Need Help.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mister Fire, Jan 29, 2019.

  1. Mister Fire

    Mister Fire Fapstronaut

    Getting out of control.I’ve been binging for 2 fucking weeks now and I’m obviously getting nowhere.The more I relapsed, the more suffering I had.The more suffering I had, the more I relapsed.I got caught in that vicious cycle and turned my life into a total mess.Everything that I cared about is now thrown in the shitter because of me doing PMO/being the wack-ass version of myself.It became much harder for me to get back on track because of my stupid decisions and it’s up to me to man the fuck up and do what I know I’m supposed to do.But I feel like I’ve lost all motivation/willpower.I feel tired, I’m tired of this shit.I’ve already made SO MUCH effort on my previous long-ass streak to be where I was and now realizing that I‘ve thrown all of those efforts in the fucking trash can and that I have to start all over again makes me depressed and demotivated as fuck.I’ve never felt that weak, powerless and pathetic on my journey.Ever.I became a fucking goof.Need some advice.
  2. Well done for realising. This means that next time you think of relapsing, you can reread your post and remind you of why you want to keep strong.

    Write down on a piece of paper everything you can think of that made you feel weak and turn to PMO.

    Now write down everything you can think of that you could do, proactively if possible, to deal with each of those. Constructively, not destructively.

    I strongly recommend that you do therapy. Whether it's daily yoga, meditation, counselling, hypnotherapy, or whatever, any type of therapy will help.
    Mister Fire likes this.
  3. Sounds like how I felt in last year May after a 4 month relapse, or in 2018 January after an other 5 months streak. I understand your feelings brother, but there is hope.

    Install blockers that prevent you from relapse (K9 webfilter, extensions for your browser, set them up with a password that you throw away after. For phone Kaspersky child protection. I had to do this after my last relapse too.) Or even stay away completly in the room where you used to pmo. Rearrange that room later.

    Start reading aloud for 30 minutes whenever you feel urges coming, or calculate aloud. We addicts fall in the trap because triggers and our weak frontal cortex. If you reading aloud/calculate you strenghten your frontal cortex, and stimulating that part of brain that should say no for us. Start mornings with maximum 25 minutes light cardio.
    Mister Fire likes this.
  4. Mister Fire

    Mister Fire Fapstronaut

    Gonna do this right now.
    I’ll begin cold showers + meditation again and I’ll add daily affirmations + a hypnosis session to that as well.
    im_broken and Mordobarn like this.
  5. Do not search for hypnosis videos anywhere! This caused one of my relapse in 2017 november. Stay away from hypnosis all cost because you will find things that will fck you up more, and you may will not be enough strong to resist. I was not.

    Internet full with sht weird hypno records, they even put things in those records that you will not hear. All you can achieve with those hypno records big derealization for months. They not worth to try.
  6. Great idea! It's known that solving puzzles — calculating, crossword puzzles, breainteasers, … — all help to reduce depression.
    May I ask why the limit of 25 minutes?
    So true. I got caught with them for a while.

    However, if you search for reputable hypnotherapists, and purchase directly from them, you won't be caught. I know a few reputable ones (one of them personally) who sell such tracks, although I haven't tried them. (There was one that I tried, but that hypnotherapist has since retired.)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    @Mister Fire

    lots of good advice above above

    are you aware of the bio-chemistry going on in your brain and the trick the porn industry used to got you addicted on porn by creating uncontrollable cravings and urges for porn?
    Mister Fire likes this.
  8. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    I might be confusing things but @Mister Fire was talking about Meditation (it could be one of the most powerful tools available to control the urges if mixed with a few other things.).

    Meditation and hypnosis ( erotic hypnosis just being yet another form of porn) are not even closely related.
  9. Although you are correct, that doesn't stop unethical players from inserting themselves into the search results. But, you probably missed when @Mister Fire said, "+ a hypnosis session".
    Deleted Account and Mister Fire like this.
  10. Mister Fire

    Mister Fire Fapstronaut

    Not anymore apparently.
  11. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    you can beat this. I'll take you through a simple 3 step process you can start right now if you are interested. you can learn it all in a few minutes and start practicing today.

    1) Understand the biochemistry in your brain the porn industry used to hook you. (they simply crossed a few wires in your brain)
    2) Use that same biochemistry to better manage the urges and cravings to uncross those wires. Eventually the urges/cravings just go away.

    Would you like to learn more?
    Deleted Account and Mister Fire like this.
  12. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    yes I did miss. erotic hypnosis chit is bad. might even be worse the video form of porn. thx for clearing up
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. I don't know if @Mister Fire would like to learn more, but I'm curious! Please share.
  14. Mister Fire

    Mister Fire Fapstronaut

  15. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    ok. two disclosures. 1) I am not a professional. just a guy like you that got addicted to porn. Only difference is maybe I approached this from a different perspective. 2) none of this new or anything I created. all I did was review all the info available, and summarized it in a way that lead to a simple, easy to follow plan. the info below is covered in countless videos online in countless ways. I found these two to resonate the most with me and they were the easiest ones to follow

    Ok step #1 . Education. Once you spend a few minutes absorbing these and if you are still interested we'll get to step #2: Change your relationship with the urges

    Please watch this first 5 min video once. and the second 5 min video three times. I mean watch them with your full attention and only at a place / time where you can focus only on them

  16. I wrote 20-25 minutes because I think that enough for one time to make someone feel better, meanwhile do not make them tired, or bored, and they can do it every day, or more times a day.

    Hypnosis records should be banned from being avaible to freely download, that is my opinion. It is like if you could get any medicine for freely, without any control.

  17. For me neither helped much, for different reasons. I kinda easly get into trance like state, and that can cause derealization in long term, in my experience.
  18. Meditation works wonderfully for some people, and for other people it's irritating and a distraction. Each to his own.

    Not everyone can easily be hypnotised. It's unusual to cause derealisation, but of course everyone is different.

    You will have to find ways other than meditation and hypnosis. Fortunately, there are many different ways.
  19. If money is not a problem for you try either Headspace or Waking Up
    Mister Fire likes this.
  20. Michaeldra

    Michaeldra Fapstronaut

    Hello! looking for an AP for daily contact of 90 days. Anyone interested let me know.