Anyone got nutrition knowledge?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Jackb97, Dec 22, 2018.

  1. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    I'm 6ft4 only 167lbs. Pretty skinny although I'm getting pretty soft. I want to get rid of carbs in my diet whilst still gaining weight.
    Anyone got any advice?
  2. NFWelder

    NFWelder Fapstronaut

  3. 4ndris

    4ndris Fapstronaut

    Hi there!
    The third edition of "Healing With Whole Foods" by Paul Pitchford is what you should read!
    I know it's very long, but I can promise you that it will answer every question related to nutrition and even more! :)

  4. Anti-ordinary

    Anti-ordinary Fapstronaut

    @Jackb97 Dude i would not remove carbs from anyones diet as it is a long term source of energy. Without carbs you will have a feeling of being tired and sleepy. If you want to gain weight you should hit the gym and eat plenty of food. If you just eat a lot of food and don't go to the gym, all those calories that are of excess to your maintenance calories will be stored as fat. So go to the gym and eat in a caloric surplus, you should be good.
  5. Why would you wanna get rid of the best energy source ?
  6. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Keto diet seems to be successful for people. And when I eat carbs I feel more tired then when I just eat meat veg and fruit but its hard to gain weight that way.
  7. litew8

    litew8 Fapstronaut

    16/8 fast with Ketogenic diet, high in protein and fat low carbs, need to Work out! 16/8 fast will induce ketosis, ketones are burned once the body gets past the stage of 12-14 without processing food, you really need to hit 16 hrs, it will produce BDNF in your brain, regenerate old cells, flush them out and rebuild new, its great for mental clarity, reduces depression and anxiety and healing for your organs lowering risks of diabetis and other illnesses. In the 8 hour window you allow yourself to eat you eat as many calories as you can, you dont need to cut out carbs completely BTW just reduce them. No carbs will cause depression and aggression and bad breathe! I do this 5 days a week, i make sure my evening meal is no later than 7pm and i do not eat after this time, you can drink tea or coffee but no milk or sugar! i do not eat again till 11am next day, its easy all you need to do is skip breakfast, again this is very healthy to because any sugars first thing in morning can spike insulin levels again very bad for pancreas. We as humans where not designed to process food 24/7, our bodies ability to heal itself is activated during starvation. 10 of 1000's of years DNA programing is now overruled by this relative life of comfort we can easily fall into, something the cavemen never had the luxury of. The whole process of flushing out dead cells and regenerating new along with high calories 8 hour windows food intake, working out and most importantly resting will build muscle mass and weight.