boichy likes this.
  5. Dude you should have asked her to ride a unicycle while singing Gilbert & Sullivan.
    boichy and Deleted Account like this.
  6. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    The web is dark and full of terrors.
  7. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    Lol ya that was also part of why i didnt get the hint. Its sometimes not what ppl say but what they do that matters. Im also a horrible person and like seducing women in relationships.
    boichy likes this.