Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Future role model, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    7 hours sounds sensible. Ideally, nearly 8 seems to be natural for me, but think I could successfully run on a bit less if I incorporated a short nap or something.

    Yeah, if you are working until 12 then you would definitely be crazy going for 4.30am! :emoji_laughing:
    Keep it realistic ;)
    Cel mai drept ideal likes this.
  2. Cel mai drept ideal

    Cel mai drept ideal Fapstronaut

    Well, not 4:30 AM, something more like 5:30 - 6:00 AM, or earlier and maybe compensate with naps during the day. I'll see, but if I'm lucky I'll get shifts until only 10 o'clock. That would be so much better.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  3. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Yeah man. I really think 6 hours is a minimum not to feel 'spacey' the following day. Don't forget wind down time after finishing a late shift. I guess just always keep your bed time in mind when setting up for the following morning. Not worth making yourself ill ;)
    Cel mai drept ideal likes this.
  4. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Good luck dude. So you ARE waking up at 5am, or trying to?
  5. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Had alarms, a little optimistically, set for 6.30 and 7.05 this morning. Got up and made tea at about 7.30, after turning both off earlier! haha
    I did wake up wanting to go to the loo again, but it was so cold that I didn't want to move! So I didn't even see what time it was, then I must have fallen back to sleep.
    Still, I wouldn't have even thought of setting an alarm for 6.30am for no specific reason even a week ago! Plus I feel like my mindset to life is slowly improving, which is really awesome.

    How did you get on?
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  6. Cel mai drept ideal

    Cel mai drept ideal Fapstronaut

    Getting better already, eh? Sounds good! Keep it up!
    As for me, I woke up at 5:00 AM. Whether it's 4:30 or 5:00, it's still good to me.
  7. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Nice work! Did you get something productive done? :)
  8. Cel mai drept ideal

    Cel mai drept ideal Fapstronaut

    Not as much as I would have wanted, but there's still time throughout the day, I guess.
    Majik likes this.
  9. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Well, this morning I got up to go to the loo (Maybe I should get my bladder checked! haha) and was feeling quite awake and good, so was curious as to what time it was. 3.30am! That is still night! haha So I went back to bed. Then was sluggish with alarms, eventually getting up properly at around 7.20am. Not sure what to make of that really, as I really don't want to be getting up at 3.30. Went to sleep at 10.45pm. Alarm was set for 6.45. 8 hours. I have this weird thing about not getting up before my alarm goes off, so maybe I will try no alarm tomorrow and see what happens.
    I have really not had any sort of routine for a few months now, so just getting in to that is going to take a little time I guess. Will continue with the 7am goal for the rest of this week, and then work from there :)
    Cel mai drept ideal likes this.
  10. Cel mai drept ideal

    Cel mai drept ideal Fapstronaut

    I woke up at about 4:30 today and I've put the extra time to good use as well unlike some other days. :)
    Majik likes this.
  11. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Nice! Well done! :)

    So I went with no alarm, to see what happens. Plus had a pretty low and slow day, so thought maybe some sleep would help. Got caught up with messages last night, so didn't sleep until midnight. Slept straight through until 7.20, which was nice, then finally woke properly at about 8.30. Actually looked back on the sleep data that I have been recording. A pattern is almost appearing. Either a long nights sleep that is followed by slowly decreasing amounts of sleep, until a long night again, or in kind of waves that goes up and down over the course of a few nights. So 8.5 hours would count as a longer night, which means that tonight should, in theory, be around 8 hours. Even more curious to find out now.
    Cel mai drept ideal likes this.
  12. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Ok, the no alarm clock thing was a terrible idea. Was still 8/8.5 hours. Plus both mornings have been incredibly unproductive. Back to alarms tomorrow!

    Just watched this. Going to share it on here, in case you haven't seen it from hitting the 'Panic Button'!

    Asgardian36 likes this.
  13. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    thats awesome, bro! Thanks for sharing!!!
  14. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Guys, today!!! I woke up at 7 am with alarm. Yest I slept at 1 am, also had a 90 min nap. So I've got plenty of sleep!
    After I woke up today, I went to the loo and I just sat on my bed for like 10 mins and then decided to sleep. A thought of going to the gym (our apartment has a gym downstrairs, accessible in 1 min) hit me, but idk. I felt lazy.

    One of the reasons that could have helped me was to make a solid plan yest night about what I'm going to do AFTER I wake up. Coz, when you wake up and you don't know what to do, its a disaster. May be I could write in my journal when to wake up, and what to do after I wake up, would that help???? what do you guys think???
    Majik and Deleted Account like this.
  15. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Woke up at 7 am today! I must say I am surprised I didnt sleep again after setting an alarm for 8 am lol!
    I am glad i didnt set the alarm for 6 am for working out...I knew that wouldn't have worked! One of the other posts i read went sth like this...
    "One way to actually become more disciplined is to drop the feelings of guilt for not being disciplined, i.e. drop the ideal of perfection which you made up for yourself."

    Keep Hustling guys!!!
    Majik likes this.
  16. Cel mai drept ideal

    Cel mai drept ideal Fapstronaut

    I haven't been waking up early the last couple of days, but I should get back to it. I'll be reporting tomorrow.
    Majik likes this.
  17. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Well...yest, I woke up at 7...today at 7:10. If i wasn't careful, i'd have to wake up at 8 and leave to work in a hurry...I did that last week and had a terrible day.

    I wish I can wake up at 6 and do workout for a while and then go to work!
    Majik likes this.
  18. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Not been on here in a while! Limited internet.
    Been a bit hit and miss with the waking up early thing. Not been sleeping too well in a new place, which hasn't been helping.
    Start work again soon, so will HAVE to get up. See if I can start the getting up in plenty of time routine that I am aiming for.

    Yes, I think it helps if you pre plan what to do with your time. I wish my gym was just downstairs! Haha I found in the past, when going for runs, that if I could just get my shorts on then that lead to trainers then out of the door! Just make that first step ;)
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  19. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Today.being the weekend, woke up at 9 instead of 7 lol! I guess it better than waking up at 11 am. I've read some post of user making it a strong commitment not to sleep after 9 am at any cost! I think that is a great idea!!!
    control your life likes this.
  20. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    I've been reading this book "12 rules for life"...the author says, its very important for us to sleep and wake up at the same time, I totally agree with that, it could be helpful. I hope you can figure out a common sleep and wake up time, man