How do you deal with libido?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. This morning it becomes very hard for me, I watched some video there is some sexy girl(not porn), it makes me urge, before I lost my mind, I go to the bathroom and take a shower with cold water. after that, I don't want it anymore.
    So, please tell me some tips can help me with this situation.
    LuisGuev likes this.
  2. I don't. Maybe that's why I have relapsed so many times in the past, haha. But I've discovered that social media and internet are your enemy when you're on NoFap. Everything can trigger urges. You're scrolling facebook and see that hot friend's photo and that's it. YouTube? 80% of thumbnails has something to do with hot girls just to catch your attention. Instagram? Forget it. So the best thing you can do is to minimize it as possibly as you can. Change your daily routine. Don't scroll pointlessly, stop wasting your time watching random stuff where you can eventually find that triggers. You don't need that. You're healing yourself.

    I also have to admint that my approach is changing because I have a girlfriend. She's awesome. I truly love her and I know it's serious. So that's why my next streaks are longer and longer. It's a real deal. I see my future with her as same as she does see her future with me. That's why everytime the urge is so strong I have that in my mind that I'm doing this for us, for our future and heatlhy relationship. It helps A LOT. Peace!
  3. Thank you
  4. LuisGuev

    LuisGuev Fapstronaut

    Something curious has been happening to me with my libido, the first week since I started with my current streak I was very horny, everything I watched used to turn me on. It was hard beacuse I had to be fighting against me to don't relapse, but since day 8 my libido literally died, I haven't had and any erection since then nor any urgue, it's like if I were on a physic flatline. Personally, I like being in this state, I don't have to worry about relapsing and I can be completly sure I won't relapse.
    My advice for you is to continue developing your habits, develop a bunch of good habits until they do everything for you, I mean, until you do them without even noticing it, don't worry if at the begininng is hard, it gets easier with time.
    Keep strong!
  5. Thank you, but I relapsed at my 13rd day, I will try your advice and thank you.
  6. It's really hard, I took a shower with cold water again.I'm too stupid to learn sth from my failure.
  7. BillTchmer

    BillTchmer Fapstronaut

    dont loose hope. just keep on trying
  8. Thanks, Just now, I took a cold water shower again, it's really cold, AH. I think I should take cold water shower every day when urge comes.