
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Tafi, Nov 10, 2018.

  1. Tafi

    Tafi Fapstronaut

    When I quit I feel so depressed and I feel my soul and heart is so empty can't describe more than this,any help or advise?!?!
    aricking likes this.
  2. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    There is no easy way, i'm sorry.
    When you quit pmo you just have to face the consequences of your past behaviour, you have to face the depression, the withdrawals, you have to face who you really are.

    It sucks, and there is no shortcut.
  3. Tafi

    Tafi Fapstronaut

    aricking likes this.
  4. I know what you mean man. Gotta remind that pmo don't solve these issues at all, its an escape, but nothing gets solved with pmo.

    I noticed a lot of mixed emotions when i quited pmo. I have to face myself.. all my issues.. all the emotions, and not going back to pmo.
    aricking, ? ? ?, Tafi and 1 other person like this.
  5. Tafi

    Tafi Fapstronaut

    But in the past when i quit i hadn't it ,now i have it...,I wish everything good for all of us,pmo is like gourmand monster don't leave any person till it end everything good inside him.Thanks for the comment btw
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Yeah, thats good to remind, that pmo did not help anyone to accomplish their goals, more the opposite.

    I believe on the nofap journey, different approaches are needed. One day may be easy, other day a lot of willpower is needed. One day feeling very good, other day not good. But i know one thing, when someone is addicted to anything for that matter, underlying issues will eventually come more towards the surface, because its not covered up by the addiction anymore. Have to work on your life, doing soul searching, getting to know what is really important in your life.
    I have noticed that when i switched to a vegan lifestyle, this did great for my (mental) health, more energy, better mood.
    Keep it going mate
    Tafi likes this.
  7. Tafi

    Tafi Fapstronaut

    Thanks,I hope we can reach 1 year no pmo that's my goal for now I think,and I hope mood swing stops
    aricking and Deleted Account like this.
  8. Me too man, ultimately i wanna do nofap as a lifestyle, but because its still hard at times, i still see it as a challenge.. to overcome that pmo habit.
    Dont forget that it doesnt end with nofap mate, if there are mood swings, try to improve your life in regards to all areas. The switch in diet has been of huge benefit to me, cant say that enough
  9. Tafi

    Tafi Fapstronaut

    Highest streak was 1 month and about 4 weeks i done it before i knew nofap,and sure it's challenging when i be very sad or very angry and so so lonely i think about it again,the problem is i can't solve anyone of them...,I just try but no 100% solution for it.About improving my life is hard because of this life I live I have problems in blood pressure sometimes gets high sometimes gets low,and it's feeling is so so bad feel extremly dizzy and your head is so heavy,while i write those words now I feel with this feeling btw.Anyway I hope my life changes to the better,and can you tell me benefits of becoming a vegan? Because I see it's bad to stop eat meat
    aricking likes this.
  10. I was inspired by Infinite Waters on youtube, to go vegan, if you're interested check it out. I can truly say it has been a blessing for my health. Take care, take it easy
  11. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    You have to rebuild yourself with new habits and hobbies and so on. That empty hole that stays there after porn needs to be filled with amazing things - new things. Good luck to you. It is a long-term process. Especially when porn was your everything. And you don't need to go vegan when you do nofap, that's just one of the ways. You can, for example, start calistenics !! :emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle:
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2018
    ? ? ? likes this.
  12. Tafi

    Tafi Fapstronaut

    I will find way to end this ,thanks!
    aricking and 4DCreator like this.
  13. ? ? ?

    ? ? ? Fapstronaut
