struggling again - sissy bbc

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by rafanal, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    @rafanal @Breach @littlekegger @kriss93 @ghengis_naan

    Hey guys, from what I'm picking up in this thread you guys have in the very least mentioned sissy porn addictions, or a large shift in sexual preferences, likely due to porn. Join the groups "Recovering from Sissy Porn" and "Confused Sexualities". There are lots of guys in those groups with stories extremely similar yours, involving shame, guilt, a sense of being out of place, etc. Many of these guys have fully recovered as well. Join the groups and read the stories to see if they fit you.

    I was very hooked on sP between 15 and 19 y/o. I am 20 now. At my worst, I was PMOing 5 hours a day for 2 months straight to extreme sissy porn, either similar or worse to what you guys have described. I had my own women's clothes, lingerie, anal toys, chastity cage, a female name, and used them very often. I was 99% sure I was either bi or gay, and seriously considered sex transition surgery. Almost a year ago now, when I was very in deep with the sissy stuff, I had a chance to lose my virginity to a very pretty girl; however, due to all the PMO, I could not even get an erection with her sucking me off. That pushed me even farther into the sissy hellhole.

    However, what I didn't know back then was that all my desires and problems came from porn; they weren't who I was at all, although I could not tell at the time. After a 90 day reboot of absolutely no porn or stimulating media, no stimulation to my penis by me or anyone else, and obviously nor orgasms, I am about 98% cured. I know 100% now that I'm a man and I'm attracted to women. I have sex a lot, with 100% erections, and I finish everytime in a timely manner. This can be you too

    It's very likely your arousal to many of these things is due to porn and isn't your true sexuality. Only way to truly know is to do a good reboot and see what your brains wants to do after. Best of luck guys, and join those groups
  2. sadly my desires do not come from porn, i have been interesting in this stuff way before porn, i first realized it when i hit puberty.
    Maninsearchofasoul likes this.
  3. Stack101

    Stack101 Fapstronaut


    Just wanted to offer an opinion as I’ve struggled with this type of p before.

    About me... 16-18 years old male and have pmoed since around 12. I never got into anything weird until the sissy shit.

    Anyways what I’ve realized over time is that the sissy thing is just another form of novelty that fuels dopamine to the brain. I know deep down that I am 90% straight. (Everyone is somewhere on the spectrum) I remember having vivid feelings of romance towards women and getting the real butterflies for girls when I was younger. Though overtime that faded through porn use. The other reason I know I’m straight is because when I think of sissy shit I never think of the guys face it’s purely the act of being fucked rather than fucking. I also shrivel at the thought of having romance with another man. Yet I will still have urges to watch this weird sissy stuff and it’s confusing.

    That said, I know this is porn related due to the things I mentioned above. It’s a form of the Coolidge effect. You watch some porn for the first time and it’s crazy and a whole new thing. Then after time and time again it gets old so you search for weirder and more specific shit. Your brain is constantly looking for new ways to get that dopamine rush. Then sissy stuff comes along and boom. A TOTTALY different thing. Your being fucked rather than fucking, ur a girl, and ur in the girls position, ur being humiliated rather than glorified (as in regular porn male is glorified) Talk about NEW! And novelty, all the ideas that come with it. It’s like 13 year old you discovering porn for the first time again. So ur dopamine goes crazy at this and that’s how you get hooked on it, not because ur gay, secretly trans, or just weird.

    I know some people say it’s caused by low self esteem. I can say that the past few months I can tel my self esteem hasn’t been quite as high. BUT almost all of my life I’ve never had any issue with that and have always gotten girls and been pretty “cool” lol. So I guess this is a possibility but consider too thag if ur someone like me with fairly good self esteem it could be what I mentioned above.

    Felt good to share, lmk ur thoughts I’m open minded!
  4. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    So many good points here
    • novelty and shock of sP releases lots of dopamine which gets us hooked
    • lack of sP desires before porn indicates something is wrong
    • idea of having sex as a woman is arousing, but accompanying facets (having sex with a man, romantic relationship with a man, etc) brings disgust
    • coolidge effect brings men deeper into sP, allows ideas that would normally disgust to seem attractive
    If you haven't joined the group "Recovering from Sissy Porn" please do. It's a great resource for yourself, and other guys need pep talks like this all the time. Would love to hear more of your ideas
  5. Stack101

    Stack101 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the recognition
    Thank for the recognition! I’ve seen some posts on there and I will join!
    Maninsearchofasoul likes this.
  6. Brown Boy

    Brown Boy Fapstronaut

    thank u for sharing this here
    Roady likes this.
  7. rafanal

    rafanal Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone again

    I'm still strong agianst sP and PMO, but yesterday I just MO, and I felt great! Right after orgasm I had a strong will to scream " YEAH BABY I DONT NEED P! IM STRONGER THANT THIS BULLSHIT!". I felt so masculine and alpha. But today Im feeling the urge for sP or normal P is stronger. Is that notmal? Is that a good thing? Btw I'll meet my girlfriend tomorrow (she lives in another city, so we can't see eachother everyday. We see like 2 weekends per month) and we are planning to have a lot of sex
    Brown Boy likes this.
  8. Holding it a couple more days for her would have been amazing but congratulations on the success you achieved.
    Enjoy your time together to the fullest.
  9. rafanal

    rafanal Fapstronaut

    Hello guys

    I think I did a bad thing today. I was feeling stressed and bit sad because of my job, and then I was curious to check on the internet if there was more men that like to use panties or why they like to use panties, and on the first Google page, there was some YouTube thumbnails and I clicked in one of them, and it was a hypno video telling man to use panties! I stopped seeing and listening to it as soon as I realized it was about hypno, so I saw it for only 3 or 4 seconds, but that was enough to make me very horny. Although I don't use panties and never used to do that, I already tried it some times, like 3 or 4 times in my whole life, and it felt so good and exciting. But I'm feeling bad, thinking "omg is this a relapse? Did I lose all my progress? I want to be free from this bullshit!". I also realized that everytime I'm feeling sad, I have more urges than usual, although I didn't even think about this shit in the last few days, but after seeing this video for only 4 seconds now I can't stop thinking about all the sP I already described in the last posts and I'm having some strong urges and feeling anxious to do it all again. I'm trying to keep strong anyway.

    It is very good to have this forum to share and open my heart with someone else.
    Roady and Brown Boy like this.
  10. It sounds like a wake up call, anytime you are feeling stressed and or sad you need to get and away from being alone with anything with a screen. You can do this.
    Roady and Brown Boy like this.