After 321 days without PMO.. I fell

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. Hello..

    i need som advice on the PMO Tracker.. is it enough to punish my self with extended PMO time with for example 3 month or should i start over completely. I mean for argument that i sholud only extend with couple more month is that my brain isint completely back on quare one.

    the reason i fail is that i had a downer yesterday that i couldn't get up from so i look for some comfort in the wrong things..

    please guys.. help me with this.. give me some sound argument.

    // Cjas
    dboy18 and control your life like this.
  2. Hercules9

    Hercules9 Fapstronaut

    If you PMO'd, then you need to reset your timer for accuracy's sake. Don't get downhearted about it though; just carry on as though nothing had happened. 321 days is pretty good and one relapse in that space of time shouldn't do you too much harm.
  3. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    it happence buddy ,dont beat yourself up too much ,its not the end of the world! Be honest to yourself and to others ,nobody will judge you!! The important thing is to never give up ,and to try again until forever!! Sometimes fallback is teaching us to be more careful and alert in the future ! Stay strong brother ,if you did it once ,you can do it again ! Remember ,its not about records or streaks ,but to learn how to beat this addiction! Good luck in your path!
  4. I guess that was the answer i needed to hear so i will reset the timer for my own good, thanks guys for your answers. and i wish you guys good luck to.
    Buddhabro, Andrew2434 and Hercules9 like this.
  5. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Its a good streak man, were you not fully rebooted?
  6. I not sure what to say to that .. but what I have learnt from this is that a life without pmo is a battle that in time will get easier but (now I talking by experience) battle that never will end.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  7. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    I mean was it not easy to just say no to porn? Were the urges as strong as they are at the start of a reboot? I read a lot of stories of some users who 'dont even think about porn anymore' and then look at others who say 'the battle never ends'. I wonder why there is still a difference? is it their inherent opinion of porn? Is it that one group have relationships and have sex, and the others are just abstaining completely monk-mode?
  8. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    You almost made a year! That is incredible.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Mate I wouldn’t even worry about it. Just keep winning every day and don’t give in. Don’t worry about counter numbers, each day you’re away you are recovering. Don’t binge either! You nearly made a year, you’ll piss it next time. Good luck!
  10. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    If you broke your commitment with yourself, whatever it was, then I think you ought to reset the counter to zero. For example, my commitment with myself is to not watch porn anymore. If I watch porn, I reset my counter to zero.

    You are correct that your brain isn't completely back on square one. That's why that number on your counter doesn't really mean a whole lot. It doesn't tell you much about how experienced a person might be in their own recovery. You had a slip up, but you didn't magically lose all the experience you gained on those 321 days of sobriety. You can pick up where you left off, even though your counter goes back to zero.

    Don't worry about the number on the counter. It's not an indication of how mature you are in your recovery.
  11. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    The difficult truth of the matter is that, for some people, even a year free of porn isn't enough to fully recover from the addiction.

    I don't want to scare you, but I haven't watched porn in almost a year and I still get urges to watch porn. I'm still an addict. I still have to stay focused on my recovery. I don't think that things will be this way for the rest of my life, and I have seen some considerable improvement throughout that year, but my point is that recovery can take a very long time.

    90 days is the suggested goal to set if you are a newcomer to NoFap. I think that 90 days isn't the end of your journey, but rather the beginning. 90 days is when you've finally had a taste of sobriety and when you really understand what it means to live a porn-free life.

    I hope that helps.
  12. dboy18

    dboy18 Fapstronaut

    Counting days is not the way to go about this. I went a year without pmo and relapsed last week. I gave in after 365 days 2 months ago. My advice is to get a lifestyle change, continue doing what you did during reboot but most importantly get a girlfriend and have sex bra.
    Pouyanb and Deleted Account like this.
  13. PathOfReform

    PathOfReform Fapstronaut

    That's a lot of time. But you shouldn't beat yourself up over it, you did great and fucked up. The damage is pretty minor, and you make sure to keep it that way by not relapsing again.
    Move on and remember: You did 321 days without relapsing, in the next streak you'll do 642. Good luck!

    I partially agree. I do think counting days is important, as long as you don't dwell in it all day long if you relapse. It does give a sense of competition against your urges and can motivate you pretty good.
    Getting a partner(GF or BF, whatever you prefer)is indeed a key factor here.
    Unfortunately, it's far easier said than done.
    Buddhabro and Deleted Account like this.
  14. I don’t thinks the answer you looking for have a one way answers to this but rather many variables that that u have to include.

    Like for me I hadn’t even thought of porn and could easily had withstand at any given day but now when I fell. I had become to comfortable and had let down the guard. So the very hard defends I had when I started the journey was nearly gone and when the urges come with the feeling of downcast ..I fell.

    So I think u always have to be on alert/guard agaisnt u own drift/nature that can be manipulated by outside thing. I mean u always want something new something better then u have now.
    So a life without PMO does not come without limitation but rather with limitation that will give more reasonable life.

    Don’t know if any of this make sense for u but take what u can from it ;)
  15. Thanks!
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  16. Haha! Ima working on the last part so eventually^^
    dboy18 likes this.
  17. Haha, a cheerful comment from the big Lebowski, my life is completed ^^
    Thanks for support! :)
    Buddhabro likes this.
  19. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Great streak man... Congrats. About your counter reset, I would act differently. I've made the same "mistake" as you just did by resetting the counter after achieving long streaks. That's demotivating as hell and tempts you to "rub" it one more time now that you're at zero again. Next thing you might see is full blown relapse. If it was only one slip and not binge PMO then go on "probation". If you don't slip again for a month, two or three (set your own time rule in months tome frame), consider slip non existent and continue counting days as slip never happened. The logic behind this is that you did virtually no harm to your brain chemistry with a single slip after rebooting for such a long time period. The best proof that no harm has been done to your neuro pathways rewiring is that you can go without PMO for extended period of time right after single slip incident occurred. Don't demotivate yourself by resetting the counter if single slip hasn't developed into relapse. We're here to make progress not seek perfection. Perfection doesn't exist.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. I would certainly say don't punish yourself at all!
    321 days is remarkable. As long as you don't fall back into bad habits, it seems that all is well.
    Maybe let us know how you feel over the next days and weeks.
    Buddhabro and Deleted Account like this.