ghost stories

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 22, 2018.

  1. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    It wasn't holy water. It just needed to be cold.
  2. I personally do not believe in holy water, i dont believe any man can bless water, especially not in these days, maybe if God personally picked you to be a prophet, that sounds more likely, but i do not believe in holy water unless Jesus himself makes it.
    Roady and aspiringwriter1997 like this.
  3. Like how John mentions he turned water into wine at the request of his mother?
  4. you got to make the demon cold so he will want to go back to hell to warm up.
  5. Definitely the blood of Jesus.
  6. Yah something like that, you know if Jesus wants to bless something he will.
    aspiringwriter1997 likes this.
  7. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    Didn't Jesus though give authority to man to make things holy? His disciples were able to baptize, perform exorcisms, raise people from the dead and so on.
    So why wouldn't those called by God be able to make water holy?
  8. You would have to have direct instructions from him, only chosen people could do it, like some disciples.
  9. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    Well, if we look at the early church his disciples passed down those God given gifts to their own followers through the laying of the hands. And this trend hasn't stopped.

    I mean in a theological sense, the purpose of God becoming man was for the sole purpose of sanctifying man and creation to become holy. We no longer live by the old testament law where God was the only one who can perform miracles, Christ gave us that ability because he has united us with God. Now I do agree not everyone can make water holy, but there are men who are able to, ones who were bestowed that gift through the laying of the hands which goes all the way back to the apostles

    In a literal sense, Christ himself touched the waters of the Jordan which in an essence has sanctified all of the waters on earth.

    From my own personal experience, I've seen the power of holy water and the affect it has on the demonic. During the soviet era in Russia, there were many people getting possessed, and one of the ways that they would test if a person was possessed or mentally ill they would give them 2 cups of water to drink from, one being holy water while the other regular. If the person drank both then he would be sent to mental hospital, if he only drank one and refused the other, he would be sent to a priest.
  10. Question: "What does the Bible say about holy water?"

    Answer: The Bible is silent about holy water the way it is used today. For baptism, Matthew 3:11 speaks of "baptizing with water for repentance," with nothing in the context suggesting that the water itself is holy. Baptism is a symbolic ritual, identifying oneself with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. A closer parallel to the modern use of holy water would be God's laws in the Old Testament, which required cleaning ritually unclean things with water to purify them before one could touch them (see Leviticus 15, 16, and 17:15). See also a specific reference to ritually unclean people in Numbers 19:17.
  11. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    hmm I see your point.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  12. lol your right.
  13. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut


    Here's my Ghost story, well it's not actually mine but it really did happen. This is the story of Robert the doll, the real story that influenced the Chucky franchise.

    The story of Robert the Doll dates back to the early 1900’s when a young boy named Eugene Robert Otto was given a one-of-a-kind handmade doll by a servant that worked for his parents in his home. Eugene, who everyone called Gene, named the doll Robert and quickly became attached to his new friend.

    The home where Eugene lived, now called the Artist’s House, is located at 534 Eaton Street and was built between 1890 and 1898. It was here that Eugene was given Robert The Doll and where a friendship that lasted throughout his lifetime… and beyond was forged. While he seemed like an ordinary cloth doll, it wasn’t long before Robert was involved in strange and somewhat terrifying events. The first hint that something out of the ordinary was happening was one night when Gene, who was only ten years old, awoke to find Robert the Doll sitting at the end of his bed staring at him. Moments later his mother was awakened by his screams for help and the sounds of furniture being overturned in her son’s bedroom. Gene cried for help, begging his mother to rescue him. When she finally was able to wrench the locked door open, she saw poor Gene curled up in fear on his bed, his room in shambles and Robert The Doll sitting at the foot of the bed.

    Nobody knows for sure why or how this child’s plaything could actually wreak havoc on a child’s bedroom or do anything at all; after all, it was just a toy, right? But the weird and inexplicable didn’t stop at that one occurrence. Gene’s parents would often hear their son upstairs talking to the doll and getting a response back in a totally different voice. They reported seeing the doll speak and witnessing his expression change. Giggling and sightings of Robert running up the steps or staring out the upstairs window were also reported. Robert continued to live with Gene throughout his lifetime and after Gene’s parents died, he moved back into their home with his wife, Anne. Gene decided that the doll needed a room of his own and placed him in the upstairs room that had a window overlooking the street.

    Anne felt uneasy with Robert in the house and although she couldn’t put her finger on it, she wanted Gene to lock the doll up in the attic where he could do no harm. Gene conceded and as one could imagine, Robert the Doll was not happy with his new digs. Soon, visitors to the home heard footsteps in the attic, the sounds of someone pacing back and forth and devilish giggling. Neighborhood children reported seeing Robert watching them from the window in the upstairs bedroom and told accounts of the doll actually mocking them as they walked to school. When Gene heard this, he immediately went to investigate, knowing that he had locked Robert in the attic and there was no way he could be sitting by the window of the upstairs bedroom. But to his complete shock, when he opened the door to the bedroom, there was Robert, sitting in the rocking chair by the window. Gene locked Robert back up in the attic several times; each time discovering him again sitting by the window in the same upstairs bedroom.

    Gene Otto died in 1974 and when a new owner moved into the house on Eaton Street, their ten-year-old daughter was delighted to find Robert the Doll in the attic. But her delight ended soon when she claimed that Robert was alive and that the doll wanted to hurt her. She awoke often in the middle of the night screaming in fear and told her parents that Robert had moved about in the room.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  14. So i have another story to tell you guys that my mom just told me i hope you enjoy, and this is 100% real, i remember this happening but i did not know the details. So my mom bought this ring from a store called earthbound, it was a black ring and she said it looked like a portal to hell, not at first but after a while. So the first thing that happened was at night, she had woken up in the middle of the night and she saw a girl standing beside her closet at the end of the room, she had a white dress on almost like a night gown, you could not see her feet, she had long black hair and her face was covered by a shadow. Her head was pointed twords the ground and when she noticed my mom she floated to her, but she was lightning fast, and when she got close my mom saw her face, her eyes were holes and so was her mouth, her mouth hole opened wide as if she was silently screaming at my mom, my mom than turned the light on and she disappeared. Now you might just think she was dreaming but she definitely was not, this happened about 4 times a week for a whole month, also during that time my mom almost got killed 3 times and when she was in her car the mirror would point right at her face, the mirror is very sturdy and never moves, that was the only time it happened was during that month. So my mom decided to throw the ring away and after that it stopped, but than about a month later the demon returned, she was so confused to why it was happening, now this is the really weird part, my mom was digging in her jewelry box, and sitting on top of all the other rings was the ring she had thrown away, and before you say someone in my house put it in there we didnt, it was thrown outside into the garbage can and taken by the trash people. After that she put the ring in a circle of salt and the demon stopped showing up, than she put the ring in a bag of salt and threw it away again, it has been over a year since that happened and it never has returned since, i fear that if the bag rips and the ring falls out it will return again. So if anyone has thoughts on what kind of demon this was i would like to know.
  15. very interesting story. I just posted a new ghost story you should check out.