Has been a couple of months since I removed social media from my lifestyles

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Nov 13, 2018.

  1. Not sure when I first started getting away from social media (Instagram,Snapchat, Reddit, And YouTube and Twitter) it’s been a couple months that I have removed them from my life that I know of and it’s one of many great things i have done so far in my life that i am very proud of and it’s truly is beautiful to experience for yourself. I still have some issues with going on YouTube as it’s something I go on time to time for music but I definitely have had less time on it than I was before. I learned on my journey on hardmode that all of the social media apps that I’ve mention all have triggers and have a form of porn influence. I remember unfollowing so many people off my social media sites (ig models , etc u know what I mean) this really CHANGED my view on how I viewed things. Before I stopped going on social media I’ve seen women and people as not good enough cause my mindset was mostly set on ig models and not real attractive normal people. Now I see everyone beautiful in their own way no matter how non attractive they are and it’s really is beautiful to see the beauty in people. Social media in the past made my mind at only looking at appearance or their body and find the perfect person when in reality there isn’t. my mindset was trying to find someone who could be attractive as a women on social media that I’ve seen or similar. Hardmode really did help me recover from this and helped me change. I’m very greatful in slowly becoming my old good self. Social media was a big part in my relapses in the past when I would only reached 50 to 40 days. Now I’m passed a full year and I’ve never been so proud. I have so much time to do things such as pursuing my dreams, going out more to socialize with friends and family, Excerising, picking up new habits, creating a overall healthly lifestyle for myself. I highly recommend removing social media besides having one for messenging friends and family but that’s pretty much it.
  2. Marcelo48

    Marcelo48 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, social media is really toxic and no one should be around it, especially us who are rebooting and have to fight through urges all the time.
    YoungBaller23 likes this.
  3. Congratulations
    YoungBaller23 likes this.
  4. im the best

    im the best Fapstronaut

    It's true when i started nofap with it i uninstalled ig coz other social app i rarely use ..accept Utube which is still I'm using to listen songs... actually nowadays music sounds better and also for studying with entertainment... i use Utube.
  5. maxmayer

    maxmayer Fapstronaut

    Wow, this is really a serious deed. How did you decide on this? Does it help?
  6. Absolutely it helped 100%, social media apps I used in the past really didn’t help with the intense urges, especially when i passed full year on hardmode so keeping away from social media that contains triggers is the best way u can do for yourself, media sites that contain sexual images etc can give u a rough time in recovering and could lead to a relaspe as it happened before in the past.
  7. Congrats bro, I came to the same decision about a year ago as well.

    I only had facebook and instagram, facebook I've had forever but barely used so that was kinda easy. Instagram was just mainly a time waster. I still have my instagram account and look at it once every couple of weeks though I immediately delete the app immediately after I'm done, I find this works with me. I never had snapchat though the very nature of the app makes it a problem in my opinion. I've had a couple of buddies in some major troubles due to that app and the sense of "privacy" and "security" it gives. Well social media is not the devil in my opinion it certainly should not be a major part of anyones life unless your instafamous or a marketer.
  8. You are doing it right bro, leaving social medias help you brain to recover faster, I think it's time to leave Facebook again and to stop watching TV so much (this one is my main trigger atm). Keep going up, you'll get there soon enough!
    YoungBaller23 likes this.
  9. maxmayer

    maxmayer Fapstronaut

    you have great willpower! I hope you will succees in this, just keep doing it. And honestly, i can understand your decision because social media nowadays is smth triggered and annoying.
    YoungBaller23 likes this.
  10. Thanks! and it took a while for me to be where I’m at now but I will never trade it for a quick release.
  11. It’s the opposite for me I use Snapchat for talking to friends but I don’t look at other people’s stories as it’s something that could trigger an urge but Instagram i haven’t deleted my account but I also do the same I get on their once every couple of months just to check in on my dms or notifications. Instagram for me is definitely a trigger as I still haven’t unfollowed people on their yet since I have it deleted on my phone.
  12. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Very good choice to leave social-media behind indeed!
    Although I still have my Facebook-account, I am rarely using it anymore because it used to bring me so much anxiety and feelings of insufficiency every time I used it. To see others' photos portraying their life-highlights made me feel like having the worst and most meaningless life of anyone in the world and PMO didn't exactly help improving this feeling either. So I am more than glad to have left that poison behind.
    People who constantly put up pictures and update their statuses are usually nothing but attention-whores who constantly seek others' approval in order to feel good about themselves. When they don't get as many likes as expected, their world is shattered and depression-like feelings starts to kick in.
    If you are a truly confident and secure person, you have no need whatsoever to be on social media and seek other peoples' approval. You let your actions in the real world speak for themselves instead.
    YoungBaller23 likes this.
  13. Exactly I use to delete photos etc when they didn’t receive enough likes and constantly post on my social media to see who was viewing it in the past but now that all has changed. And I agreee with see other people’s lives and we compare it to ours which makes us think we arnt good enough and that also connects to our self confidence too quiting social media has made me more secure and have confidence in myself and I no longer Care of seeking approval from others.
    Angus McGyver likes this.