
Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Messedupguy, Jan 31, 2019.

  1. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    Thinking about a message sent to me that porn may make some men believe they are gay but when stop watching porn realise they ain’t .
    Has this happened to any guys on here ?
    I note in some forums a lot of supposed straight guys started watching gay porn which I don’t understand as why would a straight man watch other men in sexual activities .
    Most straight male friends are always pull faces of disgust if see anything of another mans junk etc
    Just curious and not judging anyone . I’m gay myself and wonder if porn has made me more that way
  2. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    This is very common for porn/masturbating addicts. Google "nofap hocd" (homosexual OCD) and see how many testimonies are out there. Porn/masturbation can make one feel like he's gay because it associates arousal with another man's penis (when you watch porn) and also because when you masturbate you also penetrate yourself (your hand) with your penis.
    Re:Born likes this.
  3. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    Yea it still seems strange for straight men to start getting off over another dude
    acquasalata likes this.
  4. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Not really, and i know this is a controversial opinion but sexuality is changeable. There's even an experiment in the 70s where a gay man was turned straight.

    Sexuality, as seen in porn/masturbation addiction, often involves escalation to stuff people just don't normally get aroused by. You will also find people getting addicted and aroused by transgendered person porn, cuckolding, zoophilia (furry porn is basically zoophilia), incest (so much porn now is about incest.. even the popular term "milf" itself is a veiled suggestion towards incest), rape, pedophilia and hebephilia (most of hentai revolves around hebephilia - attraction to adolescents aged 11-14) etc.

    That is, aside from the very common HOCD topics, you will also find so many people whose sexual tastes drastically changed after using porn/masturbation.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2019
  5. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    So do you believe these gay conversion group things can work ? I know thru rely on bombarding a gay with image after image of naked men till he is no longer sexually attracted to dicks etc . So I think looking at gay porn has sort of done same to me . I wonder how can make that permanent
  6. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    So do you believe these gay conversion group things can work ? I know thru rely on bombarding a gay with image after image of naked men till he is no longer sexually attracted to dicks etc . So I think looking at gay porn has sort of done same to me . I wonder how can make that permanent
  7. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Yes, i do think so, but i don't know how the gay conversion therapies are actually organized and the experiment in the 70s was much more sophisticated and it involved, as far as i can remember, desensitization, negative reinforcement (associating gay images with unpleasant stimuli) and positive reinforcement (associating straight images with pleasure).. and it also involved a woman willing to have sex. It was deemed unethical but it actually worked.

    Basically i just don't know the methodology of current gay conversion groups.
  8. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    It’s tempting to try one as feels morally wrong the lifestyle I have and I do feel such shame looking at gay porn
  9. Tannhauser

    Tannhauser Fapstronaut

    I have messaged with gay men on this site who have experience the same phenomenon in reverse - let's call it "Heterosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" - where they suddenly become more and more attracted towards M/F then F/F or even solo F porn, despite having never had sexual thoughts about women and finding the thought of actually having sex with women unpleasant. Yet they continue to be drawn to it.

    Also, there is a well documented phenomenon of lesbians being attracted to M/M gay porn (you can google it, but be careful. Here is an example from NoFap)

    Pornography warps sexuality, which is why it is so unhealthy.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  10. Tannhauser

    Tannhauser Fapstronaut

    Perhaps, perhaps not. First, there are different types of "conversion therapy" or "reparative therapy" out there, with mixed records of success.

    Second, I think it depends. The whole debate about "why are some people gay" I think is the problem. What if there were multiple potential reasons why somebody is gay? And some people who became gay because of "x" have a more fluid sexuality that can be influenced and changed through therapy, while others who are gay because of "y" are never going to change.

    But I do believe that gay, straight, bi or whatever - PMO is never good and will only cause pain in the long run.
    Septimus likes this.
  11. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    Thanx . I agree about PMO but do wish there was some guaranteed conversion therapy as a lot of us gays would go for it
  12. Marcelo48

    Marcelo48 Fapstronaut

    I've been struggling with doubts about my sexuality for many years so if you want to chat feel free to PM me.
  13. Messedupguy

    Messedupguy Fapstronaut

    Yes that would be nice
  14. PathOfReform

    PathOfReform Fapstronaut

    Happened to me. Although, I was only very spooked for several days before managing to calm down, and it wasn't really gay real porn that brought me there. My problem was(and still is)femboys and transwomen. Real transwomen only and cartoon femboys only.

    "Gay conversion groups" are not a "cure" for homosexuality. Real gay people cannot be "converted". Some cases of success do exist, but the true sexuality of the "patients" is very questionable and you'd have to dig deeper to really understand what happened.
    Some gay people who tried converting suffered grave consequences. It's definitely not a healthy approach. If you're not actually gay, you wouldn't be mentally attracted to men. As in, you wouldn't look at men as more than sexual partners.
    My advice: abastain from PMO for at least 3 months, do other productive things, get this shit off of your mind. It will fade away eventually if porn really is the cause.
    I'm going to try NLP next month(Neuro-linguistic programming). It's kinda pricey, but I'm going for it(got a 30 day refund guarantee, which means I have 4 classes to attend that should help a lot with my addiction and other issues in general). My sister's boyfriend recommended me to give it a try. He says it helped him a lot.
    Of course, I advise you research it first.

    Good luck! Feel free to ask me anything even via PM.
    Panthera pardus and Natedog like this.
  15. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    I have been addicted to porn probably 24 years. I have very strong feet and anal fetish (regarding the woman of course) I have seen some gay video by mistake for like 3 seconds and when I realized it is a man I nearly pucked all over my computer. I really had some "post-traumatic stress disorder" from that at least a week. In 24 years of being extremely aroused by woman anal, I have never been aroused once by a man anus. When I even watch porn I have a problem when there is a naked man because I am not interested to see a naked man at all. That's why I used to mostly watch solo masturbation. The same with transwoman, for me transwoman is exactly the same as a man. It disgusts me completely as I see it as an anal hole and penis. In my mind that is connecting with a man. Anything that is connecting with a man has no my interest whatsoever and never had. But I accept that we have different brains and everybody is different.
  16. Increasing themes of 'step sister/brother' on pornography platforms (even sometimes dropping the 'step' part) so that fits in with the general theme towards more unusual/taboo/rough sex that people search for. Imagine what it must do to young people.
    Hopefully the solution is to simply stop looking.
  17. Natedog

    Natedog Fapstronaut

    Well put I agree with every word.
  18. ElogicalStudent

    ElogicalStudent Fapstronaut

    I'm going throught this, whenever I quit porn/pmo for days guy fantasies start kicking in. The problem is that I had an homosexual experience when I was younger and that makes my progress worse. I don't know my sexuality yet but I'm getting more attracted to girls. I don't know if I need to quit porn first or masturbation but it's so hard...
  19. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    There is so much we don't know. As someone said above, people with sexual attraction to the same sex almost certainly experience this for different reasons, different causations (which are still mostly unknown or poorly understood), and different degrees and experiences. If this weren't true, where would "bisexuality" come in? There are people who say they are "mostly" this way or that; there are people who see themselves as one way, but they are capable of having sex with, and having real relationships, that go the other way. So it's all really complicated and people try to boil it all down to a binary thing.

    It seems to me that yes, people can change, but maybe it's harder for some than others -- again, depending on what that person's story is. If there is something that needs to be healed, first it has to be found. Also, depending on how much acting out someone might have done, or how much porn someone might have looked at? Who really knows.

    Meanwhile, there's ideology and politics: there are groups that want any therapy aimed at changing from gay to straight to be banned, and such laws have been passed in many places. Therapists are running scared -- if they even express openness, they face a backlash. Which makes me wonder: are people even doing the proper research? Or are politics and ideology preventing science from happening?
    ultrafabber and Tannhauser like this.
  20. skater

    skater Fapstronaut

    I'm married close to 40 years. I struggled with thinking I was bisexual as I had many sexual encounters with boys. When I was young an older boy taught me things I should have not known. As I never dealt with the shame, I kept all a secret. As I got addicted to porn ( all gay) It took me to an affair with a man and after some heavy dust settled I realized ( as I never wanted to be gay) I needed to deal with my past and understand the effects of porn on my brain and what I was doing in the process. I now lead groups on porn and other sexual addictions including same sex attraction. I am living proof you can be, and have a sexual and very loving relationship with a woman in spite of what you may have believed you were. If any one wants to send private emails I'm ok with that. Number one get off porn!!!