Will I ever be able to get normal erections again?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by toggles88, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. toggles88

    toggles88 Fapstronaut

    I have been on various reboots and relapses since 2014 which was when I discovered I had PIED. My longest streak in hard-mode was 9 months. The last streak I had was 6 months. Every time I relapsed and ended my streak, I have a period of time where binged hard on porn. Now my streak is back at 2 months. I can't get hard when thinking or looking at girls I consider to be attractive, even though I feel aroused. I can get semi-hard from porn. I get no arousal when I masturbate by myself. My dick is always shriveled and I rarely get morning wood. My question is, will I ever get normal erections again? With all that time I abstained from PMOing, shouldn't I at least notice some improvements? I fear that this might be permanent and I'll never be able to enjoy the true pleasures of sex.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  2. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut

    If you keep PMOing, then obviously it' unlikely.

    One really needs to go through 1-2 years (depending on level of damage done) to recover (no PMO and little MO).
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  3. Buzz Rees

    Buzz Rees Fapstronaut

    Dude I think at your age with the level of erectile difficulty you describe you should see a doctor.

    ED, even if it can be mostly or partly porn induced is also a symptom of some fairly serious conditions. I'd have that checked out if I were you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    Did the quality of your erections improve during the 9 and 6 months of hardmode?
    If they did not then you may consider 12 to 18 month periods or even seeking medical advice to ensure there is no permanent damage
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  5. toggles88

    toggles88 Fapstronaut

    I check my testosterone levels and they came back normal. I then went to a urologist and, without any testing, told me it's mostly psychological. He prescribed me some ED drugs to see if it had any effect on me. I think that's his way of determining if it's lack of blood flow or not. I'm only able to get 70-80% hard when I'm on it. And it will only stay hard as long as I stimulate it. Despite being on the drug, it will go down once I withdraw the stimulation. I'll be seeing him again next week.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  6. toggles88

    toggles88 Fapstronaut

    When I relapsed after the 9 months, I was able to get harder than before. But not significantly harder.
  7. toggles88

    toggles88 Fapstronaut

    What concerns me is that I'm reading all about these posts of guys recovering within a few months but for me going on 9 months straight hard mode, I got little to no progress.
  8. aston20

    aston20 Fapstronaut

    During nofap you have to improve in other things of your life. Start eating healthy, do a lot of excercise, but one important thing that i saw that so many people is doing for their erections and works are Kegels.
  9. toggles88

    toggles88 Fapstronaut

    Wow kegels huh? I just did a full read up on kegels on reddit. It seems reasonably promising. Now I'm gonna give it a dedicated try. Thanks for the worthy mention.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
    aston20 likes this.
  10. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I'm in the same boat as you, man.

    I started this journey on January 2017 (cut out the PMO but not MO)
    I PMO relapsed in June and August
    Because the August relapse caused my penis to shrink and reduce the blood flow, I decided to do Hardmode and my temptation for porn vanished instantly as the discovery of shrunk penis really shocked me.
    I managed to do Hardmode until Nov-Dec where I MOed
    I think I went on to another hardmode which only lasted until Feb where I MOed again
    So I went to another hardmode and lasted until June/July where I MOed
    So again I went to Hardmode until October where I MOed again - unfortunately October's MO relapse replicated a PMO relapse as it caused my penis to shrink further and reduced the erection strength - hence why I'm attempting to go without MO for at least a year (or if I get a GF).

    So, to sum up, even though for two years I've been rebooting, my erection's have actually gotten worse! It's so frustrating and disheartening. :(
  11. They do get worse if you are relapsing. I’m 15 months in and still not all there with erections. They’re getting a bit better but it can take a long time.

    Take that from a guy who fapped with a limp dick to porn for a few years in the end. Porn didn’t even turn me on.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut

    Good luck with everything, man.
  13. toggles88

    toggles88 Fapstronaut

    It's suicidally frustrating because it requires so much discipline, mental strength, effort and most importantly, time, to recover and yet a ONE small slip up can make you start ALL over. We are basically going against our innate sexual nature to force this recovery. Also, because of this, I feel like I have to put my dating life on a long hold until who knows how long it will take. So I'm looking at 1-2 years (or if ever) of not being able to date somebody. It's just all so fucked up what porn can unknowingly do to you.
    Maurice00 likes this.
  14. toggles88

    toggles88 Fapstronaut

    Maybe it's because your username is Big Lebowski and you have his picture as your avatar but you seem to have a very cool attitude towards all this. But I'm sure under the surface there lies the same struggle that all of us are having right.
  15. Hisself

    Hisself Fapstronaut

    Very serious question guys.. I feel you all and feel I’m in the same boat. Are any of you guys rewiring? Spending intimate time with girls? Cuddling, kissing, holding hands? I understand that it is terrifying to get that close with a girl when you feel you can’t function. From the time I was 8 or 9 I got off to strictly fetish porn and escalated to where I would edge all day at times. I sabotaged every relationship I was in and somehow managed to get in relationships with hot girls that were sexless. Failed at sex every time and always figured I was not turned on by sex but by my fetish exclusively. First streak was 284 days, several small ones and then a 195 day one which I broke out of being horny and depressed about an injury that led me to have to quit the martial arts class I had begun that week. I never would have had the confidence or energy to do that while pmoing. I somehow forgot the pain of relapse and figured I’d be back to normal in a week or two. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I’m trying to cut to the chase while giving a little background. Long story short I’ve experienced debilitating withdrawals and suicidal thoughts at points along this recovery and even in the height of dead dick and withdrawals I had a girl I was very attracted to grind me at a concert and my dick went right up. That was the first time ever and it totally caught me by surprise I wasn’t even mentally turned on.. no interest in sex and it still happened. Another time a few months later a friend of mine that I had no attraction towards suggested getting a shower together and I got an instant boner in what I thought was a flatline. I won’t go on but there have been other times like this where I thought and felt in every way that I was in a deep flatline yet my body reacted when an opportunity arose. Again I’ve never felt the drive to have sex in my life and never got off to anything other than fetish content yet my body responded when a girl made an advance mostly during periods where holding hands or cuddling were taking place in days prior but on several occasions it has happened on a one off moment. Even with this I’ve perpetually had dead dick as far back as I can remember and have never attempted sex since starting nofap due to pied performance anxiety. Soo are you guys making any attempt at rewiring? I feel it is the only way for serious cases to recover fully.
    Maurice00 likes this.
  16. toggles88

    toggles88 Fapstronaut

    I've never had a girlfriend before due to my social anxiety. The thought of being intimate with a girl with a limp dick just terrifies me. I'm also genuinely afraid that attempting to rewire with a real girl will only prolong my recovery because I'm not allowing my brain to fully reset.
  17. Hisself

    Hisself Fapstronaut

    The fact that it is terrifying is exactly what I experienced every time I was around a girl intimately. It is terrifying and I stated that in my original response. However Gary Wilson who founded your brain on porn, Gabe Deem who founded reboot nation, and Noah church who founded addicted to internet porn all have stated that rewiring to real girls is the only way to recover for those who started watching porn at a young age and have little to no experience with real women. You are starving the porn pathways with nofap and need to rewire and establish the natural pathways for real intimacy. It will be a long process and you will most likely fail several times before you are able to have successful sex but you will never recover by just sitting around and waiting in purgatory. Porn conditions you to be comfortable with the control you have over your arousal and to not take risks which extends to other aspects of your life. Because it is terrifying is why you should do it. Not only should you do it but you must if you want to recover and move past flatlines. This is my experience and the experience of the most prominent porn addiction recovery coaches. Again you can feel like you are dead down there and still react physically in the moment that it is needed.
  18. toggles88

    toggles88 Fapstronaut

    I know what you’re saying is true. I read a lot of comments suggesting that but a part of me wants to deny it because man am I afraid of rejection.
  19. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut

    I'm attempting to meet women, but it's a bit of a slow process for one reason or another, most predominately because:

    1. I live in an isolated village and I don't have my own transport or my own place. Which means it's all a bit restricted for me.

    2. As I don't have friends, I don't tend to go out as there is no point me going out to bars and just standing/sitting there on my own. I also don't drink. Plus, I don't feel I'm ready to get to know people as friends, mainly because I'm embarrassed about living with my parents and the fact that I don't have my own independence, does get me down and lowers myself esteem.

    However, when I'm meeting women, it tends to be Speeddating events. They only happen on average once a month where I live, but it's better than nothing.

    I'm also worried about getting intimate with women (although it's something I really want to do), mainly because of my PIED and possibly the person whom I would be getting intimate with might well 'kiss and tell' about it.
  20. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    Rejection is part of life. You can’t hide from the world.
    Freeddom_Taker and Buzz Rees like this.