Anyone miss life before smartphones?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Kman20, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    Imagine a home without wifi now. Actually not entirely devoid of wifi. I think it’d be nice to sit around with family while watching netflix. A house devoid of smart phones like we’ve been saying I think is ideal for connected and lively home. I wouldn’t want my kids to become antisocial either.
  2. I see what you mean. I was probably a little harsh about the smartphone.
  3. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    If he never had his video games how do you think he would be? How do you think life would have turned out for him?
  4. Itsmeagain

    Itsmeagain Fapstronaut

    The brother spending his life playing video games has mental health issues (not judging, just saying). Maybe he self medicates with games (alternate universes) because he is anxious aF. I'm still a gamer even if I'm now 45. i play every night or almost, its my hobby, while the wife watches freak shows like 600 pounds life, sister wives, Dr pimple maybe about an hour per day. Its better than PMO'ing. I'm not a social person (im introvert), but I have a very social job. So, after hours, I don't feel to see anyone except my wife, grocery store staff and gym staff when I go with wifey about 5 times a week.

    Maybe your bro has other issues @motion2082?
    Kman20 likes this.
  5. motion2082

    motion2082 Fapstronaut

    When he was a kid he had ADHD and mum and dad put him on medication. By the time he turned 18 he was going out clubbing every weekend until one night when mum and dad were on holiday he managed to hospitalise himself. According to my sister some guy hit him on the head with a metal pole. The doctors tested him for brain damage and all the results came back negative. What we suggest really happened was he took some ICE and screwed his brain cells. It was a spiral from that moment on. Turned into a hermit, stayed at home playing games never leaving the house or going to any family events. My mum and dad are enablers as they cook and clean after him.

    Difference is you have a life (ie a job, wife) and can afford to pay your rent and bills. My brother has none of the above. No job, no wife, no girlfriend, no aspirations, no goals, lots of excuses and a whole lot of "alleged health issues" which are all in his head.
  6. pmoverit

    pmoverit Fapstronaut

    Yes, it is painful to see all this as a society. And to think it’s all revolved around the smartphone era/phenomenon. Smartphones can come in handy, but they do ten fold more damage than assistance, at least when it comes to NoFap.
    Now everyone is left to fend for themselves. Because of a pointless, useless device, it’s like a majority of people stay secluded in their own world.
    Kman20 likes this.
  7. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    The depression increase I think is in direct correlation to the increase in loneliness prevalent in the US. I wonder if the Amish are happy.
  8. pmoverit

    pmoverit Fapstronaut

    Because at least they have a sense of commUNITY and some type of support system. I’m sure they and rastas don’t deal with the level of (mental) problems that we do in this country.
    Kman20 likes this.
  9. pmoverit

    pmoverit Fapstronaut

    This is a supernormal problem with supernormal consequences. Supernormal not being a positive at all
  10. pmoverit

    pmoverit Fapstronaut

    I’m new to this btw and i definitely fit the category of loneliness.
    I’m 24 years old, an only child, and I live alone, unfortunately. Never had a real girlfriend for more than 10 days. I just started working again, but it’s so hard for me to hold down a job for obvious reasons, depression aside. I work part-time only 2 days a week, i find it very hard to keep myself occupied and busy, out of the house/away from pmo.
    Does anyone have any advice on staying busy? Or keeping myself occupied or entertained in a positive way, consistently for hours at a time?

    I feel like it’s too much risk for me even to be using this smartphone right now. I’ve been seeking help so long, but i’ve finally found an experienced professional on this matter...
  11. pornlessgeneral

    pornlessgeneral Fapstronaut

    Study spirituality and religious faiths. There is also plenty of spiritual music on the Internet.
    Hero25 likes this.
  12. More Jing

    More Jing Fapstronaut

    Tell you what I cant stand ,no one lives in the moment and actually enjoys that moment ,whatever is going on.
    I was at a funeral yesterday a mates mum I was watching another mate filming it with his phone ,it really wound me up I mean come on we are in our fifties. Dont tell me he is one day next year going to sit down and turn his phone on and watch it surely.
    Kman20 likes this.
  13. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    There is definitely something wrong here. If anyone at all were to stop and snapchat a funeral, which I'm sure has happened, we really need to rethink what we're doing. This is getting stupid. We're living too much for the view of people and opinion of others, rather than just living for ourselves and the people around us. We're missing out on so much present moment activities and opportunities. It's sad. We're not human anymore. Seriously.
    More Jing likes this.
  14. What about modern architecture is dumbed down?
  15. Personally I don't care how smartphones have affected me and TBH even with all the negative effects I don't completely hate smartphones since I've learned a lot from having them and also I'm an introverted hermit loner type so I don't really value relationships but it's really sad what it's doing to people who do value relationships with others like with persons involved in friendships, marriages, families etc. so yes it can definitely be argued that life before smartphones was better than now.
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  16. If you guys really want to change the world into how it was before everyone had smartphones why don't you go out to the public and advocate for life without smartphones? The power is in the people right?... if the people change then the whole world will change.
    Kman20 and Zephon like this.
  17. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    Absolutely, I go out with this motivation and look only on the mobile-phone, if someone calls me on it (if somethings happens at home or if a friend has a question to me). I don't have Facebook etc. on my smartphone. Some people ask me, if I have Whatsapp or FB and why I don't have it on my mobilephone (no joke, in this generation little people cannot imagine, that someone like me doesn't use FB or something else on my mobilephone). My response: I don't need it because it deviates me from things around me.
  18. First Step...Mk2

    First Step...Mk2 Fapstronaut

    I believe the internet is the best and worst thing that has happened to the world in the last 50 years. It has made the world a lot smaller, in that we can all go onto google maps and streetview almost anywhere. We can instantly access information and answer almost any question we have. But it's also given people a way to delve into the darkest parts of their mind and develop their tastes in things that aren't healthy. Not only that, it allows people to connect to others who are into these things and feel like it's okay. It also has made cheating so much easier for men and women. Imagine how difficult it was to talk to a hot woman before mobile phones and instant messaging? Now it's just going into the bathroom and sending messages to someone the other side of the world because you saw they were friends with someone you are friends with on twitter.

    I love gadgets but I can't help but feel that this ability to connect to everyone in the world has taken away our desire to connect with the people who should be most important to us. Our family and friends.
  19. B0bTh3Bu1ld3r

    B0bTh3Bu1ld3r Fapstronaut

    Yes, idiots didn't have access to www int so easily.
    control your life likes this.
  20. ElogicalStudent

    ElogicalStudent Fapstronaut

    I do brother, I do... Life was, I can't explain, but more "green". Teenagers had smiles on their faces and didn't spend their time looking at a phone. Things have changed and we've to accept it but we can change the reality for us if we want.
    Kman20 likes this.