Weight loosing

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Fallbr65798, Dec 24, 2018.

  1. Fallbr65798

    Fallbr65798 New Fapstronaut

    Please... Help me.. I wanna loose some weight and need your advice!
    captainteemo likes this.
  2. one word: cycling
    Trust me
  3. captainteemo

    captainteemo Fapstronaut

    Meals are the most important thing to lose wheigt that is the basic. Try swimming or runnin if you can.
  4. Proper diet and a caloric deficit will help you lose weight. Next best thing is picking a form of physical activity that you really enjoy. My two have been cycling and lifting weights.
  5. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Weight lifting, cardiovascular exercise such as running, cycling. Having six smaller meals a day instead of 3 will help you not to overeat and feel full.
  6. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    As a matter of fact, there are a few things to consider when pursuing success in weight-loss but the main ones being (of course):

    -Exercise (short and intense sessions/workouts will be tougher for your mind and body but burn more energy than longer and low-intensity ones). You should pick an exercise-form that suits you and that you preferably should be able to do without any music in your ears.
    -Diet (a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and grains and less animal-products will do wonder as the former will fill you up, give you nutrients, energy and have fewer calories within them). Also, by adding some spices to your food, you will get the metabolic rate going as well.
    -Clothing (you will lose much water weight through sweating if you have too much clothes on rather than too little).
    -Distractions (eliminate as many of them as possible in your life so you can focus on yourself and your lifestyle changes instead).

    Also keep in mind that short-term diets will only make you gain back the weight in the long-run. It is about lifestyle changes and making these take time and won't go over night. It takes hard work, dedication and lots of blood, sweat and tears before you are where you imagine yourself to be.
  7. yosoy111

    yosoy111 Fapstronaut

    Forget calorie reduction and practice intermitent fasting several days a week or every day.
  8. SomeRandomNatty

    SomeRandomNatty Fapstronaut

    By now I know what the problem with you people is. You know how to lose weight, you're are just not willing to endure the pain that comes along with it.
    You have to be a little bit hungry here and there
    You have to watch your calories
    You have to track your progress
    You have to eat healthier
    You have to get some exercise
    You have to go to peroids of fasting (as in intermittent fasting or just stop snacking)
    Don't get me wrong, it is doable and actually not that hard. You just have to get out of your comfort zone and not be lazy. You will survive this. If you succed, you'll be very happy that you endured the pain.

    Don't look for the easy way out, it doesn't exist but it's also not impossible, it's somewhere in between.
  9. SomeRandomNatty

    SomeRandomNatty Fapstronaut

    By the way, if you're looking for a free online coach, I'm your man.
    Charles Good likes this.