The 2019 X90 Hard Mode High Accountability Elimination Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Dec 31, 2018.

  1. Where does this feeling of not wanting to be alone stem from? Maybe some childhood memories of being abandoned/neglected/ignored? If yes, then this is your inner child acting out - he is afraid of this feeling because it is too much for him but it is not too much for your true self who is now a grown-up man. You should work with that. Maybe this helps.
    Daniel1 likes this.
  2. lolman123

    lolman123 Fapstronaut

    Checking Day 1/90 No PMO after relapse.
  3. Hammerhand2202

    Hammerhand2202 Fapstronaut

    I just pummeled by ex. Had gone to downtown for a drink after more than 3 months and met her. Started talking and one thing led to another and did her on the sink. No PMO but hard mode gone out of the window. Not getting back with her but she was looking a 10. Lesson Learnt: DO NOT GO TO A FUCKING BAR especially when YOUR CRAZY but FRISKY EX GOES THERE. Restarting clock.
  4. Well that's great, thank you for describing everything, now I can't sit still on my chair at work and started feeling sorry for not meeting my ex that week when he was free the whole weekend - would have been similar end of the story. But no, I'm proud that I did not do anything with a married man and yes, I really want to achieve my 90 day goal.
    lolman123, glnb8 and Daniel1 like this.
  5. Daniel1

    Daniel1 Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    It's really hard to pin down. Not really any childhood memories, I had a great childhood. And it's not that I am afraid of being alone per se: I love being alone in nature, just sitting on a bench in a park and Journaling or reading a good book. I also love having time for myself in the mornings

    I think it's just that I have, ever since I was 10, had an evening routine where I would eat something before bed and either game or watch some form of media (TV-shows, YouTube and P before bed).

    Now that I'm cutting out electronics in the evening I think my brain is panicking a bit. It's uncomfortable not having a constant source of stimulation. And there's a fear of being alone with myself because I might watch porn or overeat etc. which causes shame.

    It's really very strange. Because I'm a very happy, positive individual and I rarely worry about things. So it's not that I sit around and worry about things and get into a negative thought cycle, it's more that I live in such a fast pace and that I'm not used to winding down at night (without the use of some form of distraction).
  6. Hmm so maybe choose another form of media which is "safer" for you - watch a DVD for ex and stay away from electronics? The key is flexibility, you have to tame the mind. If it wants some entertainment - offer it some but within safe limits. The brain might be panicking because you like prohibit media for it altogether, try be more flexible with that.
    Regarding overeating - if you overeat because you had hardly time to eat during the day - there's nothing to be ashamed of, body needs food, if it's more emotional eating - you should ditch diets, resume regular and balanced (I didnt say super healthy - extremes are not good) meals and then sit and think what other coping skills you could resort to when you want to overeat (but there is no physical hunger) or when you want to stimulate yourself with entertainment.
    Deleted Account and Daniel1 like this.
  7. Hammerhand2202

    Hammerhand2202 Fapstronaut

    GOod that you did not. Would have been difficult.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. glnb8

    glnb8 Fapstronaut

    Day 33 Check In. No PMO. Sorry for the late check in. Just busy at school. Exams are coming. Be strong, friends. :)
  9. In fact I have done it (had sex with him) a few times in the past while still married and I think PMO played some role in that too. So that's why I want to clear my head of all this shit and live my life differently. I think that sometimes guys assume that girls are not that triggered or not aroused at all, they hardly have any physiological desire for release or any genitals which they like to stimulate while watching some visual material, and that, all in all, everything is SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION for them. No it is not! I even read on NoFap today that women tend to look for romance and plot in porn and they do not need to be aroused straight away, wtf?! The fact that we do not talk about things does not mean that they do not exist. I was really triggered today and is easy for you to give advice now as you don't feel as horny as I am now, actually, not now but the whole day. I will stop now because I feel I'm getting too emotional.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2019
    glnb8 and Deleted Account like this.
  10. Hammerhand2202

    Hammerhand2202 Fapstronaut

    Hey I do not mean to say it is easy for women, neither am I giving any advice. I am sorry about you getting triggered. Will take care in future. I just start writing as a natural reaction of trying to get it out of the system. Also not suggesting women do not get horny. I have seen women horny as fuck and have demanded XXX. I apologize again.
  11. Hi fleurette,

    Thanks for explaining it like this, it's very helpful. I know women are turned on visually like men, I've seen it, witnessed it. I see it in my relationship (because I'm such a stud HAHA).

    There are such stereotypes and beliefs that it becomes the normal thought that this is how things work. It's very misunderstood on this forum.

    While we're under the influence of PMO, alot of our decisions about sex are influenced by that. That is what makes a relationship very difficult while retraining our brains. One of many things. If we went a year or 2 without pmo and without sex we could look back at our decisions alot more clearly and say, yes that influenced by my habits.

    You're doing awesome here!! Keep up the great work!!
    Deleted Account and Daniel1 like this.
  12. Awesome dude, keep it going !
    glnb8 likes this.
  13. Daniel1

    Daniel1 Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I've tried flexibility for years. I always end up coming back to PMO. By completely ditching electronics at night I think I can beat the addiction at its root and not substitute it for just another addiction (i.e. Other forms of distraction).

    So I think my current strategy is a very solid one and I don't need to try new things, I need to stick with this and just make minor adjustments as I go along. And in my case those adjustments mean completely ditching electronics in the evening. I really don't need it in my life so I don't feel like it's a big sacrifice for such a massive gain.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Hey Hammerhand2202, I created this challenge so that we could abstain from PMO not so much random sex. I don't endorse it especially if its a substitute for porn. I understand resetting your counter to meet your goals but for the challenge I didn't withhold any points, you didn't p, m nor o as a result of p+m.

    And for the sake of the group please leave out the details of sexual acts or behaviors.

    Thank you.
    lolman123 likes this.
  15. OK Daniel then I hope you tackle this addiction with full force and never look back!
    Thanks for the scoreboard. I am planning to go this year without PMO and this will also be my second year without sex - I hope I will heal more or less after that, if I make it of course. Also, I decided I'll check in here later in the evenings and not be very active here as I need to work on my digital detox challenge. Plus my self-confidence strengthening program started so I will focus more on other things important for me. Stay strong group!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2019
  16. glnb8

    glnb8 Fapstronaut

    Checking In, Day 34. No PMO.
  17. Daniel1

    Daniel1 Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Checking in day 2, no PMO. No strong urges so far :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. JustForTodayz

    JustForTodayz Fapstronaut

    Checking in for day 25 :)
  19. Hammerhand2202

    Hammerhand2202 Fapstronaut