Dichotomy of women becoming more bi curious and men becoming porn addicts

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ash.k, Feb 19, 2019.

  1. Ash.k

    Ash.k Fapstronaut

    This is a random late night thought stream, and im havn trouble sleeping, does anyone else ever notice the high degree of women whom embrace their bisexuality these days and also the amount of guys turning to porn? I wonder of its like some kind of unconcious movement in society somehow like because of the seeming trouble were dealing with collectively with sex and relationships, im not trying to disempower any womans choice to be bisexual or anything, to be honest im jaded as fuck by traditional relationships, that a big reason i ended up with a massive porn addiction, it seemed so pointless. Maybe its the blurry tiredness but what if this seperation is going to carry forth into ai as well, maybe this is a sign of how badly things need to be repaired if they can be, or maybe its evolution and its just going to be, weather we like it or not, haha i dunno, but maybe i can sleep a bit now anyway
  2. AncestralWarrior

    AncestralWarrior Fapstronaut

    I think porn just might have something to do with this. But I think the major cause women are going bisexual is because being LGBT nowadays is not only highly acceptable and embraced but also extremely popularized and even used in marketing. I'm all for gay rights, but let's be honest, LGBT is everywhere today. And about porn? Porn is much more accessible, and we are gradually becoming weaker as technology makes everything easier for us. But I wouldn't be worried. The world has seen much worse.
  3. Ash.k

    Ash.k Fapstronaut

    I keep thinking of jungian principles, something about how our shadows operate collectively, how they help us to grow or at least are catalyst for growth, its interesting to me what is happening in japan with sexuality technology and the seeming distance that we all have with each other, this is perhaps more further afield but its almost as if we are giving in mass coitus giving birth to something new
  4. I don't see why anyone would have to contemplate why more women and people in general are LGBT. I'm glad that people are encouraged to live the way they won't but the powers that be are literally shoving Gay culture, politics and sex down children's throats and promoting this stuff heavily in every way possible.
    AncestralWarrior, u376 and Ash.k like this.
  5. Ash.k

    Ash.k Fapstronaut

    Yeah it would be cool if it was ok to talk more about it i guess, i think its good that as a society we are more accepting of everybodies differences, i guess im coming from a position thats wondering what damage and cause will come from the seemingly large amount of males that have a porn addiction, and why etc, im very interested in how it happened etc. I see the obvious stuff like response and simple marketplace opportunities etc, but also notice stuff like how it affects relationship development, and also how surpressed sex is in mainstream culture, but is so obviously a dark problem for many men, yeah its interesting
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. AncestralWarrior

    AncestralWarrior Fapstronaut

    I agree 100%!
    Ash.k likes this.