Premature Ejaculation

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Deleted Account, Feb 9, 2019.

  1. So I've been 46 days off porn, and since day 31 I started to mindfully masturbate (not daily), because I consider it to be a natural approach. The thing is that when I watched porn I used to masturbate for 2/3 hours, resting 2 minutes here and there, while looking for new material, while now it takes me like 3 minutes to finish... And the first minute and a half is for getting it hard. The truth is that this feels so much pleasurable, and I am focused on the pleasure of sensation, while on porn I was focused on the arousing images, not paying much attention to the feeling of M. I'm thinking maybe it is because I don't do it daily, but honestly, to keep it hard without visual stimulation you have to go for a combination of moves and touches that feel great and you can't but to orgasm... So I don't know man, I'm lost here, I don't know what to do about it. I don't want to feed this premature ejaculation problem, and I can't go hard mode, because I did that for 31 days and I had prostate problems and zero wet dreams, so it hurts me. And it ends on PE anyways, because when you finally orgasm after months, it takes you like a minute.
    Anyone on the same boat? Anyone dealt with this already? Any ideas?
  2. Talalelsayed

    Talalelsayed Fapstronaut

    I think you may have to see a doctor for your prostate problem
    I wish i could help but i don't have a clue
    I am waiting eith you for otherx to respond
  3. My prostate problems were pain, burning sensation, feeling like I needed to pee all the time, but peeing two drops, and bulging, so I'm pretty sure it was inflammation due to semen retention. I think it might have been non-bacterial prostatitis, which is of unkown origin, and there was a study that proved that frequent masturbation cured it or helped a tone with it, while on no eyaculation all men where having the symptoms. This is not to say that it will happen to you on NoFap, maybe it only happens if you're prone to it. But it has happened to a lot of other fapstronauts, I read many similar posts on my research.
    Best55 likes this.
  4. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    It's not, it's abnormal and unnatural to masturbate. Literally 99.999999% of animals don't masturbate at all. Masturbation to ejaculation happens even less.

    Leave your dick alone, it's meant for a woman not for you.
    Best55 likes this.
  5. We have a hand that allows us to do this, and it's not like your penis is going to fall off, it doesn't tell the difference from a vagina and a hand. Yes, I want a woman, but on the meanwhile I don't want prostate problems. That's like saying: "don't use your hand to wipe your ass, or to clean your buggers, or to scratch and itch; they're meant to be there"...
    Furthermore, whatever happens in nature is natural.
    You do as you please, but don't come at me with supposed truths and made up statistics instead of with opinions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2019
  6. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Rape also happens in nature. Cancer is also natural.

    You have hands and you can stick them up your ass too. Why don't you do that?

    Your body CAN tell. there is a 400% difference in prolactin between masturbation and sex.

    You won't have prostate problems, the only study that concluded that is stupid because it assumes all ejaculation (sex/masturbation) is the same, when it's objectively not the same.

    There is a study on 6k catholic priests that found that prostate cancers were LOWER than general population.

    The premise that masturbation is good against prostate cancer is bunk.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
    Best55 and YourShiningVeganHero like this.
  7. Yeah, rape and cancer are natural. I think you don't understand the meaning of "natural".
    Our body doesn't tell, your mind tells. Masturbating has no negative effect on the penis if done properly, go read the basis of this site, NoFap is not against masturbation, they are against impulsive masturbation and against porn addiction.
    I didn't mean prostate cancer, I got prostate problems from day 20 to 31, and they went away after masturbating. I'm not the only one who has had this problems in this site. I'm sure it was due to semen retention, since I didn't get wet dreams. I had sexual dreams, but without any release, so I can not count on wet dreams.
    I know you have already built a bible around NoFap, good for you, but your truth does not apply to everyone, keep it to yourself.
  8. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    There is no study to support that. And there is no definition on "properly". Not even Alexander wants to define "properly" even if he likes to think masturbation in "moderation" is ok

    Literally your body tells, i've linked a scientific study. There are biological differences between sex and masturbation.

    Because you're used to masturbate. Prostate problems will go away, so will blue balls. I had them too.

    You don't need wet dreams, your body recycles unused sperm.
    Lordhostan likes this.
  9. Here you have a link to a study that proves that masturbation is good in the case of the problem I had, which you claim that would simply go away, when you don't deven know the problem I had, and which btw you claim without any scientific background.
    Furthermore, I doubt there is any scientific study to prove the benefits of MO, because it is only logical. We need to ejaculate, to the point for most of us our bodies take care of doing itself while we sleep if we don't do it ourselves. It's only logical that we are not going to hurt ourselves by ejaculating, which is one of the primary functions of our body. I guess you are against women masturbating men... We could talk about the downsides of impulsive abusive masturbation, but we don't need a study to understand that masturbating once or twice a week poses no harm. And it can even be good for some, as proven in that study.
  10. That's not a reason to masturbate. If you have a good and valid reason, go ahead (as you say, mindfully, not excessively and not to porn or p-subs). But if that's your best reason, give it a break. You don't need to masturbate.

    Some people say that porn has caused their PE, and going on a full hard reboot has solved their problem. It's worth a try, I believe.
    You're saying only 1 out of every 100 million species (that would be us humans) masturbates. That's a fascinating claim, as we have only 9 million or so estimated species on Earth, and we know of at least several that masturbate on a regular basis. Assuming that we're talking only of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, that leaves a mere 31,000 or so species. Please don't spread falsehood. I'm not arguing your point; I'm asking that you be accurate when you make your point, because fake figures make your claims untrustworthy and unbelievable. Thank you
  11. Oh no, the reason I started to MO is because I had prostate problems, very annoying problems, that arose since day 20 on NoFap, and they went away after MO a couple days a week. And I don't use porn, I'm done with that shit, I don't even crave it, and it's day 48.
    Mordobarn likes this.
  12. Excellent! I had the same effect, being uninterested in porn, in the first month. Since then, I've the occasional sudden urge to look, but I know that it's a nonsense thought and it goes away quickly.
    I'mJustAChoice likes this.
  13. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    1. chronic prostatitis is not diagnosed in 20 days, as name suggests it requires a much longer timeframe. You also didn't specify if you actually got diagnosis for it or you just thought you have chronic prostatitis cause you got prostate problems. The subjects in the study were having chronic prostatitis for a year. Also, there was no statistically relevant result for leukocyte count, just for "symptoms" which is a subjective term and it's quite normal to expect a reduction cause ejaculation acts like an analgesic.

    2. Even if this works for non bacterial chronic prostatitis, your initial argument was that you masturbate cause you consider it natural approach. Again, it's not natural, even if it may work for a specific problem (chronic prostatitis)

    3. If you have sex fantasies during the day / get aroused, the prostate will get inflamed, the solution is to stop getting aroused, not masturbate.

    4. You don't need to ejaculate, the body recycles semen. Wet dreams do not happen to everybody and wet dreams are associated with premature ejaculation

    It is not logical at all to masturbate, the penis exists for sex, it would literally not exist otherwise.

    That number is just there to make a point, there are extremely extremely extremely few species that masturbate and among those species not all members do it, some don't do it at all.
    Best55 and Fallensoldier1 like this.
  14. Your complacency towards precision renders your advice worthless.
  15. Look, we could be forever going back and forth, and we'd never agree. So there's no point on keeping this going on.
    Have a nice day.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. My plea stands. When you invent fake numbers to "make a point", the only point that other people get is that you're unreliable and deceitful. Please stick to facts so that people can take your advice on board.
    I didn't know this. Do you have a link, please?
  17. YourShiningVeganHero

    YourShiningVeganHero Fapstronaut


    THats a dope study. have been wondering bout this for years. thanks mate!
    ultrafabber likes this.
  18. Best55

    Best55 New Fapstronaut


    When I was in my teens , I used to have wetdreams . I thought it was normal. Even movies portray it as normal.
    Excessive masturbation in my early twenties.

    Fast forward , having chronic prostatitis now. All tests show no bacteria, virus, parasite. So it must point chronic non bacterial .

    In conclu, wet dreams must not be normal.
    There might be an underlying prostate problem .
    ultrafabber likes this.
  19. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear about your problems and hope you will have a resolve. Did you stop masturbating now?

    As for wet dreams, i just can't understand how people think it's normal. Just because it happens to some people, it doesn't make it normal or healthy.

    There is no other animal that simply ejaculates in sleep and even the act itself makes no sense. If ejaculating while you sleep is "normal", so is peeing while you sleep (called Nocturnal enuresis - and it's recognized as a disorder).
    Inchristidefeatthis and Best55 like this.
  20. Inchristidefeatthis

    Inchristidefeatthis Fapstronaut

    You know he's right. masturbation is not natural....keep off masturbation to solve your prostrate issues