Help with morning anxiety

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by BigOne79, Jan 26, 2019.

  1. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    So, it’s almost been 85 days now and generally feeling better. However, I am still getting some morning anxiety each day. I do have outlets for this as I am doing some yoga and exercising. I do have ways of meditating as well which yoga helps as well. I was asking if most of us recovering here are still getting the morning anxiety and when possibly this starts to wear off. This mild anxiety is usually on the weekends. I usually am up for work during the week and already thinking about the day so that helps. What are some good ways you all have toned this down yourselves since going on your streaks..??
    Christoph108 likes this.
  2. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    I don't think you have any reason to correlate this with your addiction or with some kind of withdrawal symptoms. It could or could not have something to do with it.
    The best advice psychologist give to people with anxiety or depression is to have a clear day/night-schedule. Go to bed at the same time every evening and get up at the same time every morning. Also have fixed times for when you take your meals.
    That will help a great deal to stabilize your system and should reduce anxiety.
    Christoph108 likes this.
  3. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the response. I feel my sleep schedule could be greatly fixed with that in mind. I will do that as well as the meals you mention are a big part of it. I also wanted to ask is missing a meal or not eating breakfast a bad thing as well. I feel most of what comes on during the day can be controlled through set meals like breakfast which is probably most important..
    Christoph108 likes this.
  4. Dudes_manrod

    Dudes_manrod Fapstronaut

    SLEEP, definitely can't stress that one enough. I'm no doctor so let me caveat everything I'm about to say with a big "IN MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE"

    But in my personal experience, prioritizing 7-9 hours of sleep every night rather than 4-6, and limiting electronics heavily before bed have helped me find alot more stability in my day-to-day mood. My Ex always complained about how i should get more sleep, and honestly, I wish I had listened to her sooner! (I would recommend looking up Prof. Matthew Walker on youtube to hear a more educated emphasis on the value of sleep)

    As for food, routine is definitely a contributing factor to regulating your blood sugar spikes, which are never fun for your mood. I'll throw a curveball though; try some intermittent fasting. Giving yourself anywhere from 16-18 hours between dinner and your first meal of the next day. It takes a few days to adjust, but after that you'd be surprised just how much that recovery period for your digestive system can really level you out! I've found after doing it for a year or two that i don't get "hangry" anymore, my anxiety and depressive feelings aren't so closely tied to how long its been since my last meal.

    But again, this is all anecdotal. Listen to your body!
    Christoph108 likes this.
  5. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    Thank you sir! I really appreciate the advice. I am going to strive for 7-9 hours of sleep during week, start at 10:30 and hopefully go until about 6:30. I like to work out in the mornings. I think work stress has surfaced from these last 80 days and I have to find a way to deal with it whether mediation, more sleep, reading, etc. I will look up Prof. Walker like you talked about as well. As for the fasting I had noticed at work that after having light breakfast and then fasting until dinner which was 7-9 hours later did help my mood A LOT... I will try the 16-18 as well amd see how that goes. I know before nodap I didn’t have anxiety but I feel this can go away just needs time. I have been waking in the night after five hours of sleep so need to get this under control...
    Christoph108 likes this.
  6. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    Has the fasting reduced your anxiety overall though...
  7. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut


    Watch this video from 1:40 on. Peterson is a highly experienced clinical psychologist who explains really well why breakfast, sleep etc is important.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2019
  8. carolrand

    carolrand New Fapstronaut

    Hi, I have the same problems as you in the mornings; I feel anxious and have an insufficient sleep. Sometimes because of work, I do not have time to eat and all the time running. On this subject, I went to a therapist at After all, psychological health is significant and should not be overlooked. I made an appointment for a consultation; we made a daily routine, sleep schedule, etc.; we are constantly in touch with the therapist; if I am worried about something, I immediately call him, and we solve the problem, on this friends take care of yourself.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
    Christoph108 likes this.
  9. PeaceOnEarth108

    PeaceOnEarth108 Fapstronaut

    Very good advice in this thread
    one year at a behavioural therapist: Made me turn around my life and made me an adult.
    A few sessions at a depth psychologist: head-aches and emotionally destroyed after each session but it was good.
    So I can highly recommend therapy, but others did not have such great experience. A therapist might start talking shit or slow down the progress to get more money from you
  10. ecd

    ecd Fapstronaut

    I've same problem of morning anxiety/depression. When I started masturbation 5 yrs back, in starting phase it was like heightened attention & energy the next morning, because 99% of the time I masturbated in the night. There is also something about night time, I always used to get depressive at night.
    So it actually kinda felt good those mornings because otherwise whole life I've been getting up late & lazy. But slowly that started become more serious. I was waking up at 3 AM & difficult to get back to sleep. I was getting night sweats, hot & cold feeling, flu like along with irritable bowel syndrome. Slowly that reduced & now I can sleep ~7 hours but the last 1 hour is still anxiety/depression even though the body is tired & wants that 1 more hour of sleep.
    I hope it goes over time.

    Other things happened to me was I lost motivation in work, so resigned. Became easily irritated. Lot of urine & thirst even though sugar levels are okay. Contracted celiac disease (autoimmune condition), etc. etc.

    Does it resonate with you too ?