Women's Clothing

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by EXPONENTIALLY, Jan 15, 2019.


    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    I just passed by a women's clothing store and what stroke me is the name: it's called "seed of malice" literally from French (I'm currently from France). So the idea of seducing and trapping is meant to describe women's clothing there. Well at least it's honest, considering how suggestive and seducing and even provocative sometimes most if not all women I see in town dress. Like it's almost a crime to ignore them and focus on my life haha. I still have condescendence and can appreciate female's beauty but it just shocks me how women have been weaponized by the fashion industry to stimulate men and people in general into the deceits of pornography, masturbation and lust. Even most men nowadays dress tightly to respond to that appeal for depravity. Soon maybe morals and purity will be criminal lol.

    But this phenomenon is not simply from the name of a store... What do you think ?
  2. I agree. Them girls dress in SUCH a provocative fashion today is crazy. And I'm talking like in general. Not strictly related to any shop of stuff.

    When walking down the streets ,gotta focus on the buildings or cars lol .
    But what's more interesting is that ,the girls love it ! They love dressing like that. They get good attention because of it. Little do they know that in the long run they actually harm themselves..
    lgustavoms, vercent99, Abzu and 10 others like this.
  3. Topic

    Topic Fapstronaut

    In reference to your first point, my friend once remarked that a lot of porn sites have 'demonic' connotations in their name.
  4. RamboErecto

    RamboErecto Fapstronaut


    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    I think that glamorized "malice" promotes what the Bible refers to as 'playing the harlot'. Just my opinion.
  6. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    See, but who owns the stores?
    The biggest con men have ever pulled is convinced women that using their sexuality is power. Which it can be, in limited circumstances, but really serves the selfish interest of men to both objectify women and make money off them.

    Be the kind of man, then, that sees beyond clothes to the person within.

    ...maybe then women'll have some damn pockets!

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    They always have a free will. And most owner for women stuff is a woman.
  8. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    You also have free will to not wear men's clothing. Try that for a week and see how socially acceptable it is.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    I choose well what I wear, large enough pants, shirts, yes I have some 'tight' jeans I also wear sometimes (I always want large paints in store though, they're hard to find it seems), but I'm mainly sober and class enough most of the time.

    We talk about women here, men physiological attributes are not the same. A women's covering is meant to be honourable, not too alluring.
  10. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    But guys can be all sexy? Better break out the man-kini!

    You're denying your role in this - you know the expression "beauty is in the eye of the beholder?" Well, that means that the viewer is responsible for his or her reaction to the visual stimulus. This is why Jesus said, "anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." You (and I) are the one(s) who create the provocative-ness of the clothing by our thoughts and actions in response to it. Clothes are merely fibres spun together and skin is a collection of cells and tissues.

    It's also worth pointing out that this is the reason why we're here, on a website dedicated to people who use (or used) porn - we were the one's who viewed women as sexual objects for our gratification, not as complex human beings created and loved by God. And if you believe that sexual objects is all women are, then please go read how Jesus treats them! Read about the woman at the well, read about Mary and Martha, and read about how he loved every woman ever created so much that he died a painful death that they might come to know the love of God.
    akitty820 and CodeTalker like this.
  11. I just have to say, it is WAY harder to find modest options as a woman than it is as a man. Not to say that you cant do it. I do, for the most part. But it's not as easy. It's always important to keep in mind, when judging others, that you are not in their shoes and you dont know what their experience is.
    CodeTalker and The Wrestler like this.
  12. Actually, better yet, just don't judge others. That's probably better.
    akitty820 and The Wrestler like this.
  13. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I think you'll never see Gillette make a commercial calling out female toxic behavior. It's only toxic if men act out.
  14. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    Sex is power. Women like power, so they use sex or the allusion of sex.

    Makeup is a perfect example of this too. Most of what makeup does is make women look younger (increases sexual value), hides skin issues (healthy = more fertile), and adds color (simulating sexual arousal). Looking younger or more child like (especially making the eyes look larger) also invokes a biological response as if you were dealing with a child, allowing the women to slide on many things that she should actually be held accountable for.

    The body will add color on its own when aroused -- the cheeks redden, the lips get fuller and have more color. So effectively, women are walking around and signalling to every man that walks by that they're interested. This is the equivalent of a man stuffing a banana in his pants (or more accurately, picking up a date in a rented Ferrari). The whole point is that if a man is getting the signals that "she's into me, she's young, she's fertile," he's more likely to give the woman what she wants. That's just biology. Indirectly, these effects work on women as well as it signals she has high sexual market value, which in turn is a form of power.

    Knowing what's going on in your own psychology, especially on the subconscious level is really helpful. Now when I see a woman with lots of makeup, I see a clown who is attempting to trick me instead of thinking "omg so attractive."

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    God is angry with wicked everyday, he hates the workers of iniquity. I'm in a sinful flesh too, but I naturally push myself to holiness because I know that is where true bliss lies and my heavenly inheritance depends on it, though it's Christ that justified me into a new creature. Modesty is associated with women mostly, it is written "don't prostitute thy daughter lest the whole city becomes a whoredom" I think, men shouldn't lust and women shouldn't "play the harlot" because it is a healthy basis for society. It is a sign of trust and respect as a woman for her man also to be discreet, but willingly out of love off course, for him, God and her dignity.
    It's not hard to shop for the type of fashion @IgorB mentioned, finding your own style, through internet if your local stores are too perverted. Try Malaysian dresses, and less to no make up, that will be a good start if you want my suggestion. But that is just my opinion.
    "Rebuke, reprove and exhort" is essential at one point to adjust people for the better in society I think.
    Interesting! There's really a bonding beauty that is found in a woman that is not into make up and push up bras and all that artillery of seduction: actually that is where true seduction can take place.
  16. No, I dont want your suggestion. I will do with my face and body what I please, thanks.

    That's absolutely ridiculous to assume all women who wear makeup are evil sirens trying to trick and lure you. Maybe they are just kind, normal people who want to feel good about themselves and look good. Do you roll out of bed without washing and brushing your hair or putting on regular clothes instead of walking around in pajamas or sweat pants all the time? I doubt it. Am I to assume, then, that every man who wears nice clothes that fit well and are flattering to him and has a nice hair cut is evil and trying to seduce me? No, because I'm not a ridiculous and judgemental person.

    This thread is so dumb. How about minding your own business and not judging every single woman on the planet who wears something you dont like. If you dont like it, fine, but you cannot declare these people immoral and attribute all kinds of character flaws to them simply by looking st their clothes. Havent you ever heard not to judge a book by its cover? You're going to miss out on meeting some really amazing people if yall continue to see the world this way.
  17. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    By faking sexual arousal? That's seriously disingenuous.

    Straw man argument. I bath, clean myself, and wear clothing that is appropriate for whatever it is I'm doing that day because that's who I am. The makeup we're talking about is FAKING interest, sexual arousal, fertility, and youth.

    Again, you miss the point. All these things are real and not faking anything. He's not artificially projecting sexual interest, fertility, or attraction.

    This is literally one of the dumbest sayings in existence. Everyone judges "books" by their covers and for good reason -- by recognizing patterns and learning, we're able to sort through people, things, and generally do better at life than those who treat every experience as something new.

    Stereotyping and making assumptions about people based on their outward appearance is a smart thing to do.

    vercent99, EthanW. and Ra's Al Ghul like this.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    Lol :D
    The thing is that there's a difference between cleanliness and seduction. And between seduction and pleasantness.
  19. What on earth are you talking about? How is wearing makeup "faking sexual arousal"? You make absolutely no sense.

    How is all makeup "seduction"? That's so dumb. You guys are just judgemental and holier than thou, sitting on your high horses judging women's intentions without even knowing them. I can't stand these garbage threads. Not every woman who wears makeup is some harlot trying to seduce all the men in town. That's just completely offensive, misogynistic, and untrue.
    Jennica and Jen@8675309 like this.
  20. Jordan Peterson stated makeup was a sexual display during that vice interview. I never thought about it but his explaination made sense. I don't know who the girl in the video but her commentary was interesting.