Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by The_Simple_Fool, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    1. I lost my spirit.
    2. I lost my drive
    3. Lost hundreds (perhaps even tousands) of opportunities for dating and marriage.
    4. Lost pace of my career.

    Now at my age its too late to get a girlfriend, but still its worth to not be a pathetic porn junkie.
    AspiringVitality and Lilla_My like this.
  2. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    As I consumed pornography and masturbated for almost 15 long years, I did (only) lose the following:

    -Self-control (especially those regarding urges)
    -Life satisfaction and fulfillment
    -Short term memory
    -Cognitive ability
    -Physical fitness
    -Social skills
    -Anger management skills
    -Belief in myself

    And the list goes on and on. It is one of those poisons you should stay away from PMO completely. Preferably hard-mode for a prolonged period makes you regain, not everything, but most of what you lost while PMO:ing. After having been on hard-mode for almost a year at this point, my life has never been better or more fulfilling than it is now.
    K423, slitebg and WretchedBoy like this.
  3. 金子熙吼吼吼

    金子熙吼吼吼 Fapstronaut

  4. MikeM444

    MikeM444 Fapstronaut

    Thanks brotha, I needed to read some positivity.
  5. MikeM444

    MikeM444 Fapstronaut

    Almost day 9 now, I haven't made it past 2 weeks and I want to start reaching months. Thanks for your input.
    Bretto, slitebg and Gmork like this.
  6. bobross

    bobross Fapstronaut

  7. CS1

    CS1 Fapstronaut

    Lost 20 years of my age !! Unbelievable
    And you can imagination what else I lost as well
    And more ..
  8. barn

    barn Fapstronaut

    I was not an extraordinary guy on anything naturally but I lost ample opportunities to improve myself.
    Now I don't have the time or opportunities for growth.
  9. soulrebel

    soulrebel Fapstronaut

    Dont say that, there is always time and opportunity so long as you aren't in the grave.
  10. I lost myself. I am finally taking some time to learn more about my Savior. But, years of sexual immorality drove me away.
  11. almoganah

    almoganah Fapstronaut

    I lost my sanity ...
  12. barn

    barn Fapstronaut

    I dont know, I regret a lot for wasting time.
    thanks for the reply
  13. slitebg

    slitebg Fapstronaut

    So similar to my life bro. I've been a porn/masturbation addict since early childhood, I just turned 29 and I feel I have a huge gap in my life since I was 20-21, about that time I think my addiction really started to take hold. I am a lawyer now (but no clients - so no income too), like you said no real career, haven't held a real job, I've had one teenage girlfriend and all other women I liked were never really into me. Of course I realize now I am the 'least-alpha' male I actually know. The fact I now know the partial reason for that /PMO/, it doesn't make it easier - maybe even worse because it was self-inflicted. I have a couple of good friends but I am amazed they still want to hang out with a walking shell like me.

    I've lost my focus, my path in life, I've almost lost my faith and I've certainly lost too much time, energy, motivation etc. I can say with a bit of a scare I don't really enjoy life anymore - I just go through the motions hoping for the best (and these days I'm not even that hopeful).

    Of course everyone here knows the vicious cycle - with all these awful effects from PMO one finds him/herself even more stressed out and depressed so the field is ripe for another relapse.
    And on it goes...

    My only lifeline is that I still have some faint memory of the brief times I wasn't a PMO /dopamine/ addict. The times where I could enjoy little things, I worked out and felt great about it, I almost stopped PMO and other bad habits and had normal sleep, motivation and appreciation for life. This was most recently, two years ago, if I recall correctly.

    I'm not forgetting the fact guys like us are 29, not 79, but after a PMO binge I certainly feel more like I'm 39 or something. I'm just hoping our bodies and minds have enough reserve to try and fix the damage we did to ourselves.
    WretchedBoy likes this.
  14. The_Simple_Fool

    The_Simple_Fool Fapstronaut

    First, I created this thread just to express my hatred about porn. Now i realise i m not alone in this quest. Thank you
    soulrebel likes this.
  15. soulrebel

    soulrebel Fapstronaut

    What about the next 30 or 40 years in your life ? Are you gonna let the regret of those smaller years mess up what you could do with these ones ?
  16. Ash.k

    Ash.k Fapstronaut

    Thats a really good question, thanks for posting it, i think the main thing i lost watching porn and the other sexual patterns i have that are related is how out of touch i have become with myself, losing the ability to hear and feel what the shadow inside of me is telling me, and the ability to accept and love those fearful dark places, porn is a bandaid for my unwanted thoughtforms and feelings, i am really greatful to begin to hear again these things, even if it can be challenging
  17. jesseeb

    jesseeb New Fapstronaut

    lost so many sex opportunities...
  18. Scert

    Scert Fapstronaut

    There's been so many situations where I haven't been able to get it up with girls. When I was 20ish I remember being confused about what was happening. I had a lot of conflicting thoughts trying to figure it out.

    The scariest thing is that whether or not you understand that porn and masturbation are to blame for your weak boners, you'll explain it all away regardless. You'll rationalize it some how or another by saying something like, "Oh I'm just tired tonight, "I've been exercising too much," "IDK, sometimes I just don't get turned on," "I'm too drunk/high," etc. I personally think that's terrifying because you'll start believing it.

    Even if you know that porn is to blame, and I've done this before, you might relapse into porn, distance will grow between you and your support groups (i.e. NoFap), and you'll fall back into those same old patterns of looking at porn, getting weak ass boners when you're finally with a girl, returning to the porn because its the only thing that's going to get you hard, and then the cycle repeats. We're all at serious risk of doing this shit over and over again for the rest of our lives.

    I genuinely hope everyone is able to get out of this cycle forever. I'm making it a life goal to stop letting porn be the barrier that's stopping me from living a fulfilling sex life that I can be proud of.
  19. I lost all my time as a teenager. Since I was 13 I've been watching P obsessively. I should have been out with friends and focusing on school. Instead, I wasted so many hours watching that crap. It's a shame that so many teenagers have this problem and almost everyone says "it's normal to watch porn." No it's not. It slowly ruins your life.
    Lilla_My and soulrebel like this.
  20. soulrebel

    soulrebel Fapstronaut

    This is so true