you need a plan!!!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. I always wondered why i never had motivation throughout the day, the reason i discovered is because i did not follow a plan, or start my morning off right, how you start your morning will determine how your whole day goes, if you wake up and play video games than you likely will not want to do anything that day, but if you start it with a plan and exercise, you will have a very productive day, so let me share with you guys my new daily routine.
    6:00 am - morning run/ 200 pushups/ 200 situps/
    7:00 am - prepare food for later/ make green tea/ yoga and meditation with tea/ read 10 pages of a book
    8:00 am - clean house/ shower
    9:00 am to 5:00 pm - do 5 things from my to do list/ lift weights and exercise
    5:00 pm to 8:00 pm - i can use electronics during these 3 hours
    8:00 pm to 9:00 pm - yoga and meditation
    9:00 to bedtime - options - work on book/ study for career/ read/ draw/ meditate/ pray/ journal/
    take saturday and sunday off

    I hope you guys like my new routine, i am moving in two months for my career so i am trying to become the best version of me possible until than.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2019
  2. Rand al'Thor

    Rand al'Thor New Fapstronaut

    This is great
    I'm going to use some of this for me

    thank you
  3. topjobm8two

    topjobm8two Fapstronaut

    Nice stuff. Just don't put too much pressure on yourself when you start work. It can be tiring. If u keep most of this up when u start, you'll go far.
    MONKMODE90 and BravelyKegger like this.
  4. Great plan and idea. As someone once said "failure to plan is planning to fail".
    Plan some downtime too, if you run only by that schedule you'll burn out. Put some days or time in where you do nothing or watch tv. Of course those are the times that where we are most likely to PMO so guard against that.
  5. glad it helped!
  6. very good suggestion, i think i will take saturday and sunday off.
  7. thats the hope ^~^
  8. Press on

    Press on Fapstronaut

    Yeah great plan! Like all plans consistency is key. Thanks for sharing and very inspiring!
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  9. so quick update for you guys, it is day 1 of my schedule, i woke up 4 hours before schedule so that is unfortunate, ill likely go running earlier just to get it done while motivation is still existent, i ship to bootcamp in two months so i want to build mental and physical toughness, i am taking cold showers every day which are super painful, and i sleep in a tent in my back yard so i am immersed in the cold every night, and in the mornings i will have to suffer on the run, and than the push ups and such, and i realyyyy hate the cold, but the image of me after two months of this hell looks pretty bad ass, if the anime characters can do this than so can i, oh and like in my tent my urges are non existent because i am basically a popsicle out here, the only comfort is under the covers, but i imagine as a progress the cold wont bother me as much. Anyways i will keep you guys posted, i am not even suppose to be on my laptop right now but i have nothing else to do out here, well i could write and read but writing this has made me super pumped and ready to do this.
    Press on and Deleted Account like this.
  10. Hey dude, that's really incredible what you're doing.
    Its great youre preparing for probably the toughest thing you'll ever do.
    What country are you in?

    Getting off pmo will definitely increase your mental toughness because it's all mental.
    Like going to the gym, you are exercising your mind.
    Alot of us use physical distraction to get around urges. I recommend that you just sit there and tough it out. Itll really help with your mental toughness.

    What I mean is, say the urges start hitting you. You just sit down and watch them and absolutely nothing. You say to yourself "ok this is an urge, I recognize it, I respect it, it's just a thought, its not real, I'm going to wait this one out. "

    You're body and mind will struggle but you have to tell it to sit there, like a dog and wait it out.

    If you can do that, not only will the urges start to fade, you'll be the toughest guy going into boot camp for sure.

    Good luck, I'd like to hear about your progress. If you're looking for accountability, i invite you to join my X90 group over in the accountability section.

    Press on likes this.
  11. this made me happy to read, also i live in the US, i actually just did my run and pushups and it was really hard, i felt like puking really bad, but i think its just my body getting used to being pushed hard, no pain no gain. I am doing the wim hof method and it has helped me out a lot, especially in the cold, but yah i will definitely keep everyone updated, i will likely give weekly updates or every other day, i will also take before and after pics. This is also going to help me fight porn, if i can manage cold showers, working out, and the disgustingly cold air than i will have the willpower to fight urges for sure. Hooyah!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Wim Hoff method is nothing newbies should trifle with. I do advice you to have a few years of health and fitness training under your belt before you begin messing with such advanced techniques.
  13. i have been meditating on and off for a couple years so i have some breathing experience under my belt.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Awesome dude, I was going to suggest Wim Hoff but you're already there. That's awesome!!
    BravelyKegger likes this.