Science in Adam and Eve?

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    So I watched the video, keeping an old testament next to me and checking the sources, and I didn't understand a few things, perhaps you could enlighten me:

    1. I'm confused as to where this video's creator got the idea that the announcement of the return to and rebuilding of Jerusalem was by Artaxerxes in 445 bc. A simple search through the sources in Ezra & Nehemiah show that the announcement was made by Cyrus The Great, while Artaxerxes was a later king that simply gave Ezra and Nehemiah permission to go to Jerusalem. What history tells us is that the first announcement was made not in 445 but in 538. The video's creator bases much of his calculations upon the year 445.

    I also didn't understand why he claims the 490 years begin in Nehemiah 2, 1-8. Where does it make reference to that? He claims this was when Nehemiah was given permission to go rebuild Jerusalem. However, the Jews already got permission for that in the time of Cyrus, in Ezra, ch. 1.

    He claims that between the 69th set of years and the 70th set of years there will be a long break (continuing to thus day, a period of nearly 2000 years), yet doesn't bring a source for this, certainly not from the old testament. If the first 69 sets were one after the next, why should there be a 2000 year break before the last set?

    He also claims that "the annoited one" (=literal translation of the word Messiah) is Jesus. Who's to say that? If anything, it would make more sense to refer to the verse in Isaiah 45, 1, where Cyrus The Great is mentioned by name and called the messiah. Meaning this isn't a reference to the messiah of the end of days, but to the messiah that decreed the building of the second temple, as we're talking here in Daniel of the building of the second Temple.
  2. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    What credible sources? Who are they, and more importantly: what's their credibility?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Not that it would matter, but you'd be hard pressed to find any "expert of history" who even believes Abraham existed
  4. parkurman123

    parkurman123 Fapstronaut

    Many atheist have set out to prove that the gospels are unreliable, but have become believers in the process of trying to prove the bible unreliable:
    Historian and statesman George Lyttelton, biology and geology professor Gary Parker, Surgen and foreign diplomat Viggo Olson, Archeologist sought to use archeology to disprove Luke and acts Sir William Mitchell Ramsay, lawyer, journalist, novelist Frrank Morrison, illusionist who set out to disprove Jesus miracles Andre Kole, Gene scientist in charge of the human genome project Francis Collins, Oxford Scholar and author C.S. Lewis, Cell biologist and professor Dr Richard Lumsden, astronomy and astrophysics Dr Hugh Ross....
  5. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    This is all very nice, but not what I asked. I wasn't asking about who decided to become Christian. I'm sure I can find lists of famous people who converted to other religions as well.
    What I asked was specifically what credible experts, in your words, agree that Jesus was a descendant of Judah and David. Of Abraham, I don't doubt. He was Jewish, after all.
  6. parkurman123

    parkurman123 Fapstronaut

    you have the internet it is not hard to find that
  7. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    So you can't tell me names?
    I was also wondering if you could answer these questions on the proof from Daniel ch. 9?
  8. parkurman123

    parkurman123 Fapstronaut

    I have already mentioned some examples
    Historian and statesman George Lyttelton, Sir William Mitchell Ramsay
    John MacArthur- Daniel 9
  9. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Well, I appreciate you trying at least to answer. The second video you sent did nothing to clarify, instead I have another question to add, but never mind that. Thanks anyway.
  10. There's one more question I have and it's what do you think of Christians who are evolutionary biologists and accept evolution and don't see a conflict between accepting evolution and their faith? Do you think that they're also one of the many humans who want to accept a false theory just so they can sin and don't have to answer to a Divine authority?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2018
  11. I'm not looking to start a fight or anything, I'm just asking a question.
  12. No, I dont think that. I never said that everybody who believes in macro evolution just wants to sin and not have to answer to God.
  13. Well I asked because in a previous post in this thread you said:
    Here's the link to the post:
    But you're right, you never said everyone who accepts evolutionary theory just wants to sin and doesn't want to answer to God, sorry.
  14. Nope, I didnt. I remember what I said.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    KJV Bible is full of scientifically, archaeologically and historically proven facts.
    parkurman123 and AUTiger7222 like this.
  16. Whoa, wait a minute but that just begs another question: why doesn't God just tell the Christian evolutionary biologists that they're believing something false and to stop promoting a false theory that's leading unbelievers away from Him? Why wouldn't He let them know they're mistaken?
  17. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    When God created humans they weren't vulnerable to disease and damage. It's why they lived for hundreds of years in the beginning of time.
  18. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    In the old testament yes, but many of the ways and laws of the old testament were wiped out when Jesus died on the cross. Jesus dying on the cross changed many things with regards to laws and such. We no longer are required to produce living sacrifices to God either and I'm thankful for that.
  19. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    The male testicles are outside the body because if they were inside the body they would get too hot and therefore the sperm they produce would become infertile and therefore reproduction wouldn't exist. There is a reason for every single thing as long as you're open-minded enough to learn.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    So you fully believe that one day a fish just crawled out of the water and onto land and that fish eventually became the humans we are today? Yet those that believe the Bible are the ones that gullible?