Half morning wood, is it a sign of ED?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Talalelsayed, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. Talalelsayed

    Talalelsayed Fapstronaut

    Hey my buddies,
    I am now in my third week of no PMO. I was addict for about 12 years. Before rebooting i totally lost my morning wood. Now i am restoring it but not completely. It is only about 10 c.m and not thick "as we used to see in porn" and the longest morning wood lasted for 4 min and relieved " i went to pee as i get up"
    I am still virgin and i am afraid if this is a sign of ED. If it is, what is the cure?
  2. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Yea a lot of people lose their morning wood when PMOing regularly, including me. It will come back man through the reboot, trust the process
    I don't know whether half morning wood is a sign of ED, but full and regular morning wood is a sign of a properly functioning sexual system. Nothing good will come from PMO anyway, so just stick at it
    Talalelsayed likes this.
  3. Talalelsayed

    Talalelsayed Fapstronaut

    @bigboibez thanks for reply.
    I am just really afraid to have ED. In this case i should seek treatment; so i was afraid this is a sign.
  4. my morning wood has been gone for many years, it actually just came back about a week ago, if you want to speed the recovery up than you need to also be incorporating good eating, no junk food, no processed food, no sugar, i did not start getting mine back until i changed my diet.
    #TimeToChange19 and Talalelsayed like this.
  5. Talalelsayed

    Talalelsayed Fapstronaut

    Good advice @littlekegger
    I gained weight last month and must have a look at my diet.
  6. #TimeToChange19

    #TimeToChange19 Fapstronaut

    Make sure you guys top up on Vitamin D and Zinc everyday. These two mineral powerhouses are responsible for building and creating testosterone, vitamin D especially. I would also recommend drinking green tea, due to the catechins it contains. These catechins act as an anti inflammatory for your blood vessels, expanding them, thereby increasing blood flow, this is especially true for your penis. And lastly, I would reccomend eating 1 cup of pumpkin seeds everyday and Oats in the morning, due to their high L-arginine content. L-arginine will increase blood flow to the penis. I'm consuming these during my NoFap streak.
    Talalelsayed likes this.
  7. #TimeToChange19

    #TimeToChange19 Fapstronaut

    Talalelsayed, if you haven't already done so, go for a blood test with your doctor. See if you're deficient in anything. They will also measure your testosterone levels. If you're a healthy eater and an active person, there shouldn't really be any issue physically wise. If you rule out any physical issues, that's a good sign, you will have peace of mind on that side of things, only thing you need to do then is work on your NoFap streak to heal the mind.

    The best medicine is time.
    Talalelsayed likes this.