Day 60+ Now. When Does Flatline Gone?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Stop PMO Start Living, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. Stop PMO Start Living

    Stop PMO Start Living Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, I'm on day 60 something right now. It's been a roller coaster ride these days. From day 1-60, there are moments when I feel so great (happy mood, more energy, more willing to socialize/go out, talkative, confidence, low anxiety, low depression). But there are days when I felt worst and pretty much the opposite of the above.

    So my question is, when does our brain start to stabilize so that we can experience a steady good level of confidence, energy, low depression etc? will the flatline pretty much gone after 90 days?
    hervesta likes this.
  2. C.HNF

    C.HNF Fapstronaut

    Same here. How about libido?
  3. muted

    muted Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I don’t know. My flatline began to pass about 5 months after the appearance. But it looks different in everyone. ;)
  4. Sense

    Sense Fapstronaut

    The longest streak I ever managed was 4 months and I was in flatline for a LOT of that time. The streak ended when I dated for a while, relapsed on the "chaser effect" and used MO as an emotional fix after breaking up.

    It's frustrating, you feel like your dick doesn't work, and I'm yet to experience coming out the other end.

    I'm middle-aged and often hear that older men recover more quickly as they didn't have the same access to Internet porn -- but I personally think I'm a bit different as I used to sell porn for a living (in the days of VHS) and as such I've been addicted for most of my adult life.
  5. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    I’m 90 plus and I believe that the pathway takes more time to weaken than just three months. My idea is that the prefrontal cortex pathway which was the normal way of libido and arousal has to wake up but the bad pathway, even though weak, will take some time to be eliminated from the brain. Your emotions going up and down which is common in that early stage while the brain stabilizes with out porography is normal.

    I personally believe I will need six months to actually feel better. I know a few others on here have replied that five to six months they realized better emotions and libido.

    You just need to keep doing activities to not focus on the emotions and keep moving ahead. Everybody is different, and timelines will vary...
  6. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    I’ve heard from most other older guys on her about five to six months or so.

    It’s the normal pathway that needs to be reignited and I believe it takes longer than 90 days to weaken the porn habit and the pathway in the brain.

    I have actual attended meetings for addicts and one gentleman does say that it takes six mo this for a habit to break and rewire to something else.

    I think NoFap, or whoever puts up their information should really do more research into rewriting and pathways on the brain and update the timeline. A lot of people are not responding to initial 90 days ...
  7. David1221

    David1221 Fapstronaut

    it takes a long time, but you'll see gradual changes, maybe throughout the weeks, which eventually will lead to you just feeling good again. But it takes time for your brain chemicals to regulate, so be prepared to feel bi-polar for a while.
  8. David1221

    David1221 Fapstronaut

    and for most people, its definitelty longer than the 90. I don't even know why people think they'll get healed by then. Real change normally occurs by 6 months
    Stop PMO Start Living likes this.
  9. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    I agree up to six months for any effective out come to really show up. I am not sure where they got the 90 days from except reading general recovery times for other addictions and such.
    Stop PMO Start Living likes this.
  10. Congratulations on 60 days!
    I speak theoretically, but it seems good to not focus on the genitals too much. Either yours or anyone elses
    They say this flat line does pass in time.
    Stop PMO Start Living likes this.
  11. Bipolar, that's the best way you could put it. After 6 months withdrawals lessen a lil bit then you got it by major one. After that you feel better, meanwhile in between there are a lot of minor ones but you could still functioning if you want to. And boom a major one out of nowhere and so forth until rebooting is over.
  12. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Major one = erections??
  13. No I meant when a major withdrawals hit suddenly. It feels like you don't make progress at all.... When it's over you feel way better than before...
  14. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I see. I feel like I go through constant withdrawal. Small dead dick, constant headaches, loss of motivation, brain fog, numbed emotions, etc. horrible shit.
  15. You need to ride that shit out man as tough as that sounds I know it’s eaiser said than done. But I’ve been that way for YEARS. Ultimately putting my mind and body through constant chronic anxiety and withdrawals it’s not healthy and takes even fucking longer the more you relapse.

    I remember relapsing in 2010 even 2011 where I’d flatline for a bit then I’d be normal after a few weeks then 2012 come around where it seemed I was in for the most part a permanent flatline. I had a first streak of 77 days in 2013 and felt amazing towards 60 odd days, then must of hit another flatline then stupidly relapsed.

    I’ve had runs of 100+ 2nd highest was like 226 days and numerous other streaks and not one of those since has brought me back to baseline only pushed me further and further away from feeling optimal. The anxiety got worse and worse to where I could barely function. I really think the “Kindling” phenomenon that happens with alcohol and other drugs occurres with PMO. Read into that very interesting.

    Point is try and tackle this NOW for your future!
  16. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I am in probably a HUGE flatline now. I work on a flexible schedule right now and I actually had to go and lay down/meditate I was in such a brain fog. Fatigue is major. Riding it out is the only way. I do hope it does not take longer than 90 days. I am older so we will see. It is what it is.
  17. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Did you flatline after this relapse that I put in bold?
  18. Stop PMO Start Living

    Stop PMO Start Living Fapstronaut

    5 month.. that's prettly long huh. I just wonder why there is many people that claim they experienced the benefits like just 100 days.. guess it's different from one person to another
    muted likes this.
  19. Stop PMO Start Living

    Stop PMO Start Living Fapstronaut

    Yea man, I think I focus too much on how I feel or my emotion that I became unmotivated sometimes to do anything. Because I think I'm on a flatline/rebooting so I just want to rest..
  20. Stop PMO Start Living

    Stop PMO Start Living Fapstronaut

    Oh yea I just remember that in youtube video called the great porn experiment. It takes 6 month to be fully healed.. how to do activities when our mood is up and down in the process?