Strong Urges Ex Girlfriend (HELP)

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Dec 4, 2018.

  1. Hey guys,
    I broke with my ex girlfriend like 4 years ago, I know it's lot of time, but we had a great relationship.
    We ended because we got tired, we used to be together 24/7 blablabla

    Now I have strong urges to talk her via Facebook chat, and talk to her or tell her directly I wanna meet up and once we meet tell her I wanna fuck with her again.

    I don't know if I should do it, let me know your opinion, thanks
  2. Mmdcroft

    Mmdcroft Fapstronaut

    Don't rush ,just say hi and talk to her for a while see how things are going with her if it's good then
    Be with her again why not we all need such things
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. j0rdi3

    j0rdi3 Fapstronaut

    Hey Motiv3, nice prof pic.

    I'll speak from personal experience. Here's the thing, first off I'm not going to tell you that you should or should not do it (and no one should decide that for you). That's your own personal choice because you know her and (hopefully) you know yourself and how you two interact, your chemistry, whether your good for each other, etc...

    What I will say and hope that you understand is that no matter what you do it will never be exactly as it was when you were together in the past. That ship has sailed. Trust me as I've been there before and I've heard from others who've been there as well. It's been a long time since you two dated and you've both developed and walked down your own separate paths.

    That being said, it's your choice man, and you're the one who has to make it. Me personally, I believe in the artist's motto: Never look backwards, only proceed forwards.
    Haha but I guess it's different if you really can see her adding value to your future (and you adding value to hers)

    I know it's not what you wanted to hear but hope that helps, bro!

    Take it easy
    Individuate and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Thanks Im glad your like it

    I don't want to be back with her.

    I only want sex, or be friends with beneficts I know that ship sailed.

    Im always looking forwards but I have no girls to have sex with and Im so addicted because we used to f*ck everyday
    And sometimes she comes to my mind and here appears this urges...
  5. j0rdi3

    j0rdi3 Fapstronaut


    Yep, I've been there too.. Memory of (good) sex with someone is an incredibly powerful motivator. But I'll tell you this, if sex is your only motivator, girls are very smart (emotionally and intra-personally) and she will likely realize what your intentions are. If she wants the same thing then I suppose you get to have what you want.

    Personally if I were you I would use my hunger for sex as a powerful ally to help me workout to build up an amazing body or learn some super awesome skill with which I could eventually almost inevitably attract some hotter (maybe even sweeter) girl that I would be much happier with. Your choice all the way, bro
    Individuate likes this.
  6. Yes you are right, I should start going gym and build up my body.
    I know if you work hard girls naturally come to you, it's just me with my urges because I want sex and I think she might want too.
    Thanks you
  7. j0rdi3

    j0rdi3 Fapstronaut

    I'm happy to hear you say that.. And even though I don't know you, I'm proud of you for realizing that. Don't worry man. Things are always harder before they start getting easier. I have a foreign girlfriend from Croatia that I haven't made love to for over 3 months and it bothers me sometimes.. but then I go for a hardass workout and have a nice large meal and I always feel way better. You'll figure it out, man. Just keep moving along.
    Motiv3 likes this.
  8. Life_racer

    Life_racer Fapstronaut

    Never look backwards, only proceed forwards.