Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Nu-Dae, Dec 15, 2018.

  1. Nu-Dae

    Nu-Dae Fapstronaut

    Oh my god, you guys!! I made it to 30 days yesterday!! No PMO of any kind!! I feel amazing! My energy is through the roof. My focus is great. My memory has greatly improved. My body fat percentage is down to 17%. My attraction to and from women (friends, strangers, co-workers, etc) is off the charts. I feel more confident, more compassionate, more grounded and more masculine than I have in years. I'm killing it at work. My spirituality feels very significant and close to me. And my finances have greatly increased.

    Now, Im not trying to act like NoFap is some magic pill- quit wanking for 30 days and all of your dreams will come true. The truth is that I've been on a really good gym and diet routine since March, I've been meditating regularly for the past few years, and I just recently got a promotion that has been the culmination of 2 years of hard work.

    But NoFap was the thing that really brought everything together for me. Because I wasn't jerking off first thing in the morning, I was able to put together a great morning routine that includes prayer, meditation and goal setting- keeping me focused and on track. Because I wasn't fantasizing about sex on the way to work, I was able to use that time in traffic to run through all the things that I wanted from my company and why I deserved them. Then when the meeting with my bosses came, I was cool, calm, rehearsed and I got nearly everything that I wanted: more responsibility, more freedom, more flexibility and significantly more money. And when my bosses were dragging their feet, I had the confidence to call the meeting myself and push through my promotion.

    Because I wasn't coming home and jerking off for the rest of the day, I was able to go to the gym and then make good quality food, instead of eating junk. And when it comes to women, because I'm not spending all my time fantasizing about having sex with them, I'm able to have real, deep conversations and make real, deep connections with them. And those deep connections are like amplifiers to our initial attractions.

    I've got a few goals for my near-future, one is to start making time to read everyday no matter what. I have a bunch of hard work to grow into my promotion that I'm looking forward to. I've just started studying the very basics of sacred sexuality and healing, I want to learn more. I'm going to keep pushing my fitness and spiritual practices. And while I'm not looking to rush into anything before I'm ready, I think a romantic relationship might be on my horizon.

    So here's to 30 days behind me. I'm focused on 90 days, but first 60 days and before that 31, then 32, then 33.... you get it. Thanks for reading guys! And congratulations to everyone else that's kicking pmo's ass one day at a time! The future is ours!

    EDIT: In my excitement, I realized that I forgot to mention that I've been trying to quit PMO for a few years now, and failed more times than I can count. I was depressed, I had intimacy issues, ED, low self-confidence, I was 40-50 lbs overweight, I was breaking out in rashes, and I was thousands of dollars in credit card debt. I felt alone, hurt and hopeless. I just couldn't keep living this way. I had to make some changes, and this time they had to stick.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
  2. LuisGuev

    LuisGuev Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! You've been doing very well! It's a very inspiring story
    nudae likes this.
  3. Nu-Dae

    Nu-Dae Fapstronaut

    Thanks! Earlier this week, I told myself that I would post on NoFap when I reached 30 days. For me, it's both a small celebration and also a show of appreciation to a community that has been a great resource and source of inspiration when I needed it the most. Good luck on your journey, keep going and you'll get there!
    Froger likes this.
  4. Great journey bro! Onward and upward!
    nudae likes this.
  5. Rocka snape

    Rocka snape Fapstronaut

    Waiting for your 90's achievement post ;)
    nudae likes this.
  6. BillTchmer

    BillTchmer Fapstronaut


    any improvement in penis health like better morning wood and strong erection ?
  7. Walk_it_out

    Walk_it_out Fapstronaut

    Wow bro that's so good to hear! I just about had 30 days myself but slipped once and back on day 3. But I am still so happy for all the progress just like you have just expressed yourself! Good job man keep moving forward one day at a time like you have. Even if we slip just immediately get right back on. It's all great progress..congrats man on your 30 days! I share your joy as I'm looking forward to post my own first 30 days soon!
    nudae likes this.
  8. ChicagoGenXGuy

    ChicagoGenXGuy Fapstronaut

  9. Nu-Dae

    Nu-Dae Fapstronaut

    Appreciate it. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but this feels like the on that'll stick. Looking forward to writing that 90 day post!
    Rocka snape likes this.
  10. Nu-Dae

    Nu-Dae Fapstronaut

    I feel you... I can't even count the amount of times I'd gotten close to 30 and slipped. I don't know if this helps, but I think one of the things that helped/helps me this time is disciplining my mind. I'm really trying to make an effort to meditate most days (even weekends) and I'm really, REALLY trying to avoid negative thinking. I've been reading a lot lately, one of the books that helped is the 7-Day Mental Diet. It's a quick read- maybe 60 minutes tops, but really monitoring my thoughts and instead switching to positive thinking or focusing on my goals has helped exponentially. With both of these things, because I'm practicing them regularly- when I need them, when the urges come on really strong- I already have a mental routine to fall into and rely on. Really makes a difference. Hang in there bro. 30 is on the horizon for you. Stay strong!
    Walk_it_out likes this.
  11. Nu-Dae

    Nu-Dae Fapstronaut

    Yes, I'm getting morning wood, middle of the night wood, afternoon nap wood- you name it. As far as the strength of my erections at full arousal, I have no idea. I'm really not playing with my dick at all. If I spend too much time soaping up in the shower, I'm like "Hey! Knock it off! Move onto another part of your body." lol. I've masturbated my dick sore so many times that since I'm in a good place with my NoFap, I'm just letting the little guy recover.
  12. Walk_it_out

    Walk_it_out Fapstronaut

    Thanks man I will keep making that a priority. I see also the mind really is the thing to guard. If I wake right up and get out of bed im usually always good but those times I lay around I start having lustful half awake dreams. So many things I'm learning too through the process. I realize it's so much more than just not masturbating. I need to make and keep many others small corrections that all help the cause. Thanks man!
    nudae likes this.
  13. BillTchmer

    BillTchmer Fapstronaut

    thats awesome.

    Whats your age?
  14. Alaskamoose

    Alaskamoose Fapstronaut

    Great post bro. I’m at day 20 and am realizing some major benefits
  15. BillTchmer

    BillTchmer Fapstronaut

    I completed 28 days without PMO but then I lost and fapped. I am starting over again.
  16. Ra1

    Ra1 Fapstronaut

    I can relate man, focus and memory are the two powers we get from nofap. Earlier my routine as same as yours but now the confidence and energy I feel is something that gives me hope for my ultimate gosl.
    (Day 24 of Monk Mode)
  17. MushroomIsGrowing

    MushroomIsGrowing Fapstronaut

    Never be discourage and never give up. Let's go guys we can do it
    BillTchmer likes this.
  18. wow! your story gives me hope, brother! thanks for sharing!
  19. BillTchmer

    BillTchmer Fapstronaut

    yes coming up again. will never give up this time