Feet fetish

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by almoganah, Feb 17, 2019.

  1. almoganah

    almoganah Fapstronaut

    I have feet fetish . I don't remember when or why this has started . it's like if i was born with it ... isn't it weird to desire the feet of a girl rather then her reproductive organ ? . I actually consider the feet of a woman as the number one indicator of beauty ... anyone else ?
  2. I've heard a couple people say their foot fetish was fueled by porn but in general I think it's a natural thing. Probably nothing to worry about.
    recon117 and almoganah like this.
  3. JujuFR

    JujuFR New Fapstronaut

    I am one of the most french feet fetish guy... I have a gf and now my mistress. And yes its like vagina or tits To me... its starting when i was Young with stocking of women fascinating me
    Master Chips and almoganah like this.
  4. almoganah

    almoganah Fapstronaut

    no . for me it wasn't fueled by porn . I've had it since i was a kid . before i even know about something called " sex " . though the majority of porn actors have pretty feet .. I really feel that I am kind of a '' weirdo " because of it . I don't understand it ...
  5. almoganah

    almoganah Fapstronaut

    Oh ... same here . I've read before that feet fetish is caused because our brain mistakes feet for vagina . due to the two regions being close to one another ...
  6. almoganah

    almoganah Fapstronaut

    It's very difficult believe me . and yes . it's like if they were walking topless . I get an urge to scan every girl's feet walking beside me . and of course . most of the time . i get horny . which makes it much harder for me not to fap ...
    jiq13 likes this.
  7. Same thing with me. I'm always. Checking out women's feet during the summer. I'm pretty picky about it though, so a lot of the time it can go the other way where I'm actually turned off. But I can get pretty hot and bothered if they have nice feet with that red or pink nail polish.
  8. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    IMO feet are ugly. I mean, why would anyone train to be podiatrist? o_O
    Are you serious? :eek: The feet are just about as far away from the vagina as you can get. The hands are nearby though. :rolleyes: My brain might be addled, but I am pretty sure it wouldn't mistake feet for a vagina. LMFAO! :p
    almoganah likes this.
  9. Yeah I don't know where he was going with this.
  10. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    This is my quotation^ @Righthandman76, but it appears in your response as:

    I did not say this:- Imo men's feet are ugly. Women's feet are sexy. But I guess you wouldn't notice if you don't have this fetish.
  11. My bad. I stuck it in the wrong spot by accident.
  12. Yes foot fetish starts and then develops to femdom fetish within time. The fuckiest thing ever :) but I believe it is still better than a lot of other things.
  13. I dont know if foot fetish can be erased but it can be moderated to a normal attractive thing. But any developed fetish and femdom can be erased by nofap.
    almoganah likes this.
  14. almoganah

    almoganah Fapstronaut

    Haha . sorry . I meant the regions inside the brain ... look it up https://www.livescience.com/33525-foot-fetishes-toe-suck-fairy.html
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2019
  15. JujuFR

    JujuFR New Fapstronaut

    The summer season is so much difficult. Even if i only like pretty and very well kept feet.. I livin in thé south of France and all the girl wearing opened shoes and flipflop with toes out.. Yes its super hot for feet fetish cause we cannot contain ourself To dont watch and trying To see the feet of girls. Its like watching girl topless réally similar To me... but you cannot share anything and keep it for yourself
    almoganah likes this.
  16. Miiiweel

    Miiiweel New Fapstronaut

    Hi Man, same with me, A need to smell them
  17. Abetterbrain

    Abetterbrain Fapstronaut

    I read in a brain book that the reason why foot fetishes are so common is due to the area of the brain that associates sex is very close to the part that recognises feet and they can easily wired together. Something along those lines anyway. Don’t worry about it. Fetishes are normal. Just find a girl who accepts you for you.
    almoganah likes this.
  18. Agonist

    Agonist Fapstronaut

    I adore women's feet. I am the biggest foot freak, and to me not only are they the most attractive part of a woman's body, but they are the most important quality I consider when looking at a woman. Luckily, all of my past partners have graciously indulged in my foot fetish, and for my future partner it is more important to me that they have beautiful feet than the rest of them be beautiful. I've been this way my whole life, and it can't be helped. I live in Florida, where it practically never gets cold, so feet are in sight all year long. It's a beautiful thing.
  19. Abetterbrain

    Abetterbrain Fapstronaut

    It must be fucking hard having a foot fetish. All those feet out in the summer and in swimming pools. I can’t imagine the restrain and torment for someone with that fetish.
  20. Agonist

    Agonist Fapstronaut

    It's not hard, it's literally awesome
    Gmork likes this.