No erection.... normal?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by anewhopeIV, Mar 14, 2019.

  1. anewhopeIV

    anewhopeIV Fapstronaut

    I believe I'm on day 60 or so of my reboot (no PM) and I've noticed something strange happening. I used to get erections in the shower while "washing up". With a wife and kids at home, the shower was my normal place to masturbate.

    Now my penis hangs limp and lifeless no matter how vigorously I wash. I can't seem to get myself up. Not that I'm trying to or want to get an erection in the shower, I just noticed that I'm no longer able to.

    With my wife, on the other hand, I can become aroused just by laying with her on the bed.

    Is this a normal part of rebooting?
  2. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Yes it is. Just keep going. It will take time to fully reboot.
  3. Invictvs

    Invictvs Fapstronaut


    RED ALERT SOUND THE ALARM. Dude you're testing things. Don't test things. I went through it, and its how I relapsed A LOT. I was anxious to see if I was getting better; I wanted to know that things were getting back to normal. Then I'd relapse because I'd actually manage to get something going, and took it too far, which had a snowball effect. It prolonged recovery for several months, until I realized that I just had to stop worrying about things like that. Don't test or obsess over getting better. Just ignore your peen for a while: put it out of your mind as best as you can!
    anewhopeIV likes this.
  4. anewhopeIV

    anewhopeIV Fapstronaut

    Guilty as charged! I'll keep from vigorous washing. Thanks for the slap in the face and words of encouragement. The tough love and encouragement around here is great!
    Invictvs likes this.