Religious people supporting LGBT And The Story Of Propeht Lot/Lut (Muslims and Christians only)

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  1. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    In both the quran and bible.
    There is a story about a prophet called Lot or Lut in islamic terms.
    He was sent to a City called Sodom.
    To call out to their people to worship one God. Allah/God/Yahweh.
    This city was a corrupted city.
    It is the first city in history to have homosexuality being known as "Normal" in its society.
    It was also a city known for its high criminal activities.
    A place known for sin.
    For a long time, Lot/Lut reminded his people that what they're doing is wrong and immoral.
    He asked them to stop what they're doing.
    And called them to repentance.
    And he always reminded them that their lord is The Most Merciful And Ever-Forgiving.
    The people Of Sodom are the people of Business, they thought Lot/Lut is trying to make money by tricking them to worship something that, to them might not be true, and gather people to accumulate funds from them by this "False Truth".
    But Lot/Lut was sincere, he did not ask a single penny from them.
    Despite this, they continued thinking what they thought. They were one of the most arrogant, ignorant, people in the history of the Quran and the Bible.
    Prophet Lot/Lut called out to them
    For days, months, years
    Untill one day the people Of Sodom got enough and told him to stop what he's doing or they will kick him out of the city.
    And Lot warned them about a severe punishment that will come to them if they do not repent.
    What was the response of the People of Sodom?
    They told him,
    "Show us this punishment if you were to be truthful".
    Indeed, they are the ignorant, the arrogant ones.
    So one day, two angels(three in islam), dressed up as beautiful handsome young men.
    Entered Sodom.
    The first person to saw this two people was Lot/Lut's daughter.
    She was a believer.
    So she informed Lot/Lut, saying to him
    There are attractive looking travelers ,
    She told him it would be dangerous for them to roam around in a city like this.
    So Lot/Lut came out and invited them to his house. He wanted to tell them to go back, this place is not suited for you.
    But when he asked them "Who are you?"
    They said we are guest.
    And Lot/Lut didn't want to reject guests.
    It would be rude, and embarrassing for him to ask this guests to go away.
    So he welcomed him to his house,
    But when they entered,
    His Wife, a disbeliever of God,
    Saw them.
    And she went out calling go the men
    Calling out to them to them "Lot have beautiful looking men inside his house".
    And the people of Sodom went rushing to his house.
    Asking about "What beautiful, handsome young men he was talking about".
    And almost the whole commnunity came
    wanting a piece of "it" too.
    They were knocking and banging on the house of Lot/Lut.
    He told them "Don't you respect this guest of mine here?"
    And they replied "Didn't we told you that you are not allowed to have guest?"
    And Lot/Lut continued to talk through ways to make them go away.
    And this point he was so scared,
    He asked them why don't they want women? They can marry the women why not them? And he also offered his 2 daughters to be married.
    And they replied "You already know we are not interested in women, now give us what we want".
    Lot/Lut can only wish that he had backups, men, to fight.
    Suddenly, the handsome men told him that they were angels.
    And promised him that he will have no harm from them. Not from the slighest bit.
    To calm him from this terror.
    Now from then,
    Both islamic and christianity theology
    Of the prophet Lot says about the
    Destruction of Sodom.
    Also the story that i told is more related to the islamic theology.
    Because it doesn't talks about Lut's later life.
    If you were to search Lot of the Blibical Version in Youtube or Google, it is more common for you to find about Lot's drinking addiction and his lust for his two daughters in his later life.
    But some other similarites between the story of Lot/Lut in both the Islamic And Christian Version is that Lot/Lut's Wife was involved in the Destruction of Sodom and Lot//Lut managed to escape the havoc with his daughters.
    But nevertheless, both the quran and bible had stated about the destruction of Sodom for their crime, sins, and homosexuality.
    Is this not a clear evidence that homosexuality is a sin?
    Let me know about your thoughts regarding on this topic.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. I don't think it's clear... Not much in the Bible is clear. To quote theologian Paul Gooder, "One of the things I find really difficult about the Bible and peoples use of the Bible is when people say, 'the Bible clearly says' and I want to go no not sure it clearly does". The trouble is we simplify the Bible when it's not a simple book.

    But anyway if this is for Christians and Muslims only why hasn't it been posted in the Interreligious Discussion Forums?
  3. Why has this been posted in any case? Most western countries allow LGBT these days, even marriages. And unless I'm wrong, most western countries are also prohibiting discrimination against them? Not sure, but shoving the entire LGBT community in the sin-cabinet might be a bit bigoted.
  4. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    Hmmm.. Don't really know one. Could you send me a link to a Interreligious Discussion Forum site? That would be great
  5. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    That's why i said, only muslims and christians. Especially those who wants to be obedient to their religion. I mean if i were to say this to an atheist. There's 0 chance that he will believe in me.
  6. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    Also what's your reasoning to say that it's not clear when it explicitly stated so?
  7. I understand. It's just that I wonder what the intention is of this topic. If it's determined that LGBT is a sin, would you go out on the street and stone them?

    Of course, I'm exaggerating a bit, but still :) . But I'll leave it to the (way more than me) religious people. Btw, I happen to be a Christian, but the kind who believes in the love of God to everyone instead of condemning everyone not living strictly by a book to his wrath.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Clean Willy

    Clean Willy Fapstronaut

    This is completely wrong! Lot's daughters get their father drunk and, over two consecutive nights, have intercourse with him without his knowledge. They both get pregnant. The older daughter gives birth to Moab, while the younger daughter gives birth to Ammon. Ergo, Lot's daughters are the initiators and perpetrators of incestuous rape. Why do you deliberately tarnish a faithful man of God?
  9. I think it's not clear when you consider what the Bible is. The Bible was written by real people in real periods of time in history. What we see with it is a reaction to what is happening in the culture at the time. Most of the time we read the Bible without thinking about the period of which it was written. I've actually heard a number of Christians say they hate history and I think that's quite telling.

    Someone In Particular likes this.
  10. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    All is for God to judge. I'm doing nothing but to remind a story about God destroying a place which involves homosexuality. I'm just reminding that the people were destroyed for that reason. I did nothing but that and asked for thoughts. That's all.
  11. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    Oh well.
    God: My nigga Lot had went through times of adversity.
    Gotta give my man some sex now.
    Also, its kinda funny, watch this
  12. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    He just given more evidence to prove that homosexuality is a sin. And not a single verse or source in the bible that says anything good about homosexuality explicitly. Look, this is where people cross the line, if you're truly religious, you won't believe what is told untill proven to be told. You get me? So where is this evidence that homosexuality is allowed?
    No where to be found right? Even if they intrepret just like the guy in the video did about a certain verse. Even he says that there's nothing positive that apostle paul had written. And he mentioned that faithful christians can support their gay brothers and sisters. Then what? They go to hell? Well fine is it? Honestly, the problem is just with humans, they're ignorant and they can't swallow the harsh fact of reality.
  13. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    I forgot to read the page that you sent me. But stopped anyway the moment he said he wasn't christian. Honestly no point to continue from there. I mean what could he be? A muslim? Nah impossible. A muslim will never justify gay acts.
    I'm guessing his an atheist.
    So like my title says,
    He's irrelavant :/
  14. My apologies, but something popped in mind which you might want to answer :). Why does God let people being born with LGBT orientations if he teaches his followers that it's a sin? Do homosexual people keep suffering all their life from an orientation they didn't ask for nor can help it and life a celibatic life because of it? Sounds terribly cruel from a God who is supposed to love humanity. That's not a God I'd want to believe in, I prefer a God loving people for who they are regardless of who those people love among each other.
  15. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    Free will. Free will. Free will. That's all i gotta say. God didn't force you to bow down to him 1000 times a day. He didn't punished you immediately when you sin.
    Is this not a sign of mercy? And is it not true that your sins are guaranteed to be erased if you asked forgiveness? What more if you promise to not repeat it again? People thinking that they are suffering from a sin are just deluded. Straight up. I'm just going to tell you they're deluded. Especially those who were received the message that homosexuality is explicitly stated forbidden and they are amongst those who will not inherit paradise. IT SAYS THERE. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? Why is it so hard for homosexuals to swallow the harsh fact of reality. But they can keep swallowing big fat dicks? I'm sorry but i had to. But anyway, Yes, God still love them, despite the fact that they trangress through his boundaries. I swear to you if God hates them, they wouldn't be alive right now. The thing is, do you actually thing they went to God saying, oh god thank you for this thank you for that. They love God. But even so, they transgress through his boundaries that he stated explicitly? This is a matter of sincerity which they are not. God told you to not do something. Because he knows it is bad for you. You don't question him. Just do what you need to do. You suffer here for a few years and you get eternal life in heaven. Getting whatever you want. Yes LITERALLY. You want to be gay there? Go ahead. But here? Go ahead. Have a fun, sinless life here. Let your heaven be here. But you will receive eternal hell.
    Now tell me, is that worth it?
    This is what humans do, they made this world a heaven for them, in exchange for eternal hell?
    Okay honestly, just look at the homosexuals around you. Do you think that majority of them are religious?
    I swear, i have never seen, a homosexual, ever praying to god.
    For christians, i don't see them going to the church on sundays.
    For muslims, i see them chilling out with their friends in the afternoon when they're supposed to attend the friday prayer at the mosque.
    You see, if you were to prove homosexuality is not a sin.
    The people of LGBT will be happy.
    Will be happy. And then what?
    They go party, get lost, get high
    And forget God.
    They are spreading love, having fun together, in clubs.
    For a group to gather and praise god.
    Or for them to do whatever they want.
    I mean what comes if you go in a club?
    Women dressing lewdly, drugs, alchohol,
    All this sort of stuff
    And when they're having fun, do you think that they want to spend their nights like this just once? They'll want it to do everyday.
    If you just open your eyes.
    That's reality right there.
    But they are amongst those who are blind. What can we do right? We send our message, they rejected us. They don't care because they're too busy having fun.
  16. I happen to know a married, Christian gay couple who even are elders in one of the local churches. But I'll leave this topic to you, as you'll counter every argument of tolerance with dogma. Jesus walked with sinners and countered their 'sins' with love. His most 'truthful' followers unfortunately counter is with disgust and hate :(. I feel sorry for you.
  17. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    So what if you know that there's a gay christian couple? They're still transgressing the boundaries of God by being that way.
    Also, you don't have to tell me this.
    Of course i'll expect someone like that.
    I'm talking about the vast majority of homosexuals out there,
    But anyway,
    Look, i'm not attacking you. I'm just telling you the harsh evidence that you deny.
    Revelation 22:15; 1 Corinthians 6:9–10; Galatians 5:19–21; Ephesians 5
    The evidence is right there.
    Homosexual people will not inherit heaven. I didn't say this. God did.
    Also, when jesus approach the sinner,
    Of course he will come to comfort him,
    Why would he want to say "fuck you, if you don't stop stop sinning, i'll throw you in fucking hell". No no. But also, he didn't justify the sin. Because sin is sin. If he didn't changed it. Who are we to change it? Also, Jesus didn't ask the sinners to go to him and seek for forgiveness from him. He reminded them the Mercy of God and how he could remove all their sins if they just repent sincerely. Even if they repeat out of accident. They forget that it was a sin. They were sincere in forgetting it. So they came to repent. It's that simple, you sin, you repent. Just have sincerity because God knows that which is in the hearts of humankind. This is how life should be, you sin you repent.
    You don't get to live a carefree life just because "He died for your sins" and you believe in him. No. Individually, every one of us, is responsible for our deeds. Whether its good or bad. We gather the good and bad deeds through our actions and god will judge them. If we have sinned, but repented sincerely. Then it'll be nothing but dust. The sin that we comitted will be erased like it never exist. By the Mercy of God. I mean think about it, Everyone before Jesus, did they die for their own sins then? Is it fair? How can someone die for our sins? So what if he can perform miracles and heal others? That doesn't make him God. Noah built an ark all by himself without a teacher.
    But who was teaching him? God. So is it not the will of God that he could do such miracles? He could be a prophet,
    Think about it.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2019
  18. Clean Willy

    Clean Willy Fapstronaut

    What a completely ludicrous statement. :eek: First off, can you tell all homosexuals based on their appearance? Apart from joining in the communal prayers given during mass etc, how can you know if they pray privately to God during the day?
  19. Clean Willy

    Clean Willy Fapstronaut

    You are very perverted if you think that video is funny.