Age 29, past 30 day mark: Super stressed...

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by S_R_B00ZL3S, Dec 7, 2018.

  1. S_R_B00ZL3S

    S_R_B00ZL3S Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    Just want to say to the NoFap collective: Thank you.

    Some of the most intense (and justified) stress I've ever felt in my life is compounding right now....and I still haven't masterbated, watched porn or orgasmed in over a month now. It hasn't been easy, my sleep is erratic, I feel pretty messed up.

    My career and project I'm involved in is in limbo, has been for a year now....I'm fiscally tied to it and my ROI was supposed to be a few months ex and I recently connected and expressed how we missed each other and I want her back but kind of accidentally blew it and I'm at work right now absolutely devastated I can barely function. And, she's living in Vegas where I've wanted to live for a long time (and was supposed to by now with this project).

    It is an EXTREME amount of stress, confusion and despair...and I'm feeling every potent drop of it. But I HAVE NOT given in to mo/pmo. Not once.

    I cry almost every day, I have no energy, may have kissed one of my best friends good bye and my financial future hangs in the's a lot. I'm heart broken and scared. I just want to say thanks for the support (crying as I type this).

    Please keep me in your thoughts, as you are in mine.

  2. A41:14A

    A41:14A Fapstronaut

    Hey Sam,
    Have you got somebody close (friends / family) you can talk to.. get things off your chest?
    You've always got a great support network right here on nofap 24/7..
    In Australia we have a website (do you have something similar in your country?
    Take it easy on yourself bud (take it from my experience, starting out in business it very difficult - but I guarantee, it's also rewarding)
  3. goattoram

    goattoram Fapstronaut

    Hey Sam,

    I think you show great courage even by sharing here what's been going on in your life. I think A41:14A is right - whether it's here or with close friends and family, you should share with them how you feel. There's great power is verbally stating how you feel and where you are, I think. Although no one person will fully 100% understand what you are going through, if you know that there are people out there who are there for you, you will feel stronger and feel hopeful. There has been times of deep despair in my life, and when someone said "I don't know all of what's going on within you, but know that I am for you and with you," I felt great encouragement from that.

    One step at a time, one day at a time!
    S_R_B00ZL3S likes this.
  4. We have all been there, Sam. You can do this. Trust us the persistence pays off and the short term pain is worth the long term gain.bifvyoy have questions, please pm me. We are here for you.
    S_R_B00ZL3S likes this.
  5. S_R_B00ZL3S

    S_R_B00ZL3S Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, thank you. Yes it is. I think it will pay off soon. Actually just put in my two weeks and decided to get out to Vegas no matter what to help make this happen.
    A41:14A likes this.
  6. S_R_B00ZL3S

    S_R_B00ZL3S Fapstronaut

    Thank you man
    A41:14A likes this.
  7. S_R_B00ZL3S

    S_R_B00ZL3S Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the support, I've since relapsed and now I know what the chaser effect and brain fog is like. Brutal. I haven't made amends with my ex, but I put in my two weeks at work and am going to make it to Vegas by the end of the month. Time to jump.
    goattoram and A41:14A like this.
  8. goattoram

    goattoram Fapstronaut

    Way to go! We fear the unknown, and I commend you for stepping out into that. Keep going, and don't let the lost battles get you down!
    A41:14A likes this.