Which celebrity do you miss the most?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Dec 31, 2018.

  1. Yeah, I liked linkin park. Chris Cornell was another one from that era that just couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's a dying breed of music, so it's hard to see some of its greatest talents leave the world too early.
    SilentJay313 and Green Monstah like this.
  2. A legend he was. Let's not forget about prince as well.
    SilentJay313 and Green Monstah like this.
  3. You're right. As they say, only the good die young.
    Green Monstah and ShotDunyun like this.
  4. Lol! You wouldn't know it though.
  5. Mattsfreedom

    Mattsfreedom Fapstronaut

    Robin Williams, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington that was all a damn shame.

    Lets not forget Tupac Shakur and good old Johnny Cash. I would add Elvis but that's debatable.
    u376 and Green Monstah like this.
  6. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Heath ledger
    Indira Gandhi(former pm of India)
  7. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Yeah that's why i think about five minutes to write these two names
    But I would like to see how their carrers would have been shaped
  8. Rocketman10

    Rocketman10 Fapstronaut

    the guy from twister the movie with helen hunt. his name was bill paxton.i know no one here remembers him also had a tv show called training day a couple years ago
    Mattsfreedom likes this.
  9. Mattsfreedom

    Mattsfreedom Fapstronaut

    Also played in Hatfields and Mccoys.
    Rocketman10 likes this.
  10. Rocketman10

    Rocketman10 Fapstronaut

    Wow neat thanks for your feedback.usually things i like are so far in the past no one remembers them
  11. He was great in Aliens too.
  12. Rocketman10

    Rocketman10 Fapstronaut

    wow he was in more then i knew thank you for this reply/
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Ah, good old Bill Paxton... I know who he is
    Rocketman10 likes this.
  14. shen

    shen Fapstronaut

    Heath Ledger. Big Pharma and the alcohol industry murdered him. I mean their products did. You just can't mix those kinds of pills with alcohol and be safe from not dying in your sleep.

    My cousin died the same way he did. He was a little older though, like 32.
  15. shen

    shen Fapstronaut

    Wow actually the combo of pharmies he took was lethal all on its own apparently.

    Rebirth In Peace man if you haven't yet.
  16. Benzodiazepines and opioids are a pretty dangerous combo.
    shen likes this.
  17. shen

    shen Fapstronaut

    I change my mind. River Phoenix. Heart of Gold.

  18. shen

    shen Fapstronaut

    Ya and he was taking two different benzos with multiple opiates.

    It is like the docs are out to kill celebs or somethin' man.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Jesus Christ, even though He's always with us.
    Most hated, underestimated and missunderstood Man to this day.
    drac16 likes this.
  20. Or maybe it's just that rich and famous people can get whatever they want.